Interactive mail via Outlook

Interactive mail via Outlook

Postby Marco Turco » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:17 pm

is there a way to show the standard Outlook dialog to send an email via OLE ? I use this routine but the email start immediatly without the feature for the user to modify/integrate the email contents.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,



LOCAL oOutLook,oMailItem,oRecip,oAttach

oOutLook := CreateObject( "Outlook.Application" )

oMailItem := oOutLook:CreateItem( 0 )

oRecip := oMailItem:Recipients
oRecip:Add( "" )

oMailItem:Subject := "Testing fw"

oMailItem:Body := "FW Body!" + CRLF + CRLF

oAttach := oMailItem:Attachments
oAttach:Add( "c:\sendmail.txt" )


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Re: Interactive mail via Outlook

Postby ask » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:42 pm

Marco Turco wrote:Hi,
is there a way to show the standard Outlook dialog to send an email via OLE ? I use this routine but the email start immediatly without the feature for the user to modify/integrate the email contents.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,



LOCAL oOutLook,oMailItem,oRecip,oAttach

oOutLook := CreateObject( "Outlook.Application" )

oMailItem := oOutLook:CreateItem( 0 )

oRecip := oMailItem:Recipients
oRecip:Add( "" )

oMailItem:Subject := "Testing fw"

oMailItem:Body := "FW Body!" + CRLF + CRLF

oAttach := oMailItem:Attachments
oAttach:Add( "c:\sendmail.txt" )



Use Display property

oMailItem:Body := "FW Body!" + CRLF + CRLF

oAttach := oMailItem:Attachments
oAttach:Add( "c:\sendmail.txt" )

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Postby Marco Turco » Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:54 pm

Thanks you Ask.

The Outlook send dialog appairs now (using Display(.t.) - with only Display() an error appairs)

but if I close the dialog without send the email then this error appairs:

Path and name: K:\pigc\PIGC.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 6,524,416 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 16 secs
Error occurred at: 20/02/06, 16:51:21
Error description: Error Outlook.Application:CREATEITEM/9 Proprietà di sola lettura.: DISPLAY
[ 1] = L .T.

Stack Calls

Do I need to include any special lib ?

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Postby James Bott » Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:19 pm


Try this:

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

function main()
   sendMail({""},"Test mail", "Message...", {"c:\config.sys"})
return nil

function sendMail(aTo,cSubject,cMsg,aFiles)
local oMail

default cSubject:=""

        SUBJECT OemToAnsi(cSubject) ;
        TEXT OemToAnsi(cMsg);
        FROM USER  // Use this to get the dialog box for the user

   AADD( oMail:aRecipients, aTo )

   if aFiles!=nil


   IF oMail:nRetCode#0
      MsgAlert("The message could not be sent!","Alert")

return nil
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Postby Marco Turco » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:20 am

Hi James,
I always used the mapi class to send emails without problems
but it now doesn't runs anymore with Outlook 2003 due to a Microsoft bug . This bug is reported in the article 872896.

-- From MSN ---

The From field is blank in an e-mail message that is in the Sent Items folder in Outlook 2003
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 872896
Last Review : January 4, 2005
Revision : 2.0
When you send an e-mail message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, the From field in the e-mail message that is in your Sent Items folder may not contain any e-mail addresses. Also, you may receive a non-delivery report (NDR) message in your Inbox folder that is similar to the following:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: test
Sent: 6/30/2004 1:48 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'' on 6/30/2004 1:48 PM
None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient.
This issue occurs if all the following are true:• You are using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
• You are using either a Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) account or an Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) account.
• The e-mail message was sent to one or more people who are not in your domain.
• Outlook 2003 is configured to receive an NDR message for all recipients.

Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

Currently, there is no resolution for this issue. Because the e-mail message was not delivered to any recipients, the fact that you have an empty From field in an-email message that is in your Sent Items folder would be known only by you.


• Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, Service Pack 1 (SP1)

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Keywords: kbtshoot kbprb KB872896
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Postby ask » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:56 pm

Marco Turco wrote:Thanks you Ask.

The Outlook send dialog appairs now (using Display(.t.) - with only Display() an error appairs)

but if I close the dialog without send the email then this error appairs:

Path and name: K:\pigc\PIGC.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 6,524,416 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 16 secs
Error occurred at: 20/02/06, 16:51:21
Error description: Error Outlook.Application:CREATEITEM/9 Proprietà di sola lettura.: DISPLAY
[ 1] = L .T.

Stack Calls

Do I need to include any special lib ?


Hi Marco
I don't know if this has to do with fwh version (i have 2.7 february 2006 and xharbour 0.99.60) but the bellow example is working perfectly

#include ""


LOCAL oOutLook,oMailItem,oRecip,oAttach

oOutLook := CreateObject( "Outlook.Application" )

oMailItem := oOutLook:CreateItem( 0 )

oRecip := oMailItem:Recipients
oRecip:Add( "" )

oMailItem:Subject := "Testing fw"

oMailItem:Body := "FW Body!" + CRLF + CRLF


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Postby James Bott » Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:43 pm


I always used the mapi class to send emails without problems
but it now doesn't runs anymore with Outlook 2003 due to a Microsoft bug . This bug is reported in the article 872896.

Now I remember, we discussed this a short time ago. And if I remember correctly, you found that upgrading to SP2 solved the problem.

Are you now looking for a solution that doesn't require the SP2 upgrade, or?

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Postby Marco Turco » Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:26 pm

Hi James,
as I read on MSN
Microsoft released only a patch to solve this problem in Exchange
but in Outlook there is not a solution at this moment
so I am going to manage the email sending via OLE if Outlook is installad as client and via MAPI if it is not installed.

However I take a look into the Fivewin tMail class
and there is a "aOrigin" parameter but Outlook doesn't send the email also with the email account passed as aOrigin.

The problem appairs with Outlook 2003 sp2 also.

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Postby Marco Turco » Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:42 pm

Hi Ask,
nothing to do.
Your code give me an error if I close the Outlook send dialog without sending the email. There isn't any problem if I send the email.

I work with xHarbour 0.99.50 and FWH26
however I still bought the update to FWH27 so I hope this problem could be solved with this update.


Best Regards,

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