I have a Get\action statement that I add a bitmap to that allows me to click on the bitmap ( button magnifying glass ) within the field to fire off the code below. Everything works great but is there a way to disable the field so no one can enter in any data .. I just want the field to be read only .. be able to click the ( active ) button to run my Action routine and fill in the value back into the disabled field ..

In the image above, I want to disable that field but still be able to click the button than send a value back to the disabled field and refresh the results.
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE GET oBreakC VAR nBreakC ID 133 of oGRPS PICTURE "999.99" BITMAP "find"; ACTION ( _RateSlct( cMode,oFontB,"BUTTON",cInstate,cOutState,1,; @nBreakC,oBreakC,@nLunchC,oLunchC,@nDinnerC,oDinnerC,@nMRate,oMRate),; _Exp( @nBreak, @nBreakC, @nBreakT,oBreakT, ; @nLunch, @nLunchC, @nLunchT, oLunchT, ; @nDinner, @nDinnerC, @nDinnerT, oDinnerT, ; @nTmeals, oTmeals, @nTotalExp,oTotalExp,; @nTHotel, @nTMileage,@nTRegist, @nTAirFare,; @nTMisc, @nNights, @nHcost, oTHotel,; @nMiles, @nMrate, oTmileage,; oLunch:SetFocus(),oLunch:oJump := oLunch ) ) UPDATE oBreakC:lAdjustBtn := .t.
Rick Lipkin