Trapping SMTP e-mail error

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:43 am


You were correct .. I failed to declare oOutMail as a variable .. ( can't believe I did that ) .. there is no error any longer and the e-mail truly failed to send .. but is there a way I can trap that error to write a log to the file that the e-mail failed ??

Getting closer !!

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Postby James Bott » Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:27 am


Try something like this:

oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "mail.log", {oOutMail:aTo:[1] + " Failed"}), oOutMail:nStatus := ST_QUIT }

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Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:33 am

Rick Lipkin wrote:I failed to declare oOutMail as a variable .. ( can't believe I did that )

Use /w compile switch and you will never forget it again.

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Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:30 pm


I think you have a good idea there .. however, I will not know whom in the address list that may have failed ( multiple cc ) so it will be difficult to pull out the offending array element .. but, I can use the code block with a function to write a failed indicator to my table and flag my email sent row with a failure ..

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oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "mail.log", {oOutMail:aTo:[1] + " Failed"}), oOutMail:nStatus := ST_QUIT }

I will work down this road to see where it leads ..

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Postby reinaldocrespo » Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:48 pm

I currently implement something similar by keeping a table that acts as a mail queue. Using an ADS trigger, a new record is added to the queue any time a given pathology is signed. One of the fields on this table holds the number of attempts. After a given number of attempts (set on an ini file) the record is no longer picked up to be sent by the queue processing routine.

Code: Select all  Expand view
            if oMail:nStatus == ST_QUIT   .or. oMail:nStatus == ST_DONE
               MailWasSent( aElem )
               IncAttempts( aElem )

When successful, a given field on the table is set to TRUE. If a record hols a number of attempts > than nMaxAttempts, then it is no longer picked up by the SQL script that pulls documents to be emailed. In this manner you avoid retrying bad addresses forever.
Code: Select all  Expand view
      cScript := "SELECT pathno, Send_To, Queue, Attempts FROM plmail "+;
                  "WHERE DateTime_Sent IS NULL "+;
                  "AND TIMESTAMPDIFF( SQL_TSI_HOUR, creation, now() ) >= " + Str(oApp:nLatency) + ;
                  " AND Attempts < " + str( oApp:nMaxAttempts ) + ;
                  " ORDER BY Queue"

Here are all the traps I set on tsmtp class:
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// different session status
#define ST_INIT       0
#define ST_CONNECTED  1
#define ST_RESET      2
#define ST_MAILFROM   3
#define ST_RCPTTO     4
#define ST_DATA       5
#define ST_SENT       6
#define ST_QUIT       7
#define ST_DONE       8
#define ST_ERROR      9

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Postby Rick Lipkin » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:11 pm


I thought about your solution .. I just 'hate' tampering with FWH class code ..

I may have to do what you suggest ...

James ..

I took your suggestion and I must have some syntactical error where 7 is ST_QUIT

Your suggestion :

oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "mail.log", {oOutMail:aTo:[1] + " Failed"}), oOutMail:nStatus := ST_QUIT }

Trying to get it to work .. unfortunitly the LogFile fires everytime good or bad ??

What am I missing here ??


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oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "Failed"), oOutMail:nStatus := 7 }

Static Func LogFile( cFAILED )

   cFAILED := "NO"

MsgInFo( cFAILED )

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Postby reinaldocrespo » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:11 am


I feel the same way. But sometimes you just have to. And when you do, I always try to subclass.


In this case I replaced the OnRead Method to include all the other flags.

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Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:41 am


I had to resort to modifying Tsmtp .. just no other way arount it :( .. here is what I did :

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// use this public variable
         // returns from tsmtp() .T.
        lFAIL := .F.

        oWndMdi:SetMsg( "Sending Reporting noticication to "+cTO )

        oOutMail := TSmtp():New( cIP := GetHostByName( cHOST ) )

        oOutMail:bConnecting := { || oWndMdi:SetMsg( "Connecting to "+cHOST ) }
        oOutMail:bConnected  := { || oWndMdi:SetMsg( "Connected" ) }
        oOutMail:bDone       := { || oWndMdi:SetMsg( "Message sent successfully" ) }
        oOutMail:bFailure    := { || oOutMail:nStatus := 7 }   // keep this

        oOutMail:SendMail( cFROM,;               // From
                 { cTO },;                       // To
                   cMESSAGE,;                    // Msg Text
                   {"C:\DBTMP\PROJINFO.BAT"},;   // attachment
                   aCC, ;                        // cc array
                   { }, ;                        // bc
                   .F., ;                        // no return receipt
                   NIL )                         // not html

        // wait for e-mail to be sent to get lfail value


        IF lFAIL = .T.
           cSUBJECT := "Email Error FAILED to be Sent"
         *  MsgInfo( cSUBJECT )


        // create e-mail record //

        cEID := _GenEid(2)
        IF cEID = "BOGUS"
           oRsEmail:Fields("emaileid"):Value   := cEID
           oRsEmail:Fields("projecteid"):Value := oRsProj:Fields("projecteid"):Value
           oRsEmail:Fields("date_sent"):Value  := dtoc(DATE())+" "+time()
           oRsEmail:Fields("email_from"):Value := cFROM
           oRsEmail:Fields("email_to"):Value   := cTO //+", "+AEVAL(aCC)
           oRsEmail:Fields("subject"):Value    := SUBSTR(cSUBJECT+SPACE(50),1,49)
           oRsEmail:Fields("message"):Value    := cMESSAGE
           oRsEmail:Fields("attachments"):Value := "ProjInfo.Bat"

           IF lFAIL = .T.
              oRsEmail:Fields("address_error"):Value := "Y"
              oRsEmail:Fields("address_error"):Value := "N"


Notice that I set lFail as PUBLIC and set it to .f. before Tsmtp was initialized .. then in Tsmtp I found the 'bad address' code :

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Case ::nStatus == ST_MAILFROM .or. ::nStatus == ST_RCPTTO
         If cReply == "250" .or. cReply == "251"  // Server happy with our repsonse
            If ::nTo <= Len( ::aTo )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aTo[ ::nTo ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
            Elseif ::nCC <= Len( ::aCC )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aCC[ ::nCC ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
            Elseif ::nBCC <= Len( ::aBCC )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aBCC[ ::nBCC ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
               ::nStatus := ST_DATA
               oSocket:SendData( "DATA" + CRLF )

            // failure here is e-mail address is bad
            // Rick added to trap

            lFAIL := .T.
            Msginfo( "Message Failed to be sent because of a Bad Address")

            ::Failure( oSocket, nWSAError, cReply )

Then notice the SysWait(1) was very important here to reliably allow lFail to initalize and return back with it's correct value .. then I write the "address_error" field to Y if it failed N if it worked .. then when I browse the e-mail sent records I turn the row 'red' based on the value of 'address_error'.

This is not a perfect solution and the return code of Smtp is not always consistant .. and I found I could NOT put my lFail in the Failure() method .. was too inconsistant there ..

For now I have a work around .. not perfect because the SMTP error does not always return the same code..

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Postby James Bott » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:17 pm


took your suggestion and I must have some syntactical error where 7 is ST_QUIT

Your suggestion :

oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "mail.log", {oOutMail:aTo:[1] + " Failed"}), oOutMail:nStatus := ST_QUIT }

Trying to get it to work .. unfortunitly the LogFile fires everytime good or bad ??

If logfile() is getting called every time, then bFailure is being eval'd every time--it shouldn't be. This indicates that there is either a failure every time, or that there is a bug in the TSMTP class. We really should figure out which.

You also stated that you are not always getting the same error and this is futher indication of a problem or multiple problems. What are the various errors you are getting?

Assuming you do need to modify the code of the TSMTP class, you really should sublcass as Reinaldo suggested--and you should add a class var lFailed rather than using a public. If you need help doing this, just ask.

But before making modifications we really need to find out why bFailure is getting eval'd every time.

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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:58 pm

Rick, James,

Class TSmtp Method Failure() should be modified as it receives three parameters: oSocket, nWSAError, cReply but when the bFailure codeblock is evaluated from inside it, these parameters are not supplied to the codeblock. This is the proposed change:
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   If ::bFailure != nil
      Eval( ::bFailure, oSocket, nWSAError, cReply )

The idea is to include cReply in the LogFile() call so we know under what server responses Failure() is getting invoked.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:02 pm


Thank you for jumping in here .. what do you see will be the return and how can I trap the failure as in this code when I make the Tsmtp change ??

Rick Lipkin

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oOutMail:bFailure := { || LogFile( "Failed"), oOutMail:nStatus := 7 }
Static Func LogFile( cFAILED )

   cFAILED := "NO"

MsgInFo( cFAILED )


from this exiting code :
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METHOD Failure( oSocket, nWSAError, cReply ) CLASS TSmtp

   Local aStage := { "ST_INIT", ;
                     "ST_CONNECTED", ;
                     "ST_RESET", ;
                     "ST_MAILFROM", ;
                     "ST_RCPTTO", ;
                     "ST_DATA", ;
                     "ST_SENT", ;
                     "ST_QUIT", ;
                     "ST_DONE", ;
                     "ST_ERROR", ;
                     "ST_AUTH0", ;
                     "ST_AUTH", ;
                     "ST_USER", ;
                     "ST_PASS" }

   DEFAULT oSocket := ::oSocket, nWSAError := WSAGetLastError(), cReply := ""

   If ::nStatus >= ST_INIT .and. ::nStatus <= ST_LAST
      ::cError := "Stage: " + aStage[ ::nStatus + 1 ] + CRLF
      ::cError := ""
   ::nStatus := ST_ERROR
   ::cError += "IP Address: " + ::cIPServer + CRLF + CRLF
   AEval( ::acReply, {|cReply| ::cError += cReply + CRLF } )
   If nWSAError # 0
      ::cError += "WSA Error Code: " + AllTrim( Str( nWSAError ) )
   If ::bFailure != nil
      Eval( ::bFailure )

return Self

to this :
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METHOD Failure( oSocket, nWSAError, cReply ) CLASS TSmtp

   Local aStage := { "ST_INIT", ;
                     "ST_CONNECTED", ;
                     "ST_RESET", ;
                     "ST_MAILFROM", ;
                     "ST_RCPTTO", ;
                     "ST_DATA", ;
                     "ST_SENT", ;
                     "ST_QUIT", ;
                     "ST_DONE", ;
                     "ST_ERROR", ;
                     "ST_AUTH0", ;
                     "ST_AUTH", ;
                     "ST_USER", ;
                     "ST_PASS" }

   DEFAULT oSocket := ::oSocket, nWSAError := WSAGetLastError(), cReply := ""

   If ::nStatus >= ST_INIT .and. ::nStatus <= ST_LAST
      ::cError := "Stage: " + aStage[ ::nStatus + 1 ] + CRLF
      ::cError := ""
   ::nStatus := ST_ERROR
   ::cError += "IP Address: " + ::cIPServer + CRLF + CRLF
   AEval( ::acReply, {|cReply| ::cError += cReply + CRLF } )
   If nWSAError # 0
      ::cError += "WSA Error Code: " + AllTrim( Str( nWSAError ) )
   // suggested change here ... 

   If ::bFailure != nil
      Eval( ::bFailure, oSocket, nWSAError, cReply )

return Self
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Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:03 am


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oOutMail:bFailure := { | oSocket, nError, cReply | LogFile( "log.txt", { nError, cReply } ), oOutMail:nStatus := 7 }

Lets see what you get in "log.txt"
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:27 am


I got two different outputs .. sorta what I was seeing last nite when I was trying to trap this ..

I get this the first time :

10/06/2008 20:16:22: 0 550

My trap in Tsmtp caught the first error in this code :

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Case ::nStatus == ST_MAILFROM .or. ::nStatus == ST_RCPTTO
         If cReply == "250" .or. cReply == "251"  // Server happy with our repsonse
            If ::nTo <= Len( ::aTo )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aTo[ ::nTo ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
            Elseif ::nCC <= Len( ::aCC )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aCC[ ::nCC ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
            Elseif ::nBCC <= Len( ::aBCC )
               oSocket:SendData( StrTran( "RCPT TO:<%>", "%", CleanEMail( ::aBCC[ ::nBCC ] ) ) + ;
                                 CRLF )
               ::nStatus := ST_RCPTTO
               ::nStatus := ST_DATA
               oSocket:SendData( "DATA" + CRLF )

            // failure here is e-mail address is bad
            // RIck added to trap

            lFAIL := .T.
            Msginfo( "Message Failed to be sent because of a Bad Address")

            ::Failure( oSocket, nWSAError, cReply )

But the same error was not trapped at all when I re-ran the same code a second time ( without re-starting the program ) and the log returned below ..

10/06/2008 20:17:46: 10048

This was the same erratic problem I saw when I was working this ..

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Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:17 am


> 10/06/2008 20:17:46: 10048

We should get two values there, not just one. As we are tracing nError, cReply.

Please post here the complete log.txt, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:39 pm


I ran the same e-mail process twice and the results were appended to log.txt :

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10/07/2008 16:35:41: 0   550   
10/07/2008 16:36:01: 10048

Both ( definitly ) failed .. only the top one was trapped .. I have no clue in the tsmtp code where the second one slipped thru ??

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