Thai Script

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Thai Script

Post by patdriscoll »


I have a need to print Thai language reports from my English Software. It will be a finite number of phrases.

My intention is to have a lookup of Thai translations so I will write a function to look for the English phrase and if there is a Thai equivalent it will return same (and then print it). Ideally I would like to store this lookup data in a DBF.

So I need to be able to enter Thai characters into a file (using say a dialog box), display the Thai phrass in a browse and print them in my report.

I am thinking I would have to install Thai language support and then use Unicode somehow.

Can someone please advise how I can go about this with FWH and xHarbour?

Any help at all would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Pat Driscoll.
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Re: Thai Script

Post by Otto »

It will be a finite number of phrases

Only an idea: can’t you use bitmaps with the words you need and print them?
Best regards,
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Re: Thai Script

Post by dutch »

Dear Pat,

I'm Thai. I use Font Thai and able to typing in Thai and look in database in Thai too.

Normally, I use Tahoma when you set regional to Thai Tahoma (Thai support will install). If you need it just send me your e-mail address.


FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
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Re: Thai Script

Post by patdriscoll »

Otto and Dutch,

Thanks for your prompt responses.

Otto, I had thought of a similar solutions as a worst case scenario, but was hoping for a less cluncky solution. Dutch you have given me confidence that this is possible.

Dutch, I will contact you by private email in the next few days after I have done some of the basics (if you can send me an email so I can get your address - my email is

Thanks again.

Have a great day!!

Pat Driscoll
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