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Addendum to previous post

Post by xProgrammer »

Five Linux manual says to use

./buildx.sh tutor01

But when I do that I get:

Cannot open input file tutor01

I think I have to change the first $1 in buildx.sh to $1.prg and it might work - but so far haven't managed to get write permission to that file.

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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


From the console type:


and check if you are root or a user. You should reinstall FiveLinux and xHarbour as a user, not as the admin (root)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Will do - but I still suspect buildx.sh

Post by xProgrammer »

Hi Antonio

I am redoing everything - partly because of misunderstanding about ubuntu install, but I was logged on as a user (I believe) although I had used su to be able to execute and root was the directory it put files into.

That may be all confused but I think the main point is that ./buildx.sh
tutor01.prg found the file and generated a .c file so I think that there is a script issue because ./buildx.sh tutor01 didn't find the file.

Did the above. chmod +x must work differently from chmod o=x because after chmod o=x I could only execute using su - which meant software installed in /root/ but after chmod +x could execute as me.

Needed to chmod +x buildx.sh but previously advised symptoms occurred.

Was now able to edit buildx.sh and changed the line that comiles to c code by inserting .prg after $1 and guerss what - up came a "Hello world".
Very good!

Thanks for all your input.

But I do believe that buildx.sh as supplied is gfaulty and humbly suggest that you check it out because I think my modification (or some other) is required to make it work.tutor01

One further question. I can run tutor01 from the terminal OK - but when it exits I get a sort of terminal screen but its now white on black rather than black on white and less functional. Plus I can't seem to get it to run from the Ubuntu file browser - which strikes me as odd - my little play with Fedora Core I seemed to be able to run apps happily from a file browser.

But I have compiled FiveWin under Linux!!!!!!


Doug (xProgrammer)[/list]
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Don't install FiveLinux and xHarbour using sudo or you will be doing it as root.

There is no need to login as root to install FiveLinux.

Glad to know you are moving forward :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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