Re: xbrdbu : new version
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:16 pm
desdesummer87 wrote:Greetings mister Franklin.
I beg you excuse my ignorance.. .: Would it be possible to get in XBRDBU, that to rename a field the restrained data did not get lost in the same...?
Thank you for your attention.
I give not attention till now on these matter. First impression : when a Dbf is active , Modify srtucture must at least load the active structure.
Personally i use a routine which uses a datadirectory (Text witch describes the dbf structure's) .
I adopted it from a library i bought +/- 1992 (* Copyright(c) 1991 -- James Occhiogrosso)
If you are intrested : i will send it when i have your e-mail adress.
Last week i worked on Edit (Copy record , Paste Record , Insert record Edit record)
Next week i hope to work on Modify structure