Hi Antonio,
Need some help with syntax...
I am trying to create a bunch of buttons with the text in aData.
The text on the button part work fine.
The code below will send text from one browser window to its parent.
The last part (where is has aData[I] at the end of the ACTION line) is where I am having issues. I cant seem to get it to give me the text in aData[I].
If I leave off the + aData[I] and just place text in the quotes (.value+" some text") it will send the " some test" to the parent window.
Can you see where I am going wrong???
I hope I have explained this clearly.
Code: Select all | Expand
Function Test()
LOCAL I, aData:={}
FOR I = 1 to 30
aadd( aData,"Some text #"+STR(I) )
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg1 TITLE "Test" SIZE 1100, 400
FOR I = 1 to LEN(aData)
@ nRow, 19 BUTTON aData[I] SIZE 600, 40 OF oDlg1 ;
ACTION ('window.opener.document.getElementById("oGetInterp").value=window.opener.document.getElementById("oGetInterp").value+" " + aData[I] ' )
nRow = nRow + 50
Return Nil