auto complete feature
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
auto complete feature
The auto complete feature in any internet for getting a variable . I need it in Xbrowse edititing. Is there auto complete for get class ?
- Antonio Linares
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- Maurilio Viana
- Posts: 252
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- Location: Garça/Garza/Heron City - Brazil
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Ehab and Antonio,
I use this class I created: TAutoGet
New features, bug fixes and enhancements are welcome![Smile :-)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
xBase definition (
A fragment of code:
#include ""
cName := space(20)
aNames := {"Mauro", "Mauricio", "Maurilio", "Maurizio"}
redefine autoget oGet var cName id 101 of oDlg items aNames
You can update items from available text to autocomplete using:
aNames := {"Angelo", "Antonio", "Afonso"}
oGet:SetItems( aNames )
Best regards!
I use this class I created: TAutoGet
New features, bug fixes and enhancements are welcome
![Smile :-)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Code: Select all | Expand
// TAutoGet.prg
// Auto complete text in get features
// By: Maurilio Viana
// New features, bug fixes and enhancements are welcome :-)
// Please, let me now when you include new features, bug fixes etc in this class
// ToDo: Show drop down window with possible options when typing
#include ""
METHOD New( nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight,;
cPict , bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack , oFont , lDesign,;
oCursor , lPixel , cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter,;
lRight , bChanged, lReadOnly, lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpID,;
lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax , aItems ) CONSTRUCTOR
METHOD ReDefine( nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId , cPict, bValid ,;
nClrFore, nClrBack, oFont , oCursor , cMsg , lUpdate,;
bWhen , bChanged, lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown ,;
bMin , bMax, aItems ) CONSTRUCTOR
METHOD SetItems( aItems )
METHOD AutoFill()
METHOD New(nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight , cPict ,;
bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack, oFont , lDesign, oCursor , lPixel ,;
cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter , lRight , bChanged, lReadOnly,;
lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpId , lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin ,;
bMax , aItems) CLASS TAutoGet
local nLen, i
Super:New(nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight,;
cPict , bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack , oFont , lDesign,;
oCursor, lPixel , cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter,;
lRight , ::bChange, lReadOnly, lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpId,;
lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax )
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
::bPostKey := {|oGet, cBuffer| ::AutoFill() }
return( Self )
METHOD ReDefine(nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId, cPict , bValid, nClrFore,;
nClrBack , oFont , oCursor, cMsg , lUpdate, bWhen , bChanged,;
lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax , aItems ) CLASS TAutoGet
Super:ReDefine(nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId, cPict , bValid, nClrFore ,;
nClrBack , oFont , oCursor, cMsg , lUpdate, bWhen , ::bChange,;
lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax , aItems )
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
::bPostKey := {|oGet, cBuffer| ::AutoFill() }
return( Self )
// Set items of AutoGet
METHOD SetItems( aItems ) CLASS TAutoGet
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
return( Nil )
// Auto fill text when type based on aItems options
// Return: Ever return .T.
METHOD AutoFill() CLASS TAutoGet
local nPosItem := 0 // Text position into ::aItems
local nPosCursor := ::nPos // Current cursor position
local nLenght := len(::cText) // Text lenght
local cStartTxt := left(::cText, nPosCursor-1) // Start text (position 1 to cursor position -1)
local cItem
if len(::aItems) = 0 // We have no items to search in this GET
// We use ::cargo to control when we must search in ::aItems for typed text
// We must seek in ::aItems when GET is blank or when user clear it
if valtype(::Cargo) != "L" // Cargo isn't logical yet -> GET received focus now
if ! empty(::Value) // GET isn't empty
::Cargo := .F. // We don't use autofill
else // GET is empty
::Cargo := .T. // Use autofill
else // We are controlling if use or no autofill
if empty(::Value) // User could cleaned the GET text
::Cargo := .T. // Use autofill
// When lost focus we clean ::Cargo and set GET cursor position to 1st pos
::bLostFocus := {|| ::SetPos(1), ::Cargo := Nil }
if ! ::Cargo // If don't control autofill
nKey := ::nLastKey
do case
case nKey == 9 .or. ; // Tab key
nKey == 13 .or. ; // Enter key
nKey == 46 // Del key
::Assign() // Assign typed text
case nKey > 31
FOR EACH cItem IN ::aItems
nPosItem += 1
if ToUpper( cItem ) = ToUpper(cStartTxt)
nLenght := len( rtrim( cItem ) )
cItem += space( nLenght - len(cItem) )
::SetText( cItem )
::SetSel( nPosCursor -1, nLenght) // Select found text
::HideSel() // Text not found -> Undo selected text
return( .T. )
// Convert latin characters to ANSI upper case
// (for any reason AnsiUpper cause a GPF with Comercial xHB)
STATIC function ToUpper( cString )
cString := upper( cString )
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"á","Á"),"à","À"),"ã","Ã"),"â","Â")
cString := strtran(strtran(cString,"é","É"),"ê","Ê")
cString := strtran(cString,"í","Í")
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"ó","Ó"),"õ","Õ"),"ô","Ô")
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"ú","Ú"),"ñ","Ñ"),"ç","Ç")
return( cString )
// --- EoF ---
xBase definition (
Code: Select all | Expand
!short: AUTOGET */
#xcommand REDEFINE AUTOGET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
[ ID <nId> ] ;
[ <dlg: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oDlg> ] ;
[ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ;
[ VALID <ValidFunc> ] ;
[ <pict: PICTURE, PICT> <cPict> ] ;
[ <color:COLOR,COLORS> <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
[ FONT <oFont> ] ;
[ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
[ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
[ <update: UPDATE> ] ;
[ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
[ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ;
[ <readonly: READONLY, NO MODIFY> ] ;
[ <spin: SPINNER> [ON UP <SpnUp>] [ON DOWN <SpnDn>] [MIN <Min>] [MAX <Max>] ] ;
[ ITEMS <aItems>] ;
=> ;
[ <oGet> := ] TAutoGet():ReDefine( <nId>, bSETGET(<uVar>), <oDlg>,;
<nHelpId>, <cPict>, <{ValidFunc}>, <nClrFore>, <nClrBack>,;
<oFont>, <oCursor>, <cMsg>, .T., <{uWhen}>,;
[ \{|nKey,nFlags,Self| <uChange> \}], <.readonly.>,;
<.spin.>, <{SpnUp}>, <{SpnDn}>, <{Min}>, <{Max}>, <aItems>)
#command @ <nRow>, <nCol> AUTOGET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
[ <dlg: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
[ <pict: PICTURE, PICT> <cPict> ] ;
[ VALID <ValidFunc> ] ;
[ <color:COLOR,COLORS> <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
[ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ FONT <oFont> ] ;
[ <design: DESIGN> ] ;
[ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
[ <pixel: PIXEL> ] ;
[ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
[ <update: UPDATE> ] ;
[ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
[ <lCenter: CENTER, CENTERED> ] ;
[ <lRight: RIGHT> ] ;
[ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ;
[ <readonly: READONLY, NO MODIFY> ] ;
[ <pass: PASSWORD> ] ;
[ <lNoBorder: NO BORDER, NOBORDER> ] ;
[ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ;
[ ITEMS <aItems>] ;
=> ;
[ <oGet> := ] TAutoGet():New( <nRow>, <nCol>, bSETGET(<uVar>),;
[<oWnd>], <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <cPict>, <{ValidFunc}>,;
<nClrFore>, <nClrBack>, <oFont>, <.design.>,;
<oCursor>, <.pixel.>, <cMsg>, .T., <{uWhen}>,;
<.lCenter.>, <.lRight.>,;
[\{|nKey, nFlags, Self| <uChange>\}], <.readonly.>,;
<.pass.>, [<.lNoBorder.>], <nHelpId>,,,,,,<aItems> )
#command @ <nRow>, <nCol> AUTOGET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
[ <dlg: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
[ <pict: PICTURE, PICT> <cPict> ] ;
[ VALID <ValidFunc> ] ;
[ <color:COLOR,COLORS> <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
[ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ FONT <oFont> ] ;
[ <design: DESIGN> ] ;
[ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
[ <pixel: PIXEL> ] ;
[ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
[ <update: UPDATE> ] ;
[ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
[ <lCenter: CENTER, CENTERED> ] ;
[ <lRight: RIGHT> ] ;
[ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ;
[ <readonly: READONLY, NO MODIFY> ] ;
[ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ;
[ <spin: SPINNER> [ON UP <SpnUp>] [ON DOWN <SpnDn>] [MIN <Min>] [MAX <Max>] ] ;
[ ITEMS <aItems>] ;
=> ;
[ <oGet> := ] TAutoGet():New( <nRow>, <nCol>, bSETGET(<uVar>),;
[<oWnd>], <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <cPict>, <{ValidFunc}>,;
<nClrFore>, <nClrBack>, <oFont>, <.design.>,;
<oCursor>, <.pixel.>, <cMsg>, .T., <{uWhen}>,;
<.lCenter.>, <.lRight.>,;
[\{|nKey, nFlags, Self| <uChange>\}], <.readonly.>,;
.f., .f., <nHelpId>,;
<.spin.>, <{SpnUp}>, <{SpnDn}>, <{Min}>, <{Max}>, <aItems> )
A fragment of code:
#include ""
cName := space(20)
aNames := {"Mauro", "Mauricio", "Maurilio", "Maurizio"}
redefine autoget oGet var cName id 101 of oDlg items aNames
You can update items from available text to autocomplete using:
aNames := {"Angelo", "Antonio", "Afonso"}
oGet:SetItems( aNames )
Best regards!
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
- Contact:
Good work. I like it.
I have made a few changes (see comments in code).
AutoFill (or autocomplete) is somewhat of a Pandora's box. If you look at Outlook Express's "To" field and IE's "Address" field you will see two completely different methods of autocomplete. OE uses some kind of probability rather than the first alpha match. I have several Davids in my address book, but the one I use the most is near the end of the alpha sort of Davids. However, all I have to do is type "D" and his name shows up.
In contrast, IE has a drop-down list that is alpha order--not listed by probability.
Things get even more complicated with multi-user applications. Do we store all items entered by all users or do we separate out items by user? Each circumstance may require a different solution.
Do we use arrays, or direct database lookups? Arrays are good if they are small, but what about large arrays of say 10,000 items? Do we read them from a DBF each time the dialog is opened, or store them in a static array? A static would be faster but will use up a lot of memory, so perhaps a direct database lookup would be better with large lists.
Do we do alpha lookups or probability lookups? Again, each situation may require a different solution.
How do we handle adding new items and when? Do we add all new items entered by any user? Only the most used?
So, there is no simple answer to providing autocomplete functionality. But autocomplete solutions are very helpful to the user so they are certainly worth working on.
Good work. I like it.
I have made a few changes (see comments in code).
AutoFill (or autocomplete) is somewhat of a Pandora's box. If you look at Outlook Express's "To" field and IE's "Address" field you will see two completely different methods of autocomplete. OE uses some kind of probability rather than the first alpha match. I have several Davids in my address book, but the one I use the most is near the end of the alpha sort of Davids. However, all I have to do is type "D" and his name shows up.
In contrast, IE has a drop-down list that is alpha order--not listed by probability.
Things get even more complicated with multi-user applications. Do we store all items entered by all users or do we separate out items by user? Each circumstance may require a different solution.
Do we use arrays, or direct database lookups? Arrays are good if they are small, but what about large arrays of say 10,000 items? Do we read them from a DBF each time the dialog is opened, or store them in a static array? A static would be faster but will use up a lot of memory, so perhaps a direct database lookup would be better with large lists.
Do we do alpha lookups or probability lookups? Again, each situation may require a different solution.
How do we handle adding new items and when? Do we add all new items entered by any user? Only the most used?
So, there is no simple answer to providing autocomplete functionality. But autocomplete solutions are very helpful to the user so they are certainly worth working on.
Code: Select all | Expand
// TAutoGet.prg
// Auto complete text in get features
// By: Maurilio Viana,
// Date: 4/25/2007
// New features, bug fixes and enhancements are welcome :-)
// Please, let me now when you include new features, bug fixes etc in this class
// ToDo: Show drop down window with possible options when typing
/* Revisions 4/25/2007 10:49AM by James Bott
Method AutoFill: nKey was not defined as a LOCAL. Fixed.
Method AutoFill: nLength was mispelled (as nLenght). Fixed.
Method AutoFill: ::Cargo changed to ::lAuto (see reason below)
Method AutoFill: Changed to using manifest constants instead of numbers.
Method Redefine: Was passing aItems to the parent method (not needed).
Method LostFocus: Added this method.
Methos New() and Redefine(). Was passing bChanged, and then ::bChange to parent. Fixed.
It is not a good idea to use ::Cargo, ::bPostKey, or ::bLostFocus in the class since these
then cannot be used by the programmer. It would be better to subclass the needed methods and add
whatever functionality needed. So, ::Cargo and ::bLostFocus were eliminated.
Unfortuneately, not using ::bPostKey is somewhat of a challenge. We can subclass KeyDown() and
KeyChar() but some of each method will have to be copied into the new methods and thus if there
are any changes to these sections of code in future versions of TGET, then this method in
TAutoGet will have to be updated also.
Bug?: If the items in ::aArray are in proper case, e.g. "Mauro," they are automatically converted
to proper case when autofilled, however, if you backspace they are converted to all lower case.
#include ""
METHOD New( nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight,;
cPict , bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack , oFont , lDesign,;
oCursor , lPixel , cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter,;
lRight , bChanged, lReadOnly, lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpID,;
lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax , aItems ) CONSTRUCTOR
METHOD ReDefine( nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId , cPict, bValid ,;
nClrFore, nClrBack, oFont , oCursor , cMsg , lUpdate,;
bWhen , bChanged, lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown ,;
bMin , bMax, aItems ) CONSTRUCTOR
METHOD SetItems( aItems )
METHOD AutoFill()
METHOD LostFocus( hWndGetFocus ) inline ::SetPos(1), ::lAuto := Nil, ::super:LostFocus( hWndGetFocus )
METHOD New(nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight , cPict ,;
bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack, oFont , lDesign, oCursor , lPixel ,;
cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter , lRight , bChanged, lReadOnly,;
lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpId , lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin ,;
bMax , aItems) CLASS TAutoGet
local nLen, i
Super:New(nRow , nCol , bSetGet , oWnd , nWidth , nHeight,;
cPict , bValid , nClrFore , nClrBack , oFont , lDesign,;
oCursor, lPixel , cMsg , lUpdate , bWhen , lCenter,;
lRight , bChanged, lReadOnly, lPassword, lNoBorder, nHelpId,;
lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax )
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
::bPostKey := {|oGet, cBuffer| ::AutoFill() }
return( Self )
METHOD ReDefine(nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId, cPict , bValid, nClrFore,;
nClrBack , oFont , oCursor, cMsg , lUpdate, bWhen , bChanged,;
lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax , aItems ) CLASS TAutoGet
Super:ReDefine(nID , bSetGet , oWnd , nHelpId, cPict , bValid, nClrFore ,;
nClrBack , oFont , oCursor, cMsg , lUpdate, bWhen , bChanged,;
lReadOnly, lSpinner, bUp , bDown , bMin , bMax )
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
::bPostKey := {|oGet, cBuffer| ::AutoFill() }
return( Self )
// Set items of AutoGet
METHOD SetItems( aItems ) CLASS TAutoGet
if(aItems == Nil, aItems := {}, )
::aItems := aItems
return( Nil )
// Auto fill text when typed based on aItems
// Return: Always returns .T.
METHOD AutoFill() CLASS TAutoGet
local nPosItem := 0 // Text position into ::aItems
local nPosCursor := ::nPos // Current cursor position
local nLength := len(::cText) // Text length
local cStartTxt := left(::cText, nPosCursor-1) // Start text (position 1 to cursor position -1)
local cItem := ""
local nKey := 0
if len(::aItems) = 0 // We have no items to search in this GET
// We use ::lAuto to control when we must search in ::aItems for typed text
// We must seek in ::aItems when GET is blank or when user clear it
if valtype(::lAuto) != "L" // Cargo isn't logical yet -> GET received focus now
if ! empty(::Value) // GET isn't empty
::lAuto := .F. // We don't use autofill
else // GET is empty
::lAuto := .T. // Use autofill
else // We are controlling if use or no autofill
if empty(::Value) // User could cleaned the GET text
::lAuto := .T. // Use autofill
if ! ::lAuto // If don't control autofill
nKey := ::nLastKey
do case
case nKey == VK_TAB .or. ;
nKey == VK_RETURN .or. ;
::Assign() // Assign typed text
case nKey >= 32 .and. <= 256
FOR EACH cItem IN ::aItems
nPosItem += 1
if ToUpper( cItem ) = ToUpper(cStartTxt)
nLength := len( rtrim( cItem ) )
cItem += space( nLength - len(cItem) )
::SetText( cItem )
::SetSel( nPosCursor -1, nLength) // Select found text
::HideSel() // Text not found -> Undo selected text
return( .T. )
// Convert latin characters to ANSI upper case
// (for some reason AnsiUpper causes a GPF with Commercial xHB)
STATIC function ToUpper( cString )
cString := upper( cString )
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"á","Á"),"à","À"),"ã","Ã"),"â","Â")
cString := strtran(strtran(cString,"é","É"),"ê","Ê")
cString := strtran(cString,"í","Í")
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"ó","Ó"),"õ","Õ"),"ô","Ô")
cString := strtran(strtran(strtran(cString,"ú","Ú"),"ñ","Ñ"),"ç","Ç")
return( cString )
// --- EoF ---
- Maurilio Viana
- Posts: 252
- Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:48 pm
- Location: Garça/Garza/Heron City - Brazil
- Contact:
Thanks a lot, James!!!
Very good suggestions and fixes!
>>Bug?: If the items in ::aArray are in proper case, e.g. "Mauro," they are >>automatically converted
>>to proper case when autofilled, however, if you backspace they are >>converted to all lower case.
The true is that I don't know what do in this case...![Sad :-(](./images/smilies/icon_sad.gif)
Best regards and thanks again!!!
Very good suggestions and fixes!
>>Bug?: If the items in ::aArray are in proper case, e.g. "Mauro," they are >>automatically converted
>>to proper case when autofilled, however, if you backspace they are >>converted to all lower case.
The true is that I don't know what do in this case...
![Sad :-(](./images/smilies/icon_sad.gif)
Best regards and thanks again!!!
- Posts: 210
- Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:15 am
Maurilio, que erro é este?
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.71 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'C:\genesis\tautoget.prg'...
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(138) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at '32'"
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(150) Error E0017 Unclosed control structure at line 135
2 errors
No code generated
![Crying or Very sad :cry:](./images/smilies/icon_cry.gif)
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.71 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'C:\genesis\tautoget.prg'...
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(138) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at '32'"
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(150) Error E0017 Unclosed control structure at line 135
2 errors
No code generated
AOKISANTOS wrote:Maurilio, que erro é este?![]()
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.71 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'C:\genesis\tautoget.prg'...
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(138) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at '32'"
C:\genesis\tautoget.prg(150) Error E0017 Unclosed control structure at line 135
2 errors
No code generated
old: case nKey >= 32 .and. <= 256
change to -> case nKey >= 32 .and. nKey <= 256
bug fix:
bug: press 'M' -> VK_RIGHT -> 'S' -> 'A'
data is 'M SA'
Code: Select all | Expand
Case nKey >= 32 .And. nKey <= 256
::SetText( cItem )
::SetSel( nPosCursor -1, nLength) // Select found text
::oGet:Buffer = Pad( cItem, Len( ::oGet:Buffer )) // add by:ss-bbs
bug: press 'M' -> VK_RIGHT -> 'S' -> 'A'
data is 'M SA'
- Maurilio Viana
- Posts: 252
- Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:48 pm
- Location: Garça/Garza/Heron City - Brazil
- Contact:
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
- Contact:
>can you guide me how to use it to get a value from field without using resources from code please ?
>What is written inside Could you send it to me ?
The file was posted in the original message just after the PRG code (in a message above in this thread).
>can you guide me how to use it to get a value from field without using resources from code please ?
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
#include ""
function main()
local oDlg, oGet, cName, aNames
cName := space(20)
aNames := {"Mauro", "Mauricio", "Maurilio", "Maurizio"}
define dialog oDlg title "Test Autoget"
@ 2,2 autoget oGet var cName of oDlg items aNames
activate dialog oDlg centered
return nil
>What is written inside Could you send it to me ?
The file was posted in the original message just after the PRG code (in a message above in this thread).
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
│ FiveWin for Harbour 7.01 - January 2007 Harbour development power │
│ (c) FiveTech, 1993-2006 for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME and XP
Harbour Alpha build 1.0 Intl.
Copyright 1999-2007,
Compiling 'autoget.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'autoget.ppo'...
autoget.prg(42) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at '@'"
1 error
No code generated
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
* Application successfully built
│ FiveWin for Harbour 7.01 - January 2007 Harbour development power │
│ (c) FiveTech, 1993-2006 for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME and XP
Harbour Alpha build 1.0 Intl.
Copyright 1999-2007,
Compiling 'autoget.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'autoget.ppo'...
autoget.prg(42) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at '@'"
1 error
No code generated
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
* Application successfully built
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
- Contact:
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
Oka I got it but that was not my goal . My goal was to open combobox with all values matched with the first letter and I can choose any one ??
Last edited by Ehab Samir Aziz on Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:59 am, edited 2 times in total.