Bitmap on listbox

Bitmap on listbox

Postby Silvio » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:24 am

I tried fwbrowse sample into fwppc but it not run ok
I not see any bitmaps
I want show bitmaps for level as fwbrowse.prg ( clients functions)
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Arturo Lopesoria » Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:48 am

can you try Listbox?
The way I use bitmaps in listbox works fine, (this example for simulate mark/Unmark a browse cell:

Code: Select all  Expand view

    hBmpCheckOn := LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "checkon" )     
    hBmpCheckOff:= LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "checkoff" )    
         FIELDS if( PasGrpPr->OK=" ", hBmpCheckOff, hBmpCheckOn ),;
                  PasGrpPr->(transform(existencia,"99999")) ;
         HEADERS "Ok", "Descripcion", "Cant", "Precio", "Existencia" ;
         FONT oFont ;
         ID 901 OF aoDlgs[DLG_GRUPOPR] ALIAS cAlias2

see the result .ppo and you can view how the function is called.
Arturo LS
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Silvio » Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:23 pm

thank you
but on fbrowse.prg ( fwh)
the bitmaps are different : look here please
Code: Select all  Expand view
function Clients()

   local oDlg
   local oLbx
   local cVar

   local aHBitMaps:= { ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level1.bmp" ), ; // BitMaps de 14 x 32
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level2.bmp" ), ;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level3.bmp" ), ;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level4.bmp" ),;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level5.bmp" ) }
   local n

   if ! File( "clientes.dbf" )
      DbCreate( "Clientes.dbf", { { "Nombre",    "C", 40, 0 },;
                                  { "Direccion", "C", 50, 0 },;
                                  { "Telefono",  "C", 12, 0 },;
                                  { "Edad",      "N",  2, 0 },;
                                  { "Productos", "C", 10, 0 },;
                                  { "Nivel",     "N",  2, 0 } } )

   USE Clientes

   if RecCount() == 0

   INDEX ON Clientes->Nombre TO CliName



   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 3, 3 TO 26, 79 TITLE "Clients Management"

   @ 0,  1 SAY " &Clients List"  OF oDlg

   @ 1, 1 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS aHBitmaps[ Max( 1, Clientes->Nivel ) ],;
                              Clientes->Nombre, AllTrim( Clientes->Direccion ),;
                              Str( Clientes->Edad, 3 ) ;
          HEADERS    "L", "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Age" ;
          FIELDSIZES 16, 222, 213, 58, 24 ;
          SIZE 284, 137 OF oDlg

   // Lets use different row colors
   oLbx:nClrText      = { || SelColor( Clientes->Nivel ) }
   oLbx:nClrForeFocus = { || SelColor( Clientes->Nivel ) }
   oLbx:bRClicked     = { | nRow, nCol | ShowPopup( nRow, nCol, oLbx ) }
   // Try different line styles !!!
   oLbx:nLineStyle = 1
   oLbx:bKeyChar := {|nKey| if( nKey == VK_RETURN , EditRecord( oLbx ) , )}

   oLbx:aJustify = { .f., .f., .t., .f., .t. }

   // Uncomment this to quickly calculate the desired columns width
   // Right click with the mouse over the browse and you will
   // see the columns sizes!
   // oLbx:bRClicked = { || oLbx:ShowSizes() }

   @ 8.7,  1.4 BUTTON "&New"    OF oDlg ACTION EditClient( oLbx, .t. ) ;
                                            SIZE 40, 12
   @ 8.7,  9.4 BUTTON "&Modify" OF oDlg ACTION EditClient( oLbx, .f. ) ;
                                              SIZE 40, 12
   @ 8.7, 17.4 BUTTON "&Delete" OF oDlg ACTION DelClient( oLbx )  SIZE 40, 12
   @ 8.7, 25.4 BUTTON "&Search" OF oDlg ACTION SeekClient( oLbx ) SIZE 40, 12

   @ 8.7, 33.4 BUTTON "&Print"  OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oLbx:Report( "clients Report", .t. ) ;  // .t. --> wants preview
      SIZE 40, 12

   @ 8.7, 42 BUTTON "&Exit"   OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End()         SIZE 40, 12



   AEval( aHBitmaps, { | hBmp | DeleteObject( hBmp ) } )

return nil
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Arturo Lopesoria » Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:45 pm

I dont know FWH yet, but apears to be very similar, maybe if you increase column 1 size more than 16...
Arturo LS
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby mmercado » Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:19 am

Hi Silvio:
Silvio wrote:I tried fwbrowse sample into fwppc but it not run ok
I not see any bitmaps
I want show bitmaps for level as fwbrowse.prg ( clients functions)

You should better use resources for bitmaps, here you are a working sample:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


Function Main()

   Local oWnd, oLbx, ;
         aHBitMaps:= { LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level1" ), ;
                       LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level3" ), ;
                       LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level2" ), ;
                       LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level4" ), ;
                       LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level5" ) }

   USE ( CurDir() + "\Clientes" ) EXCLUSIVE NEW
   INDEX ON Clientes->Nombre TO CliName

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Clients Management"

   @  0,  0 LISTBOX oLbx ;
            FIELDS aHBitmaps[ Max( 1, Clientes->Nivel ) ], ;
                              Clientes->Nombre, AllTrim( Clientes->Direccion ), ;
                              Clientes->Telefono, ;
                              Str( Clientes->Edad, 3 ) ;
            HEADERS "L", "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Age" ;
            FIELDSIZES 16, 112, 112, 58, 24 ;
            SIZE 234, 263 PIXEL OF oWnd

   // Lets use different row colors
   oLbx:nClrText      = { || SelColor( Clientes->Nivel ) }
   oLbx:nClrForeFocus = { || SelColor( Clientes->Nivel ) }
   // Try different line styles !!!
   oLbx:nLineStyle = 1
   oLbx:aJustify = { .F., .F., .F., .F., .T. }

   ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd ON CLICK MsgInfo( "Click!" )


Return Nil


Static Function SelColor( nNivel )

   Local nColor := CLR_BLACK

   Do Case
      Case nNivel == 1
           nColor = CLR_HRED
      Case nNivel == 2
           nColor = CLR_HGREEN
      Case nNivel == 3
           nColor = CLR_HBLUE

Return nColor 

The RC file
Code: Select all  Expand view
Level1 BITMAP "..\Bitmaps\Level1.bmp"
Level2 BITMAP "..\Bitmaps\Level2.bmp"
Level3 BITMAP "..\Bitmaps\Level3.bmp"
Level4 BITMAP "..\Bitmaps\Level4.bmp"
Level5 BITMAP "..\Bitmaps\Level5.bmp"

Make sure that bitmaps are in refered FwPpc folder and "Clientes.dbf" is in PocketPc testing folder.

Best regards.

Manuel Mercado.
manuelmercado at prodigy dot net dot mx
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Silvio » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:10 pm

but why we cannot use bitmap at folder and we must use resources?
Perhaps there is a bug on xharbour ce?
I sad this because i try to use pp4 hand basic last year before to purchase fwppc and with it can use all in source , the last one you cannot use are dbf files instead of pdb files.

Manuel, when we can use your sbrowse and your sbutton in fwppc?

I am sure U're working for us...

Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Silvio » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:48 pm

thanks to All

the error I made is this :

aHBitMaps:= { ReadBitmap( 0, CurDir() +"\Level1.bmp" ), ; // BitMaps de 14 x 32
ReadBitmap( 0, CurDir() +"\Level2.bmp" ), ;
ReadBitmap( 0, CurDir() +"\Level3.bmp" ), ;
ReadBitmap( 0, CurDir() +"\Level4.bmp" ),;
ReadBitmap( 0, CurDir() +"\Level5.bmp" ) }

instead of this

aHBitMaps:= { LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level1" ), ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level3" ), ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level2" ), ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level4" ), ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "Level5" ) }
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby mmercado » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:00 pm

Hi Silvio:
Silvio wrote:but why we cannot use bitmap at folder and we must use resources?
Perhaps there is a bug on xharbour ce?
Not such a bug, it was just an advice for portability.

Silvio wrote:I sad this because i try to use pp4 hand basic last year before to purchase fwppc and with it can use all in source , the last one you cannot use are dbf files instead of pdb files.

Silvio wrote:Manuel, when we can use your sbrowse and your sbutton in fwppc?
No problem with TSBrowse, TSButton have problems with transparency and some non supported GDI functions.

Silvio wrote:I am sure U're working for us...
Are you? :D


Manuel Mercado
manuelmercado at prodigy dot net dot mx
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Re: Bitmap on listbox

Postby Silvio » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:22 pm

Sorry Manuel

Fwppc perhaps not support GDI

but you can found helps from this

Or you can see here : ... tatic.html

or here ... trols.aspx

For WinCE 2.0 and later you can the TransparentImage() instead of BitBlt which takes a COLORREF as its last parameter that is used as a transparency color
Here's the function prototype for TransparentImage

BOOL TransparentImage(HDC hdcDest, LONG DstX, LONG DstY, LONG DstCx, LONG DstCy, HANDLE hSrc, LONG SrcX, LONG SrcY, LONG SrcCx, LONG SrcCy, COLORREF TransparentColor );

It may not do exactly what you want but it will give you a wider range to use as the transparent color

for sample I found How draw a circle in Transparency

/// This will hold the data regarding the Transparency

BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction;
blendFunction.BlendOp = (byte)0x00;
blendFunction.BlendFlags = (byte)0x00;
blendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha = 210;
blendFunction.AlphaFormat = (byte)0;

/////////// Draw the transpernt image

if (0 == AlphaBlend(hdc, 0, BTStripY,DEVICEWIDTH,100,
hcompdc, 0, 0, 48,20, blendFunction));
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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