FW-Applik. running under wine-emulator in Linux

FW-Applik. running under wine-emulator in Linux

Postby walter » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:19 am

I run my applikations under wine-emulator in linux very fine. But when i make a PrinterESC( oVRD:oPrn:hDCOut, &cSchacht1 )-function-call, i became a error-msg in linux-console : fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_EndDoc hJob==0, Now What?
Under windows all work without any problems.
Have anybody see this message and have an idee, how i can fix this?

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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:28 am


No idea about what may be happening in Wine. I suggest you to report it to the Wine development team (not the FW code, but the Win32 API used calls).

The Win32 API used function is Escape():

The Escape function allows applications to access capabilities of a particular device not directly available through GDI. Escape calls made by an application are translated and sent to the driver.

int Escape(

HDC hdc, // handle to device context
int nEscape, // escape function
int cbInput, // number of bytes in input structure
LPCSTR lpvInData, // pointer to input structure
LPVOID lpvOutData // pointer to output structure
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FW-Applik. running under wine-emulator in Linux

Postby walter » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:53 am

I have make a test-applik. with FW20 without any errors under Linux/wine.
With FW24 it make the fixme-Error. I can't link my big Applik. with FW20 because a <unresolved external> -> framedot and getsysfont! :( I have found, that the fixme-error came with five/fivec.lib from FW24 in my test.exe.
Can you eventually give me the framedot/getsysfont.obj from FW24 for test-linking with FW20??

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Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:46 am

regards, saludos

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FW-Applik. running under wine-emulator in Linux

Postby walter » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:06 pm

Many thanks for the rects+getsysin.obj, but with this getsysin.obj i became <unresolved external> --> getwinver
Please can you send me this obj?

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Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:12 pm

regards, saludos

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