xHb1.2.3/ FWH1312/BCC5.8.2
Antonio Linares wrote:Where is the most recent code version to use ? thanks
Antonio Linares wrote:Where is the most recent code version to use ? thanks
Antonio Linares wrote:Dutch,
I think it is better that once that we have properly running EasyDialog we may consider to include it in FWH.
So firt of all, we should get it working so we can all test it
karinha wrote:Good Morning. Forecast of news on this topic? Will FiveTech have its own EASY DIALOG or not?
Buen día. ¿Pronóstico de noticias sobre este tema? ¿FiveTech tendrá su propio DIÁLOGO FÁCIL o no?
Regards, saludos.
karinha wrote:Good Morning. Forecast of news on this topic? Will FiveTech have its own EASY DIALOG or not?
Buen día. ¿Pronóstico de noticias sobre este tema? ¿FiveTech tendrá su propio DIÁLOGO FÁCIL o no?
Regards, saludos.
Antonio Linares wrote:Mr. Rao will answer this as he has developed it already, as far as I know