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Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:11 pm
by Gale FORd
You can use a finger to scroll in browse and listbox. Scroll bars are a part of the Windows interface and still work as expected. You need scroll bars if you are using mouse or track pad anyway.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:28 pm
by hmpaquito
your application, automatically open the keyboard when editing a get? The keyboard after closing the get closes automatically? Moves the screen up when the keyboard appears? Answer: NO. Why? Because an application is not 100% tablet, but a tablet application for simulation. And the customer does it say? Well, tell that the application is strange compared to what he normally see.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:12 pm
by TimStone
Apparently you simply want to be a critic of Microsoft because you "assume facts not in evidence".

In fact, my app works fine and my customers are quite pleased with how it works. I can assure you the tablet interface is no different than what I get on an iPad, but it is very appropriate to commercial applications.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:57 pm
by James Bott

I think you are comparing apples and oranges. I have never seen a touch application for heavy duty commercial use. Touch is just too tedious and slow.

Using a keyboard and mouse is ten times faster than using touch. Touch is only really useable when you have very limited data entry and manipulation. I think this is why so many business users are so frustrated with Windows 8x. Expert users are used to using keystrokes for just about everything and constantly having to use touch on the screen really slows them down.

So, although FW does not use the standard "modern" interface, it is still great at creating business apps that will also run under Windows 8x and presumably Windows 10.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:28 pm
by TimStone

First, I have all my clients on Win 8.1 u1 without any frustration. They exercise the option to boot to desktop, and then it is very easy for them.

Actually, the issue here is "tablet" and not touch. In my application there are times when the guys want to grab a tablet off the counter and walk out to a vehicle. They can use it to start workorders, while doing an interview with the customer. They also like them for inventory checks. The software needs to be sensitive to these uses and make them very easy.

With a windows tablet ( like the surface ) this is an easy and powerful opportunity. The tablet stays in a docking station, and has an automatic mode that pushes the output to a large screen monitor. I suggest a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, so working on it is just like any other workstation. However, if they want to walk out with a client, take some photos of the work to be performed, and create an estimate while in a face to face conversation, it immediately switches to wifi, and of course it is fully charged ( having been in the dock ). They do the work and send the customer inside to sign an estimate, and take off. They can go from one client to another this way.

Another great place to use a tablet is in a store when you want to accompany a customer while they are looking. You can check stock on an item, and enter their sales, never losing that face to face interaction. It updates the data files on the server through wireless. It is a wonderful way to provide far more personalized service.

All of this can be done easily, and effectively, with FWH programming.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:41 am
by Otto

I faced a problem under windows 8 DESKTOP mode.
You can drag (scroll ) with the mouse but not with the finger.
Maybe there is a setup entry that finger is working for dragging.
Best regards,

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:27 am
by Antonio Linares
I am using Windows 10 (I have tested three different builds, currently using 10049 build).

Harbour and FWH are working fine with it.

Windows 10 is still quite unstable, I know it is a beta, so hopefully it will be improving.

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:48 pm
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
I don’t have WINDOWS 10 installed.
Is dragging really working for you.
Can you for example test with xbrowed.exe from the FWH/samples.
Do you have the same functionality with finger as if you work with left key press and drag.
Thanks in advance

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:37 pm
by cnavarro
I do not understand your comment
I have used this program as evidence samples and scroll works well by clicking on the scroll bar or two fingers
You want keeping a finger pressed on track and moving up or down data to move in that direction?

No entiendo su comentario
Yo he usado ese programa de samples como prueba y el scroll funciona bien pulsando sobre la barra de scroll o con dos dedos
Usted quiere que manteniendo un dedo pulsado sobre un registro y moviendo hacia arriba o hacia abajo se muevan los datos en esa direccion?

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:46 am
by Otto
Hello Cristobal,

I want keeping a finger pressed on TOUCHSCREEN and moving up or down data to move in that direction?

What version of WINDOWS are you using.
Are you working in desktop mode of WINDOWS 8?
Do you have installed advance touch drivers?
Thanks in advance

Re: OT: Windows 10 and FWH

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:01 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Otto wrote:Hello Cristobal,

I want keeping a finger pressed on TOUCHSCREEN and moving up or down data to move in that direction?

What version of WINDOWS are you using.
Are you working in desktop mode of WINDOWS 8?
Do you have installed advance touch drivers?
Thanks in advance

Probably if you set oBrw:lKinetic to .t., we should be able to move screen up and down.