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Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:38 am
by Antonio Linares
> All the FiveWin command available in FiveTouch

No. Only those found in

You can create your own commands too

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:45 am
by bpd2000
Antonio Linares wrote:> All the FiveWin command available in FiveTouch

No. Only those found in

You can create your own commands too

Ok, but every time new is generated when I run FiveTouch

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:53 am
by Antonio Linares
Your can create your own commands into a separate and #include it from your PRG

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:36 pm
by xfood
Hi, I'm starting to use the fivetouch with examples found here in the forum ,
I would like to know how do I read the value of a cell in the selected row of a QtableView ?
msginfo(oBrw:setCurrentCell(oBrw:rowCount()-1,0):value) // I would love to return
Thanks a lot

Salve, sto iniziando ad utilizzare la fivetouch con esempi trovati qui nel forum,
vorrei sapere come faccio a leggere il valore di una cella della riga selezionata di una QtableView?
msginfo(oBrw:setCurrentCell(oBrw:rowCount()-1,0):value) // mi piacerebbe ritornasse kinder barrette
Grazie mille

// ------------------------ ELENCO
FUNCTION Elenco( fDbf, fNtx )
local oDlg := QDialog()
local oBrw := QTableView( oDlg )
local oModel := QStandardItemModel( 3, 4, oDlg )
LOCAL nNumRecord := 0, i, oIcon
LOCAL oBtnEnd, oBtnTp, oBtnBt,obtninfo

* --- Dichiaro Button
@ 335, 25 BUTTON oBtnEnd PROMPT "Abbandona" OF oDlg ;
ACTION oDlg:End()

@ 335, 150 BUTTON oBtnTp PROMPT "Inizio" OF oDlg ;
ACTION Inizio( oBrw )

@ 335, 250 BUTTON oBtnBt PROMPT "Fine" OF oDlg ;
ACTION Fine( oBrw )

@ 335, 370 BUTTON oBtnBtInfo PROMPT "info" OF oDlg ;
ACTION msginfo(oBrw:setCurrentCell(oBrw:rowCount()-1,0)) // * Mi da errore Me error :(

* --- Imposto Icone nei Pulsanti
*oBtnEnd:SetIcon( QIcon(xPath + "Exit.png") )

oBtnTp:SetIcon( QIcon(xPath + "go-top.png") )

oBtnBt:SetIcon( QIcon(xPath + "go-bottom.png") )

* --- Apro File
USE( fDbf ) INDEX ( fNtx ) ALIAS Dati NEW
nNumRecord := Dati->( RecCount() )

* --- Imposto Intestazione
oModel:SetHorizontalHeaderItem( 0, QStandardItem( "Codice" ) )
oModel:SetHorizontalHeaderItem( 1, QStandardItem( "Descrizione" ) )
oModel:SetHorizontalHeaderItem( 2, QStandardItem( "Q.t?" ) )
oModel:SetHorizontalHeaderItem( 3, QStandardItem( "Prezzo" ) )

* --- Carico Dati
For i = 0 TO nNumRecord
oModel:SetItem( i, 0, QStandardItem( Dati->CODICE ) ) // 001
oModel:SetItem( i, 1, QStandardItem( Dati->DESC ) ) // kinder barrette
oModel:SetItem( i, 2, QStandardItem( STR(Dati->QTA) ) ) // 3
oModel:SetItem( i, 3, QStandardItem( STR(Dati->PRE) ) ) //1.40
Dati->( DBSKIP() )

* --- Chiudo File

* --- Imposto Form Principale
oDlg:SetWindowTitle( "Elenco" )
oDlg:Resize( 450, 370 )

* --- Imposto Form Browse
oBrw:SetModel( oModel )
oBrw:Resize( 445, 330 )

* --- Imposto Larghezza Colonne della Browse
oBrw:setColumnWidth(0, 90)
oBrw:setColumnWidth(1, 190)
oBrw:setColumnWidth(2, 40)
oBrw:setColumnWidth(3, 50)

* --- Esecuzione


Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:07 pm
by Antonio Linares

MsgInfo( oModel:Data( oModel:Index( nRow, nCol ), 0 ):ToString() )

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:12 am
by xfood
Excuse Antonio
how do I do a refresh
after updating the data browse ?
oModel : refresh( ) does not work Why ?

Scusami Antonio
come faccio a fare un refresh
dopo avere aggiornato i dati del browse ?
oModel:refresh() non funziona Perche?

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:44 pm
by xfood
Grazie.. Antonio

thanks works

Antonio Linares wrote:Gaetano,

MsgInfo( oModel:Data( oModel:Index( nRow, nCol ), 0 ):ToString() )

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:52 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please try this to refresh the browse, after modifying the model data:

oBrw:SetModel( oModel )

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:48 am
by xfood
Hi Antonio,
I would like to ask you a couple of things for me very important
1) you can use the server to Netio fivetouch to read and write DBF remote?
2) I could use an example from fivetouc to read a dbf remote Netio,
I have a PC that is on the table dbf aggirona every 20 seconds,
I would like an example of fivetouch that reads .dbf "Incassi.dbf" and I populate a grid
update it every 20 seconds with a time, you can?
3) Where can I download the server Netio to do some testing?
4) What should I do to upgrade to fiveTouch developer, and when does it cost?
(I've already seen the release of fivetouch complimentary)
Thanks a lot
Greetings from Italy

Ciao Antonio,
vorrei chiederti un paio di cose per me molto importanti
1) si puo utilizzare il server netio da fivetouch per leggere e scrivere dbf remoti?
2) mi servirebbe un esempio da fivetouc per leggere un dbf remoto con netio,
io ho una tabella dbf su pc che si aggirona ogni 20 secondi,
vorrei un esempio su fivetouch che legge il dbf "Incassi.dbf" e mi popola una grid
aggiornandola ogni 20 secondi con un time, รจ possibile?
3) dove posso scaricare il server netio per fare qualche prova?
4) Cosa dovrei fare per passare alla versione fiveTouch developer, e quando costa?
( visto che ho gia la versione di fivetouch in omaggio)
Grazie mille

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:34 am
by solving
me too
I'm interested
thank you

I put an example with FTP ( filezilla use as a server )
in fivetouch forum Spanish

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:46 am
by xfood
Ciao solving
Mi chiamo Gaetano
E sono di Agrigento,
Mi piacerebbe scambiare 2 idee
Con te visto che anche tu sei
Italiano e magari capisco meglio
Un paio di cosette,
Ti lascio la mia E-mail
Qgaetano71@Gmail. Com

solving wrote:me too
I'm interested
thank you

I put an example with FTP ( filezilla use as a server )
in fivetouch forum Spanish

Re: Info FiveTouch

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:43 pm
by Antonio Linares

> 1) you can use the server to Netio fivetouch to read and write DBF remote?

I have not tested it myself

> 2) I could use an example from fivetouc to read a dbf remote Netio,
> I have a PC that is on the table dbf aggirona every 20 seconds,
> I would like an example of fivetouch that reads .dbf "Incassi.dbf" and I populate a grid
> update it every 20 seconds with a time, you can?

Sorry, I am not used to Netio

> 3) Where can I download the server Netio to do some testing?

I don't know it. Surely a Netio user will be able to help you. Look in these forums for Netio.

> 4) What should I do to upgrade to fiveTouch developer, and when does it cost?

You can order it from, its price is listed there. thanks