Transparent and Multiline of SAY

Transparent and Multiline of SAY

Postby Peter » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:49 pm

Dear all,

I'm try to use ownd:Say( nRow, nCol, cText, nClrFore, nClrBack, oFont, lPixel,lTransparent, nAlign ) for display some text, but I can not understand.

1. How I controll them for display in multiline ?
2. Can I use them more 1 in a procedure or function ?

Best Regrad,

Pe N Chi

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Re: Transparent and Multiline of SAY

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:36 pm

1) Just use several oWnd:Say() increasing nRow of the desired number of pixels.

2) Yes.

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