Please place some traces in adordd.prg to check where/why it is failing:
The connection is opened here:
Code: Select all | Expand
case aWAData[ WA_ENGINE ] == "SQL" aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + ; "server=" + aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] + ; ";database=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ; ";uid=" + aWAData[ WA_USERNAME ] + ; ";pwd=" + aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] )
How to check that the Open msg worked ?
MsgInfo( aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]: ??? )
The table is opened here:
Code: Select all | Expand
oRecordSet:Open( aWAData[ WA_QUERY ] + aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ], aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ] )
How to check that the Open msg worked ?
MsgInfo( oRecordSet: ??? )