I have a Listbox defined, in which the user inputs data in text.. The variable size is 90 characters, the input field is 40 characters. Is it possible to have the input text scroll horizontally to get the complete text? In ListBox....
The blue input field is in focus and the user input to scroll....Is this possible with ListBox..?? OR...just simply increase the row size...???
I have a Listbox defined, in which the user inputs data in text..
The listbox is TWBrowse
The variable filed size is 90 characters
Is it possible to have the input text scroll horizontally to get the complete text?
In ListBox....
FUNCTION HEditCol( nCol, uVar, cPicture, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack,aItems, bAction, aVarArry )
LOCAL oDlg, oGet, oFont, oBtn, oBtnAction
LOCAL nWidth,cVar,oBrw,iHelp,WHlp
LOCAL uTemp,aDim,lOk,cHType
LOCAL x,tRtn,DispDesc:=.F.,aDArray:={},aTmpArray:={}
If Len(aVarArry) = 6
aTmpArray := aVarArry[6]
For x = 1 To Len(aTmpArray)
If Empty(aTmpArray[x])
If aScan(aDArray, aTmpArray[x]) = 0
aAdd(aDArray , aTmpArray[x])
Next x
DispDesc := If(Len(aDArray)#0,.T.,.F.)