Combobox and database
Combobox and database
Is this possible to use combobox control with database alias (one or more character fields) where items are read from database ?
Is this possible to use combobox control with database alias (one or more character fields) where items are read from database ?
- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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Re: Combobox and database
No tenho a classe TDbCombo, dá para enviar um exemplo,, como utilizar essa classe com uma tabela .dbf
Sérgio Gonçalves
Sérgio Gonçalves
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Combobox and database
Here you have it,
Here you have it,
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/*File Name: DBCombo.prgAuthor: Elliott Whitticar, 71221.1413@Compuserve.comCreated: 4/25/96Description: Database-aware ComboBox class. Can show one field and return another.Revision: Changes made by James Bott, Intellitech. 11/2/2003 Changed manifest constants to also be 32bit compatible. Initiate(): Changed to call TControl:initiate() New() & Redefine() : Changed to return self (were incorrectly returning nil). Refill() - Now adds blank record to all lists. (Was incorrectly showing first item when variable was empty.) 5/21/2004 Added keyChar method with incremental search. Space key resets search. Of course, data has to be in sort order. 6/14/2005 Changed to default cAlias to alias(). Refill() Changed name to Fill(). Added new method Refill(). Had to do this to properly reinitialize the control when refilled. 6/15/2005 Updated the Default() method to fix some bugs (dropdown not working after Refill(). Changed to allow specifying fields with or without guotes. E.G. ITEMFIELD city or ITEMFIELD "city" 7/21/2005 Fixed bug. When using autocomplete was returning numeric instead of char. 2/23/2006 Fixed several bugs when passing arrays from the new or redefine methods. 2/24/2006 LostFocus() Modified so aItems can be numeric. 3/31/2006 KeyChar() Fixed bug when both bChanged and lUpdate were used. 04/3/2006 Refill() Fixed typo. 7/02/2006 Update() Added new method. Slightly different than Refill(). - Antonio Linares//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//NotesThe TDBCombo class provides a combo-box which displays one field froma table (such as DeptName) and returns another (such as DeptID). Table canbe indexed and/or filtered, just set them before calling DBCombo.To use dbcombo as a resource, define the resource as a combobox. Make sure the ComboBoxis not configured to sort aList, or DBCombo will not return the matching element of aItems.Then REDEFINE the combobox control as a DBCOMBO.aList must be character. aItems can be character or numeric.*///----------------------------------------------------------------------------//#include ""#include ""#ifndef __CLIPPER__ #define COMBO_BASE 320#else #define COMBO_BASE WM_USER#endif#define CB_ADDSTRING ( COMBO_BASE + 3 )#define CB_DELETESTRING ( COMBO_BASE + 4 )#define CB_GETCURSEL ( COMBO_BASE + 7 )#define CB_INSERTSTRING ( COMBO_BASE + 10 )#define CB_RESETCONTENT ( COMBO_BASE + 11 )#define CB_FINDSTRING ( COMBO_BASE + 12 )#define CB_SETCURSEL ( COMBO_BASE + 14 )#define CB_SHOWDROPDOWN ( COMBO_BASE + 15 )#define CB_ERR -1#define COLOR_WINDOW 5#define COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 8#define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 48 // 0x0030#define GWL_STYLE -16#ifdef __XPP__#define Super ::TComboBox#endif//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//CLASS TDBCombo FROM TComboBox DATA cAlias // Workarea alias for fields to display. DATA cFldList // Field to display in the ComboBox. DATA cFldItem // Field to return in the bound variable. DATA aList // Array of display items corresponding to aItems. // May be specified in the constructor or read from // cAlias->cFldList DATA cSearchKey // Holds current search key for incremental search. DATA lSound init .T. // Use sound METHOD New( nRow, nCol, bSetGet, aItems, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nHelpId, ; bChange, bValid, nClrText, nClrBack, lPixel, oFont, ; cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, lDesign, acBitmaps, bDrawItem, ; cAlias, cFldItem, cFldList, aList ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nId, bSetGet, aItems, oWnd, nHelpId, bValid, ; bChange, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, ; bWhen, acBitmaps, bDrawItem, ; cAlias, cFldItem, cFldList, aList ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD Add( cItem, nAt, cList ) METHOD Default() METHOD Del( nAt ) METHOD DrawItem( nIdCtl, nPStruct ) METHOD Fill() // Fill aItems, aList from database. Used internally only. METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) METHOD Insert( cItem, nAt, cList ) METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) // Incremental search METHOD ListGet() // Returns the selected element of ::aList METHOD LostFocus() METHOD Modify( cItem, nAt, cList ) METHOD Refill() // Refill aItems and aList from cFldItem and cFldList METHOD SetItems( aItems, aList ) METHOD Update()ENDCLASS//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD New( nRow, nCol, bSetGet, aItems, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nHelpId, ; bChange, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, lPixel, oFont, ; cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, lDesign, acBitmaps, bDrawItem, ; cAlias, cFldItem, cFldList, aList ) CLASS TDBCombo DEFAULT cAlias := alias(), ; cFldList := "", ; cFldItem := "", ; aList := {},; aItems:= {} ::aList := aList ::aItems := aItems ::cAlias := cAlias ::cFldList := cFldList ::cFldItem := cFldItem ::cSearchKey:="" if empty(::aItems) .and. empty(::aList) ::Fill() else ::cAlias:="" endif Super:New( nRow, nCol, bSetGet, ::aItems, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nHelpId, ; bChange, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, lPixel, oFont, ; cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, lDesign, acBitmaps, bDrawItem )return self//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD ReDefine( nId, bSetGet, aItems, oWnd, nHelpId, bValid, ; bChange, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, ; bWhen, acBitmaps, bDrawItem, ; cAlias, cFldItem, cFldList, aList ) CLASS TDBCombo DEFAULT cAlias := alias(), ; cFldList := "", ; cFldItem := "", ; aList := {},; aItems:= {} ::aList := aList ::aItems := aItems ::cAlias := cAlias ::cFldList := cFldList ::cFldItem := cFldItem ::cSearchKey:="" if empty(::aItems) .and. empty(::aList) ::Fill() else ::cAlias:="" endif Super:ReDefine( nId, bSetGet, ::aItems, oWnd, nHelpId, bValid, ; bChange, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, ; bWhen, acBitmaps, bDrawItem )return self//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Add( cItem, nAt, cList ) CLASS TDBCombo // Note that compared to the parent class, we've added an arg at the end. DEFAULT nAt := 0 DEFAULT cList := cItem if nAt == 0 AAdd( ::aItems, cItem ) AAdd( ::aList, cList ) else ASize( ::aItems, Len( ::aItems ) + 1 ) ASize( ::aList, Len( ::aList ) + 1 ) AIns( ::aItems, nAt ) AIns( ::aList, nAt ) ::aItems[ nAt ] = cItem ::aList[ nAt ] = cList endif ::SendMsg( CB_ADDSTRING, nAt, cList )return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Default() CLASS TDBCombo local cStart := Eval( ::bSetGet ) if ! Empty( ::hWnd ) .and. ::nStyle == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST ::nStyle := GetWindowLong( ::hWnd, GWL_STYLE ) endif if cStart == nil Eval( ::bSetGet, If( Len( ::aItems ) > 0, ::aItems[ 1 ], "" ) ) cStart = If( Len( ::aItems ) > 0, ::aItems[ 1 ], "" ) endif AEval( ::aList, { | cList, nAt | ::SendMsg( CB_ADDSTRING, nAt, cList ) } ) if ValType( cStart ) != "N" ::nAt = AScan( ::aList, { | cList | Upper( AllTrim( cList ) ) == ; Upper( AllTrim( cStart ) ) } ) else ::nAt = cStart endif ::nAt = If( ::nAt > 0, ::nAt, 1 ) if cStart == nil ::Select( ::nAt ) else ::Set( cStart ) endifreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Del( nAt ) CLASS TDBCombo DEFAULT nAt := 0 if nAt != 0 ADel( ::aItems, nAt ) ADel( ::aList, nAt ) ASize( ::aItems, Len( ::aItems ) - 1 ) ASize( ::aList, Len( ::aList ) - 1 ) ::SendMsg( CB_DELETESTRING, nAt - 1 ) endifreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD DrawItem( nIdCtl, nPStruct ) CLASS TDBComboreturn LbxDrawItem( nPStruct, ::aBitmaps, ::aList, ::nBmpWidth, ::bDrawItem )//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) CLASS TDbCombo ::TControl():Initiate( hDlg ) ::Default()RETURN NIL//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Insert( cItem, nAt, cList ) CLASS TDBCombo DEFAULT nAt := 0 DEFAULT cList := cItem if nAt != 0 ASize( ::aItems, Len( ::aItems ) + 1 ) ASize( ::aList, Len( ::aList ) + 1 ) AIns( ::aItems, nAt ) AIns( ::aList, nAt ) ::aItems[ nAt ] = cItem ::aList[ nAt ] = cList ::SendMsg( CB_INSERTSTRING, nAt - 1, cList ) endifreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags) CLASS TDBCombo local nNewAT := 0, nOldAT:=::nAT // Incremental search if nKey = 32 // space resets the search ::cSearchKey := "" ::Set( If( ValType( Eval( ::bSetGet ) ) == "N", 1, ::aItems[ 1 ] ) ) else if nKey = VK_BACK ::cSearchKey := left(::cSearchKey,Len(::cSearchKey)-1) else ::cSearchKey += upper(chr(nKey)) endif nNewAT := ascan(::aList, {|x| upper(x) = ::cSearchKey} ) if nNewAt != nOldAt .and. nNewAT != 0 // If found and changed if ::lSound tone(60,.3) // sound if searchkey found endif ::Set( If( ValType( Eval( ::bSetGet ) ) == "N", nNewAt, ::aItems[ nNewAt ] ) ) if ::bChange != nil if ::oGet != nil // Always not nil for dropdown ::oGet:VarPut( Eval( ::bSetGet ) ) // udate variable before calling bChange ::oGet:Refresh() endif Eval( ::bChange, Self, ::varGet() ) endif return 0 else ::cSearchKey := left(::cSearchKey,Len(::cSearchKey)-1) endif endif Super:KeyChar(nKey, nFlags)RETURN 0 // Must be 0 - We don't want API default behavior.//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD ListGet() CLASS TDBCombo local cRet, nAt := ::SendMsg( CB_GETCURSEL ) if nAt != CB_ERR ::nAt = nAt + 1 cRet := ::aList[ ::nAt ] else cRet := GetWindowText( ::hWnd ) endifreturn cRet//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD LostFocus() CLASS TDBCombo local nAt := ::SendMsg( CB_GETCURSEL ) if nAt != CB_ERR ::nAt = nAt + 1 Eval( ::bSetGet, ::aItems[ ::nAt ] ) else Eval( ::bSetGet, GetWindowText( ::hWnd ) ) endif ::cSearchKey:=""return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Modify( cItem, nAt, cList ) CLASS TDBCombo DEFAULT nAt := 0 DEFAULT cList := cItem if nAt != 0 ::aItems[ nAt ] = cItem ::aList[ nAt ] = cList ::SendMsg( CB_DELETESTRING, nAt - 1 ) ::SendMsg( CB_INSERTSTRING, nAt - 1, cList ) endifreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Fill() CLASS TDBCombo // Refill aItems and aList from cAlias->cFldItem and cAlias->cFldList LOCAL nOldRecNo LOCAL nItem, nList IF ::cAlias == "" // There's no workarea defined, so do nothing. RETURN NIL END IF IF SELECT( ::cAlias ) == 0 MsgAlert( "TDBCombo:Fill() - Alias '" + ::cAlias + "' does not exist." ) RETURN NIL END IF ::aItems := {} ::aList := {} IF (nItem := (::cAlias)->(FIELDPOS( ::cFldItem ))) > 0 IF (nList := (::cAlias)->(FIELDPOS( ::cFldList ))) > 0 nOldRecNo := (::cAlias)->(RECNO()) // Make first record blank (so you can have an empty field) (::cAlias)->(DBGOBOTTOM()) (::cAlias)->(DBSKIP()) AADD( ::aItems, (::cAlias)->(FIELDGET( nItem )) ) AADD( ::aList, (::cAlias)->(FIELDGET( nList )) ) (::cAlias)->(DBGOTOP()) DO WHILE ! (::cAlias)->(EOF()) AADD( ::aItems, (::cAlias)->(FIELDGET( nItem )) ) AADD( ::aList, (::cAlias)->(FIELDGET( nList )) ) (::cAlias)->(DBSKIP()) ENDDO (::cAlias)->(DBGOTO( nOldRecNo )) ELSE msgAlert("TDBCombo:Fill() - Fieldname "+::cFldList+" not found.") ENDIF ENDIFRETURN NIL//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Refill() CLASS TDBCombo ::Reset() ::Fill() ::Default() ::Change()return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD SetItems( aItems, aList ) CLASS TDbCombo IF LEN(aItems) != LEN(aList) MsgAlert( "TDBCombo:SetItems(): aItems and aList must be same length." ) ELSE ::cAlias:= "" ::Reset() ::aItems := aItems ::aList := aList ::Default() ::Change() END IFRETURN NIL//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//METHOD Update() CLASS TDBCombo local bChange:= ::bChange ::bChange:= Nil ::Reset() ::Fill() ::Default() ::bChange := bChangereturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Re: Combobox and database
pederias me enviar um exemplo como utilizar esta classe
ex. tabela1.dbf
ex. tabela1.dbf
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Combobox and database is also required:
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********************************************************************** File Name:* Author: Elliott Whitticar* Created: 04/23/96* Description: Preprocessor directives for TDBCombo class.*********************************************************************#ifndef _DBCOMBO_CH#define _DBCOMBO_CH/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//!short: DBCOMBO */#xcommand @ <nRow>, <nCol> DBCOMBO [ <oCbx> VAR ] <cVar> ; [ ITEMS <aItems> ] ; [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ; [ <dlg:OF,WINDOW,DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ; [ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ; [ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ; [ VALID <uValid> ] ; [ <color: COLOR,COLORS> <nClrText> [,<nClrBack>] ] ; [ <pixel: PIXEL> ] ; [ FONT <oFont> ] ; [ <update: UPDATE> ] ; [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ; [ WHEN <uWhen> ] ; [ <design: DESIGN> ] ; [ BITMAPS <acBitmaps> ] ; [ ON DRAWITEM <uBmpSelect> ] ; [ ALIAS <cAlias> ] ; [ ITEMFIELD <cFldItem> ] ; [ LISTFIELD <cFldList> ] ; [ <list: LIST, PROMPTS> <aList> ] ; => ; [ <oCbx> := ] TDBCombo():New( <nRow>, <nCol>, bSETGET(<cVar>),; <aItems>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <oWnd>, <nHelpId>,; [{|Self|<uChange>}], <{uValid}>, <nClrText>, <nClrBack>,; <.pixel.>, <oFont>, <cMsg>, <.update.>, <{uWhen}>,; <.design.>, <acBitmaps>, [{|nItem|<uBmpSelect>}], ; <cAlias>, <(cFldItem)>, <(cFldList)>, <aList> )#xcommand REDEFINE DBCOMBO [ <oCbx> VAR ] <cVar> ; [ <items: ITEMS> <aItems> ] ; [ ID <nId> ] ; [ <dlg:OF,WINDOW,DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ; [ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ; [ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ; [ VALID <uValid> ] ; [ <color: COLOR,COLORS> <nClrText> [,<nClrBack>] ] ; [ <update: UPDATE> ] ; [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ; [ WHEN <uWhen> ] ; [ BITMAPS <acBitmaps> ] ; [ ON DRAWITEM <uBmpSelect> ] ; [ ALIAS <cAlias> ] ; [ ITEMFIELD <cFldItem> ] ; [ LISTFIELD <cFldList> ] ; [ <list: LIST, PROMPTS> <aList> ] ; => ; [ <oCbx> := ] TDBCombo():ReDefine( <nId>, bSETGET(<cVar>),; <aItems>, <oWnd>, <nHelpId>, <{uValid}>, [{|Self|<uChange>}],; <nClrText>, <nClrBack>, <cMsg>, <.update.>, <{uWhen}>,; <acBitmaps>, [{|nItem|<uBmpSelect>}], ; <cAlias>, <(cFldItem)>, <(cFldList)>, <aList> )#endif
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Combobox and database
This is an example for FWH, and it should work for FWPPC too:
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/*Program : DBC1.PRGPurpose : Test DBComboNotes :*/#include ""#include ""function main() local oDlg, oDBC1, oDBC2, cVar, oCust, cStateID:=" ", oBtn, cState:="" local cDept:= space(3), oStates, aItems, aList field NAME if file("states.dbf") use states index on upper(NAME) to temp database oStates else msgInfo("File states.dbf not found.") endif define dialog oDlg @ 10,30 dbcombo oDBC1 var cStateID of oDlg; alias oStates:cAlias; size 100,200 pixel; itemfield "CODE" ; listfield "NAME"; update; aList:= {"Accounting","HR","Marketing","Production","Research","Shipping","Sales"} aItems:= {"100","200","400","300","600","500","700"} @ 30,30 DBCOMBO oDBC2 VAR cDept; items aItems; size 100,200 pixel; list aList; of oDlg; update @ 50, 50 button oBtn prompt "Selected"; of oDlg pixel ; action msgInfo( "cStateId: " +cStateID +CRLF+"DeptNo: "+cDept,"Selected" ); default activate dialog oDlg center; ferase("temp.ntx")return nil// EOF
Re: Combobox and database
Dá o seguinte erro:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol HB_FUN_TDBCOMBO
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol HB_FUN_TDBCOMBO