Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:23 pm

Hemos estado haciendo algunas pruebas usando el control RibbonBar de Codejock :-)

Aqui teneis una primer test.

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#include ""

function Main()

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild


   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  

return nil

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:29 pm

Encontre una forma de agregar grupos :-)

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

function Main()

  local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild


  @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

  oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

  oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

  oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
  oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
  oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
  oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )  
  oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

return nil

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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:30 pm


Muy bueno!

Gracias! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:38 pm

Aqui hay un ejemplo en VB para revisar codigo:

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:47 pm

Añadiendo botones a un Grupo! :-)

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define xtpControlButton  1

function Main()

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild, oGroup1


   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )  
   oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 0, "First" )
   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "Second" )
   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "Third" )

return nil

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:07 pm

Otros controles

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#include ""

#define xtpControlError             0
#define xtpControlButton            1
#define xtpControlPopup             2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup       3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup  4
#define xtpControlComboBox          5
#define xtpControlEdit              6
#define xtpControlCustom            7
#define xtpControlLabel             8
#define xtpControlCheckBox          9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

function Main()

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild, oGroup1, oGroup2


   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )  
   oGroup2 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 0, "First" )
   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "Second" )
   oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "Third" )
   oGroup2:Add( xtpControlEdit, 0, "A Get" )
   oGroup2:Add( xtpControlLabel, 1, "A Label" )
   oGroup2:Add( xtpControlCheckBox, 2, "A CheckBox" )

return nil

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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:59 pm

Modificando las propiedades de los controles :-)

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define xtpControlError             0
#define xtpControlButton            1
#define xtpControlPopup             2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup       3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup  4
#define xtpControlComboBox          5
#define xtpControlEdit              6
#define xtpControlCustom            7
#define xtpControlLabel             8
#define xtpControlCheckBox          9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

function Main()

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild
   local oGroup1, oGroup2, oButton1, oButton2


   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )  
   oGroup2 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oButton1 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "First" )
   oButton2 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "Second" )

   oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
   oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"

return nil

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:13 pm

Inspeccionando facilmente las propiedades de CodeJock desde Microsoft Word (VBA) para aprenderlas :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:55 pm

option button:
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   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )
   oGroup1:ShowOptionButton = .T.

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:03 am

Ejecutando una acción desde un control :-)

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define xtpControlError              0
#define xtpControlButton             1
#define xtpControlPopup              2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup        3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup   4
#define xtpControlComboBox           5
#define xtpControlEdit               6
#define xtpControlCustom             7
#define xtpControlLabel              8
#define xtpControlCheckBox           9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

function Main()

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild
   local oGroup1, oGroup2, oButton1, oButton2, aButtons := {}


   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:bOnEvent = { | cEvent, aParams, pParams | RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons ) }

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )
   oGroup1:ShowOptionButton = .T.
   oGroup2 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oButton1 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "First" )
   oButton2 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "Second" )

   AAdd( aButtons, oButton1 )
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton2 )

   oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
   oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"
return nil

function RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons )

   do case
      case cEvent == "Execute" .and. Len( aButtons ) > 0
           do case
              case aButtons[ 1 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 1" )
              case aButtons[ 2 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 2" )
return nil

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby TecniSoftware » Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:28 am


Estoy tratando de compilar tu ejemplo pero tengo este error:

Descripción del error: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NUMERIC' has no exported method: INSERTTAB
[ 1] = N 21194560
[ 2] = N 0
[ 3] = C &Files

Pila de llamadas
LLamada de INSERTTAB(0) ->
LLamada de MAIN(34) -> codejock.prg

EL ocx lo he registrado, pero donde debe estar?
Tienes idea de cual es el problema? Uso xHarbour.

Muchas gracias.
Alejandro Cebolido
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:57 am

Imagenes en Botones
Con soporte para Alpha Channel


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

#define xtpControlError              0
#define xtpControlButton             1
#define xtpControlPopup              2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup        3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup   4
#define xtpControlComboBox           5
#define xtpControlEdit               6
#define xtpControlCustom             7
#define xtpControlLabel              8
#define xtpControlCheckBox           9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

#define xtpImageNormal               0
#define xtpImageDisabled             1
#define xtpImageHot                  2
#define xtpImageChecked              3
#define xtpImagePressed              4

function Main()  

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild, oIcons
   local oGroup1, oGroup2, oButton1, oButton2, aButtons := {}
   local oButton3, oButton4, oBmp1, oBmp2, oBmp3


  obmp1 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\new2.bmp", oWnd )
  obmp2 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\open2.bmp", oWnd )
  obmp3 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\alphabmp\explorer.bmp", oWnd )

   @ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:bOnEvent = { | cEvent, aParams, pParams | RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons ) }

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )
   oIcons := oAct:Do( "icons" )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp1:hBitmap,1,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp2:hBitmap,2,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp3:hBitmap,3,xtpImageNormal,.t. ) // 4th param, Bool to Alpha Channel Support
   oIcons:LoadBitmap( "..\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp",4, xtpImageNormal)

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )
   oGroup1:ShowOptionButton = .T.
   oGroup2 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oButton1 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "First" )
   oButton2 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "Second" )
   oButton3 = oGroup2:Add( xtpControlButton, 4, NIL )
   oButton4 = oGroup2:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, NIL )
   oButton4:SetIconSize( 64,64 )
   oButton4:Width = 70
   oButton4:Height = 70
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton1 )
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton2 )

   oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
   oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"
return nil

function RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons )

   do case
      case cEvent == "Execute" .and. Len( aButtons ) > 0
           do case
              case aButtons[ 1 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 1" )
              case aButtons[ 2 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 2" )
return nil

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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:18 am


Simplemente genial :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:21 am


Que versión de FWH estás usando ?
regards, saludos

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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Postby Biel EA6DD » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:14 am

Daniel, Antonio impresionante.
Saludos desde Mallorca
Biel Maimó
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