New Class: TCalendar

New Class: TCalendar

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:53 pm


New Class to SysMonthCal32 window control, now inside fivewin

we can make calendars and config very easy
3 important features:

1) we can set "BOLD" some days, using MCS_DAYSTATE style (see sample bellow)

2) dobleclik is enable over days, the control nos support this feature but is simulate perfectly

3) Launch action (bAction) with ENTER

Code sample

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#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

   LOCAL oWnd, oCal, oDtp1, oDtp2, oDtp3, oDtp4, oCbx
   LOCAL oSayClr
   LOCAL nColor
   LOCAL dDate1, dDate2, dDate3, dDate4, dDate5, dDate6
   LOCAL cItemClr
   LOCAL lWeekNumbers   := .F.
   LOCAL lNoTodayCircle := .F.
   LOCAL lNoToday       := .F.
   LOCAL lDayState      := .F.
   LOCAL oRange3, aRanges2 := { , }
   LOCAL oRange4
   LOCAL aColorItems    := { "MCSC_BACKGROUND  " ,;
                             "MCSC_TEXT        " ,;
                             "MCSC_TITLEBK     " ,;
                             "MCSC_TITLETEXT   " ,;
                             "MCSC_MONTHBK     " ,;
                             "MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT" }
   LOCAL oDayOfWeek, cDayOfWeek:="Monday", aDayOfWeek:={"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"}                          
   LOCAL oCal2
   LOCAL oRange1, aRanges := { , }
   LOCAL oRange2
   LOCAL oMax, nMax
   LOCAL lSunday   := .T.
   LOCAL lSaturday := .T.

     SET EPOCH TO 1980  
   dDate1 = Date()
   dDate2 = Date()
   dDate3 = Date()
   dDate4 = Date() + 7
   dDate5 = Date()
   dDate6 = Date()
   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Test Calendar" FROM 0, 0 TO 600, 600 PIXEL
   // Start Calendar 1
  @ 001, 205 CALENDAR oCal VAR dDate1 OF oWnd PIXEL;
              DBLCLICK MsgInfo( oCal:GetDate() );
              ON CHANGE oDtp2:cText := oCal:GetDate() SIZE 200, 170;
              ACTION( MsgInfo( "ok" ) );
   @ 001, 001 BUTTON "Get Today" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION oDtp1:cText := oCal:GetToday()
   @ 025, 001 BUTTON "Set Today" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION oCal:SetToday( dDate1 )
   @ 012, 105 DTPICKER oDtp1 VAR dDate1 OF oWnd PIXEL
   @ 050, 001 BUTTON "Get Color" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION( oSayClr:SetColor( CLR_BLACK, oCal:GetColors( oCbx:nAt - 1 ) ), oSayClr:Refresh() )
   @ 050, 105 BUTTON "Set Color" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION( nColor := ChooseColor(), ;
                                                                     oCal:SetColor( oCbx:nAt - 1, nColor ), ;
                                                                     oSayClr:SetColor( CLR_BLACK, nColor ),;
                                                                     oSayClr:Refresh() )
   @ 075, 001 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cItemClr PROMPTS aColorItems PIXEL SIZE 205, 200 OF oWnd
   @ 100, 001 SAY oSayClr VAR "        " PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 OF oWnd BORDER
   @ 125, 001 BUTTON "Get 1 Day Week" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL ACTION( cDayofWeek := aDayOfWeek[ oCal:GetFirstDayOfWeek() + 1 ], oDayOfWeek:Refresh() )
   @ 125, 105 BUTTON "Set 1 Day Week" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL ACTION( oCal:SetFirstDayOfWeek( oDayOfWeek:FindString( cDayOfWeek ) - 1 ) )
   @ 150, 001 COMBOBOX oDayOfWeek VAR cDayofWeek ITEMS aDayOfWeek OF oWnd SIZE 205, 200 PIXEL

   @ 175, 001 BUTTON "Get Selected Day" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION Msginfo( oCal:GetDate() )
   @ 200, 001 BUTTON "Set Selected Day" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION oCal:SetDate( dDate2 )
   @ 186, 105 DTPICKER oDtp2 VAR dDate2 OF oWnd PIXEL  

   @ 175, 210 BUTTON "Get Range" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ;
              ACTION( aRanges2 := oCal:GetRange(), oRange3:Refresh(), oRange4:Refresh() )
   @ 175, 310 GET oRange3 VAR aRanges2[ 1 ] OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL
   @ 175, 420 GET oRange4 VAR aRanges2[ 2 ] OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL

   @ 200, 210 BUTTON "Set Range" OF oWnd PIXEL SIZE 100, 020 ACTION oCal:SetRange( dDate5, dDate6 )
   @ 200, 315 DTPICKER oDtp3 VAR dDate5 OF oWnd PIXEL
   @ 200, 420 DTPICKER oDtp4 VAR dDate6 OF oWnd PIXEL
   @ 001, 410 CHECKBOX oCal:lWeekNumbers PROMPT "Week Numbers" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL;
              ON CHANGE  oCal:SetWeekNumbers( oCal:lWeekNumbers )
   @ 025, 410 CHECKBOX oCal:lNoTodayCircle PROMPT "No Today Circle" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL;
              ON CHANGE  oCal:SetNoTodayCircle( oCal:lNoTodayCircle )
   @ 050, 410 CHECKBOX oCal:lNoToday PROMPT "No Today" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL;
              ON CHANGE  oCal:SetNoToday( oCal:lNoToday )

     oCal:bGotFocus  := {|| oCal:SetTitleBk( CLR_YELLOW ) }
     oCal:bLostFocus := {|| oCal:SetTitleBk( GetSysColor( COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION ) ) }
   // Start Calendar 2
   @ 250, 001 CALENDAR oCal2 VAR dDate3, dDate4 OF oWnd PIXEL MULTISELECT DAYSTATE;
              DBLCLICK MsgInfo( oCal2:GetDate() ) SIZE 550, 170 COLOR CLR_BLACK, CLR_HRED

   @ 230, 001 SAY "MONTHS DISPLAYED: " + StrZero( ocal2:GetVisibleMonths(), 2 )  OF oWnd PIXEL COLOR CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLACK

   @ 430, 001 BUTTON "Get Selected Range" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL ;
              ACTION( aRanges := oCal2:GetDateRange(), oRange1:Refresh(), oRange2:Refresh() )
   @ 430, 105 GET oRange1 VAR aRanges[ 1 ] OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL
   @ 430, 210 GET oRange2 VAR aRanges[ 2 ] OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL

     oCal2:bGotFocus  := {|| oCal2:SetTitleBk( CLR_YELLOW ) }
     oCal2:bLostFocus := {|| oCal2:SetTitleBk( CLR_HRED ) }

   nMax = oCal2:GetMaxSelCount()
   @ 455, 001 BUTTON "Set Max Selected Day" OF oWnd SIZE 150, 20 PIXEL ;
              ACTION( oCal2:SetMaxSelCount( nMax ) )
   @ 455, 155 GET oMax VAR nMax OF oWnd SIZE 50, 20 PIXEL SPINNER ;
              MIN 1 MAX 60
   @ 480, 001 CHECKBOX oCal2:lDayState PROMPT "Day State" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL;
              ON CHANGE( oCal2:SetDayStateStyle( oCal2:lDayState ), ;
                        If( oCal2:lDayState, ( OnGetState( oCal2, lSunday, lSaturday ), oCal2:SetDayState() ), ) )

   @ 505, 001 CHECKBOX lSunday PROMPT "Bold Sunday" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL

   @ 530, 001 CHECKBOX lSaturday PROMPT "Bold Saturday" OF oWnd SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL

    OnGetState( oCal2, lSunday, lSaturday )
    oCal2:bOnGetState = { | oCal | OnGetState( oCal, lSunday, lSaturday ) }


Function OnGetState( oCal, lSun, lSat )
   LOCAL i, imax, j, jmax, nDay, nDayState, nMonth
   LOCAL dStartDate
   LOCAL dCurrentDay := oCal:dDate
   dStartDate = oCal:dDate

   imax   := Len( oCal:aDayState )
   nMonth := Month( dStartDate )

   FOR i:=1 TO imax
      nDayState := 0

      FOR j:=1 TO 31
         nDay := DoW( dStartDate ) - 2
         IF nDay < 0
            nDay += 7

         IF nDay == 5 .AND. lSat
            oCal:SetArrayDayState( i, j )

         IF nDay == 6 .AND. lSUN
            oCal:SetArrayDayState( i, j )
         dStartDate ++

         IF Month( dStartDate ) <> nMonth

      nMonth       := Month( dStartDate )

   oCal:SetDate( dCurrentDay )

return nil
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby driessen » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:30 am


It looks great. Thanks for your efforts.

But where do we find ?

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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:28 am


driessen wrote:But where do we find ?

will come next fivewin version
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby driessen » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:31 am


Thanks for the info.

Michel D.
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby MdaSolution » Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:52 am

Why not create Tcalendar as OUTLOOK CALENDAR with day, Week, Mounth show header and th epossbility to create an appointment, I think this is not hard for you.
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Otto » Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:00 am


Have a look at this thread:


You can change the class. This is what I use it for.
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby MdaSolution » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:58 pm

I saw your pickdate
But where I can create a test as your picture ( ?
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:09 pm


MdaSolution wrote:DAniel,
Why not create Tcalendar as OUTLOOK CALENDAR with day, Week, Mounth show header and th epossbility to create an appointment, I think this is not hard for you.

always is hard ;)
but, the most difficult job is to have everyone happy and satisfied
I always try to improve or innovate, I expect answers and see the reaction of users to changes
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Richard Chidiak » Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:25 pm


You have done an excellent job, it is very useful

Though i agree with Mdasolution, a fivewin control like outlook calendar will be excellent

Codejock has the best calendar (appointment) control i have seen, it is pretty much like outlook

it is a dream having the same control in fivewin,

Hopefully we get it one day


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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby richard-service » Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:18 pm

Richard Chidiak wrote:Daniel

You have done an excellent job, it is very useful

Though i agree with Mdasolution, a fivewin control like outlook calendar will be excellent

Codejock has the best calendar (appointment) control i have seen, it is pretty much like outlook

it is a dream having the same control in fivewin,

Hopefully we get it one day



Now, I finished Codejock's Ribbonbar, MenuBar, OutLookBar ActiveX.
Calendar ActiveX need more time to know EVEN and xml be connect.
Best Regards,


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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby mgsoft » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Me too;)

And also I am waiting that Buttons in 2007 clause look like I explained.


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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Otto » Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:21 pm

Buttons in 2007 clause


I reread the thread and for me it seems as your problem was solved with Mr. NageswaraRao's answer to use SkinButtons().
Would you be so kind to repost what is missing?
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby mgsoft » Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:15 am


The use of SkinButtons() do not paint the buttons as:

Regards :D

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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby MdaSolution » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:39 pm


For create calendar as Outlook 2003 I thinked to create a double array xbrowse

with hours and days

why we cannot use xbrowse or a class from xbrowse ?

we can inseert mouse method to select row and column

I think i not know how make it but perhaps all together we can create it
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Re: New Class: TCalendar

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:38 pm


i'm working about your suggestion ;)

but i need more time

i hope can make that

tcalendar is a window api control, but outlook calendar not

there are many calendar class, did you tried?
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