Without Windows Manifest.nageswaragunupudi wrote:We sent you FiveH.lib and FiveHC.lib.
First please make a safe copy of your present FWH2310 folder
Then replace these two libs in your fwh\lib folder with the libs we sent you now.
Then, please test this program and provide your feedback.Code: Select all | Expand
#include "fivewin.ch" REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_TRWIN function Main() local oDlg, oGet, oFont, nKey := 0 local cText := Space( 10 ) HB_CDPSELECT( "TRWIN" ) FW_SetUnicode( .f. ) SetGetColorFocus() DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0,-20 //CHARSET 162 // Use the charset that works for you DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 450,300 PIXEL TRUEPIXEL FONT oFont ; TITLE FWVERSION @ 40, 40 GET oGet VAR cText SIZE 200,32 PIXEL OF oDlg ON CHANGE ; ( cText := oGet:cText, oDlg:Update() ) oGet:bKeyChar := { |k| nKey := k } @ 40,300 SAY { || "Key: " + Str( nKey, 3 ) } SIZE 120,30 PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE @ 80, 40 SAY { || StrToHex( Trim( cText ), " " ) } SIZE 390,32 PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE @ 120, 40 SAY { || ListAsc( cText ) } SIZE 390,70 PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE @ 200, 40 SAY { || If( IsWindowUnicode( oGet:hWnd ), "UTF8", "ANSI" ) + ; " GET" } SIZE 200,32 PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE @ 200,310 BUTTON "CHECK" SIZE 100,40 PIXEL OF oDlg ACTION ; MsgInfo( IsWindowUnicode( oGet:hWnd ) ) odlg:brclicked := { || msginfo( IsWindowUnicode( oGet:hWnd ) ) } ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED cText := Trim( cText ) ? cText, StrToHex( cText ), IsUtf8( cText ) return nil static function ListAsc( cText ) local aList := {} local c cText := Trim( cText ) for each c in cText AAdd( aList, ASC( c ) ) next return FW_ArrayAsList( aList )
With Windows Manifest.