How make a toolbar this style in fwh ?
is possible ?
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// Purpose: Sample buttonbar with gradient background
// Author : James Bott,
// Date : 2/17/2010
#include ""
function main()
local oWnd, oBar, oBmp
define bitmap oBmp file "bar.bmp"
define window oWnd title "Test Buttonbar"
define buttonbar oBar size 26,26 of oWnd 2007
oBar:bClrGrad:={| lInvert | if(! lInvert,;
{ { 0.75, nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 230, 230, 230 ) },;
{ 0.25, nRGB( 230, 230, 230 ), nRGB( 238, 238, 238 ) } },;
{ { 0.25, nRGB( 255, 253, 222 ), nRGB( 255, 231, 151 ) },;
{ 0.75, nRGB( 255, 215, 84 ), nRGB( 255, 233, 162 ) } } ) }
define button of oBar file "search.bmp" noborder
define button of oBar file "sort.bmp" noborder
define button of oBar file "searchb.bmp" noborder group
define button of oBar file "searchf.bmp" noborder
define button of oBar file "srchfldr.bmp" noborder group
define button of oBar file "around.bmp" noborder group menu newmenu()
activate window oWnd
return nil
function NewMenu()
local oMenu
menu oMenu popup
menuItem "Mail Message" resource "newmail" //action ::oMessage:add()
menuItem "Event..."
menuItem "Contact..." //action ::oContact:add()
menuItem "Charge..." //resource "dollar" action ::oCharge:add()
menuItem "Matter..." //action ::oCase:add()
menuItem "Document..."
menuItem "Task..." //resource "task" action ::oTask:add()
menuItem "Note..."
menuItem "Reminder..."
return oMenu