I am using ADO
Can any one provide the ADO connection string to connect to a MS-SQL Server 2005 via Internet (Via IP On a Remote Server)
I tried the following but was unsuccessful
Code: Select all | Expand
cConnectSring:="Data Source=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=DataBaseName;User ID=username;Password=password;"
Dear Mr.Antonio
This is for your information While compiling I am getting warning message which says duplicate declaration
In ADO.CH, I checked ADO.CH and found that the duplicate declaration exist in the file
I am not sure anybody else is having the same problem.
Code: Select all | Expand
D:\FWH\include\ADO.Ch(196) Warning W0001 Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define adSearchForward
D:\FWH\include\ADO.Ch(197) Warning W0001 Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define adSearchBackward
Code: Select all | Expand
*** Line 191 Constant Group: SearchDirectionEnum
#define adSearchForward 1
#define adSearchBackward -1
*** Line 195 Constant Group: SearchDirection
#define adSearchForward 1
#define adSearchBackward -1