HTML Editor

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HTML Editor

Post by Ollie »

I want the user to setup an email template (using basic Bold, Underline, Colour functions, even imbed pics as a "nice to have") so that I can merge it with data from the database.

My thinking is that the email template will look like this:

Dear <<firstname>>

You have <<qty>> items on back order. These items will be ready on <<date>>.

Which when 'filled in' becomes:

Dear Johnny

You have 8 items on back order. These items will be ready on 2007/05/05.

Where I am stuck is giving the user a basic, easy HTML editor. Does anyone know of something I can use? I don't want to have to write an HTML editor - (I don't think I could anyway), but I feel its 'reinventing the wheel'.

All comments / advice appreciated.
Many thanks

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by NK »

Ollie wrote:I want the user to setup an email template (using basic Bold, Underline, Colour functions, even imbed pics as a "nice to have") so that I can merge it with data from the database.

My thinking is that the email template will look like this:

Dear <<firstname>>

You have <<qty>> items on back order. These items will be ready on <<date>>.

Which when 'filled in' becomes:

Dear Johnny

You have 8 items on back order. These items will be ready on 2007/05/05.

Where I am stuck is giving the user a basic, easy HTML editor. Does anyone know of something I can use? I don't want to have to write an HTML editor - (I don't think I could anyway), but I feel its 'reinventing the wheel'.

All comments / advice appreciated.

Dear Johnny,

you can write your mails with RTF and with IRUN.DLL convert to html.
1. Download irun.dll from
2. regsvr32 irun.dll /s
3. Insert this function to sour source:

cDest AS LPSTR, ;
nOption AS LONG, ;
cTitel AS LPSTR, ;

4. Write your mail in rtf with TRichEdit() and save it to an file.
5. Convert your Mailtext from rtf to html with:
cRTFfile := "Test.rtf" // Sample
cHTMfile := "Test.htm" // Sample
EXRTF2WEB( cRTFfile, cHTMfile, 16, "FFFFFF", "Title", 72 )

it works fine and converts all fonts, bolds, understikes .....

Regards, Norbert
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Post by Ollie »

Sounds promising, thanks. Would it also handle imbedded pics?
Many thanks

xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406)
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danielr cyberia®
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Post by danielr cyberia® »

nk, hi how are you

it's wonderfull this solutions, but i have a problem with the image resource, because the images save to wmf -windows meta file - and the html don't support this ext. i can get gif image when i change a value but don't looking well.

anybody had trying this///

i wish to use this dll or another one but with this result.

thanks a lot

daniel rivas
Best Regards- Saludos y Exitos

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Post by NK »

danielr cyberia® wrote:nk, hi how are you

it's wonderfull this solutions, but i have a problem with the image resource, because the images save to wmf -windows meta file - and the html don't support this ext. i can get gif image when i change a value but don't looking well.

Please look at the new Version 1.20 on

IRun can generate GIF images for WMF or EMF type of images or can leave the original image depending on your selections. You can change the generated image size by determining the DPI setting for the conversion process.

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by Romeo »

CAN YOU HELP ME TO GET DPI from a generic bmp files ?
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Re: HTML Editor

Post by Otto »

I use the mail merge function of MS WORD (Office) for this task.
Best regards,
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Re: HTML Editor

Post by Antonio Linares »


Would you be so kind to post an example ? thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by Otto »

There is not much programming necessary in FIVEWIN .

1) I create a mail merge recipients file which is a ASCII file.

Code: Select all | Expand

dateineu := fcreate( cAppPath + "TempWord\recipients.txt",0)

This file has a header line where all the merge fields are stored and then as many data lines as recipients are.

Code: Select all | Expand


The merge fields and data fields are separated by a delimiter.

2) insert data and I check that there is no delimiter inside the data.

Code: Select all | Expand

do while .not. eof()hStrg:= ;(STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->email   ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->ANREDE  ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->NAME    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->VORNAME    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->ZUSATZ     ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->STRASSE    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->LKZ    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->PLZ    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->ORT     ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->BRIEFAN    ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->TITEL  ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->FIRMA1  ),     ";","," ))+";"+;   (STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(kunden->FIRMA2 ),     ";","," ))               FSEEK(dateineu,0,2)lStatus:=FWRITE(dateineu,hStrg+CRLF,)skipenddo      

3) I start word and open the selected mail merge letter.

Code: Select all | Expand

WinExec(PathWinword + "winword.exe" + " " + cDOCFile  )

4) Then complete it in word.

Note If you're creating merged e-mail messages or faxes, make sure that your data file includes a column for the e-mail address or fax number. You will need that column later in the process.

Best regards,
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Re: HTML Editor

Post by anserkk »

Ollie wrote:Where I am stuck is giving the user a basic, easy HTML editor. Does anyone know of something I can use? I don't want to have to write an HTML editor - (I don't think I could anyway), but I feel its 'reinventing the wheel'.

NK wrote:you can write your mails with RTF and with IRUN.DLL convert to html.
1. Download irun.dll from
2. regsvr32 irun.dll /s
3. Insert this function to sour source:

You can avoid using third party external DLL to convert .RTF to .Html file. This can be done using the following code

Code: Select all | Expand

#Include ""// Word HTML format constant, used to save Rtf as Html#DEFINE wdFormatHTML 8  #DEFINE wdFormatFilteredHTML 10*-------------------------------------*Function Main()*-------------------------------------*Local cRtfFile,cHtmlFilecRtfFile:="D:\Test\MyRtfFile.Rtf"cHtmlFile:="D:\Test\MyHtmlFile"Rtf2Html(cRtfFile,cHtmlFile)RETURN NIL*-------------------------------------*Function Rtf2Html(cRtfFile,cHtmlFile)*-------------------------------------*Local oWordApp,oWordDoc,oError TRY    oWordApp := CreateObject("Word.Application")CATCH    MsgInfo("MS-Word is not installed in your PC")    Return NILEND//Open the RTF documentTRY    oWordDoc:=oWordApp:Documents:Open(cRtfFile)CATCH oError    MsgInfo("Error. Unable to Open the File"+CRLF+oError:Description)    oWordApp:Quit()    Return NILEND //Save the document in HTML formatoWordDoc:SaveAs (cHtmlFile, wdFormatFilteredHTML) //Free memory & resources by closing objectsoWordDoc:Close()oWordApp:Quit()Return NIL

If Word is not installed in your PC then the above said solution will not serve the purpose. In that case, sample VB codes are available which we can easily transfer/convert to FiveWin code and this code can be used to directly convert Rtf to Html within FiveWin itself without using any third party DLL. I hope that in future this feature will be inbuilt in the TRichEdit CLASS, so that we can have oRichEdit:Convert2Html("Html-FileName"). This will be useful for people who wish to provide customized Emailing solutions and can use RichEdit Class to format the mail draft and convert to Html and send mails.

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Anser

sample VB codes are available which we can easily transfer/convert to FiveWin code and this code can be used to directly convert Rtf to Html within FiveWin itself without using any third party DLL.

Can you post any such working VB code here? We can convert to FiveWin code.

Have you found any code to print RTF directly without opening in a visual control first?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: HTML Editor

Post by anserkk »

Dear Mr.Rao,

Mr.Rao wrote:Have you found any code to print RTF directly without opening in a visual control first?

Not yet.

Mr.Rao wrote:Can you post any such working VB code here? We can convert to FiveWin code.

Here is the VB code which I have found on the web. I have not tested it.

Unable to paste the entire code here as it exceeds the maximum allowed characters 60,000. Please download it from the below given link ... tmlrm.html

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by anserkk »

Dear Mr.Rao,

Mr.Rao wrote:Have you found any code to print RTF directly without opening in a visual control first?

As per MicroSoft site

This step-by-step article describes how to print the content of a RichTextBox control. The RichTextBox control does not provide any method to print the content of the RichTextBox. You can extend the RichTextBox class to use EM_FORMATRANGE message to send the content of a RichTextBox control to an output device such as printer. ... -us;812425

Here is another code which I have come across. You may get some hint on how to proceed further. It seems that this VB Code is making use of EM_FORMATRANGE as suggested by Microsoft.

This function allows you to set margins when printing the contents of a rich text box. The margin parameters are set in inches.


Code: Select all | Expand

Option ExplicitPrivate Type Rect   Left As Long   Top As Long   Right As Long   Bottom As LongEnd TypePrivate Type CHARRANGE  cpMin As Long  cpMax As LongEnd TypePrivate Type FORMATRANGE  hdc As Long  hdcTarget As Long  rc As Rect  rcPage As Rect  chrg As CHARRANGEEnd TypePrivate Const WM_USER As Long = &H400Private Const EM_FORMATRANGE As Long = WM_USER + 57Private Const EM_SETTARGETDEVICE As Long = WM_USER + 72Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETX As Long = 112Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETY As Long = 113Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" _    (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "USER32" _  Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal msg As Long, _  ByVal wp As Long, lp As Any) As Long

Code :

Code: Select all | Expand

Public Function PrintRTFWithMargins(RTFControl As Object, _   ByVal LeftMargin As Single, ByVal TopMargin As Single, _   ByVal RightMargin As Single, ByVal BottomMargin As Single) _   As Boolean   '********************************************************8'PURPOSE: Prints Contents of RTF Control with Margins'PARAMETERS:    'RTFControl: RichTextBox Control For Printing    'LeftMargin: Left Margin in Inches    'TopMargin: TopMargin in Inches    'RightMargin: RightMargin in Inches    'BottomMargin: BottomMargin in Inches'***************************************************************On Error GoTo ErrorHandler'*************************************************************'I DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING THAT'WHEN CALLING A SERVER DLL, YOU CAN RUN INTO'PROBLEMS WHEN USING EARLY BINDING WHEN A PARAMETER'IS A CONTROL OR A CUSTOM OBJECT.  IF YOU JUST PLUG THIS INTO'A FORM, YOU CAN DECLARE RTFCONTROL AS RICHTEXTBOX'AND COMMENT OUT THE FOLLOWING LINEIf Not TypeOf RTFControl Is RichTextBox Then Exit Function'**************************************************************      Dim lngLeftOffset As Long   Dim lngTopOffSet As Long   Dim lngLeftMargin As Long   Dim lngTopMargin As Long   Dim lngRightMargin As Long   Dim lngBottomMargin As Long      Dim typFr As FORMATRANGE   Dim rectPrintTarget As Rect   Dim rectPage As Rect   Dim lngTxtLen As Long   Dim lngPos As Long   Dim lngRet As Long   Dim iTempScaleMode As Integer      iTempScaleMode = Printer.ScaleMode      ' needed to get a Printer.hDC   Printer.Print ""   Printer.ScaleMode = vbTwips   ' Get the offsets to printable area in twips   lngLeftOffset = Printer.ScaleX(GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, _      PHYSICALOFFSETX), vbPixels, vbTwips)   lngTopOffSet = Printer.ScaleY(GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, _      PHYSICALOFFSETY), vbPixels, vbTwips)   ' Get Margins in Twips   lngLeftMargin = InchesToTwips(LeftMargin) - lngLeftOffset   lngTopMargin = InchesToTwips(TopMargin) - lngTopOffSet   lngRightMargin = (Printer.Width - _       InchesToTwips(RightMargin)) - lngLeftOffset       lngBottomMargin = (Printer.Height - _         InchesToTwips(BottomMargin)) - lngTopOffSet   ' Set printable area rect   rectPage.Left = 0   rectPage.Top = 0   rectPage.Right = Printer.ScaleWidth   rectPage.Bottom = Printer.ScaleHeight   ' Set rect in which to print, based on margins passed in   rectPrintTarget.Left = lngLeftMargin   rectPrintTarget.Top = lngTopMargin   rectPrintTarget.Right = lngRightMargin   rectPrintTarget.Bottom = lngBottomMargin   ' Set up the printer for this print job   typFr.hdc = Printer.hdc 'for rendering   typFr.hdcTarget = Printer.hdc 'for formatting   typFr.rc = rectPrintTarget   typFr.rcPage = rectPage   typFr.chrg.cpMin = 0   typFr.chrg.cpMax = -1   ' Get length of text in the RichTextBox Control   lngTxtLen = Len(RTFControl.Text)   ' print page by page   Do      ' Print the page by sending EM_FORMATRANGE message      'Allows you to range of text within a specific device      'here, the device is the printer, which must be specified      'as hdc and hdcTarget of the FORMATRANGE structure            lngPos = SendMessage(RTFControl.hWnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, _        True, typFr)         If lngPos >= lngTxtLen Then Exit Do  'Done       typFr.chrg.cpMin = lngPos ' Starting position next page      Printer.NewPage             ' go to next page      Printer.Print ""   'to get hDC again      typFr.hdc = Printer.hdc      typFr.hdcTarget = Printer.hdc   Loop   ' Done   Printer.EndDoc   ' This frees memory   lngRet = SendMessage(RTFControl.hWnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, _     False, Null)   Printer.ScaleMode = iTempScaleMode   PrintRTFWithMargins = True   Exit Function   ErrorHandler:   Err.Raise Err.Number, , Err.Description   End FunctionPrivate Function InchesToTwips(ByVal Inches As Single) As Single    InchesToTwips = 1440 * InchesEnd Function

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Re: HTML Editor

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Anser

Thanks for all the trouble you have taken at my request.

Once we open an RTF document in a control, FWH RichEdit control also allows us to print.

What I have been looking is whether we can print RTF without opening in a VISUAL control first.

My purpose is this: I have a table with some columns containing RTF data. Can I show RTF in xbrowse, like multiline memo, without opening a control in that cell and whether i can print the formatted content in a cell using Report.

I shall go through the code you posted and link you provided.

Thanks again

G. N. Rao.
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Re: HTML Editor

Post by StefanHaupt »


there is also a "Windowless Richtedit Control", which may solve your problem.
kind regards
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