My final thoughts despois two weeks without problems.
Acresentei this function.
If! WIN_OSNETREGOK () // Need ADM rights
If! WIN_OSNETREGOK (.t.,. T.) // First .t. is to adjust XP / ... W98, the second adjusts the view.
MsgInfo ('Registration not set windows!')
removed from database class.
how to use DBF + CDX acrecentei the opening of the main .PRG
AutoShare SET TO 0
recreated with all dbf HARBOUR and updated
and finally (do not believe that is the problem, but ...) EVERY removed the indexing
INDEX ON type + DTOS (dtem) TAG dtem EVAL (oMetCdx: Set (RECNO ()), SysRefresh ()) // EVERY nRegCdx
these were my steps, hope it helps someone who pass by this problem, one thing I noticed is that the error will always be ours, of course, sometimes some updates compiler error occurs. but it is very rare.
Close the sistem
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