No, sorry.
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- ? FINDWINDOW( "MozillaCompositorWindowClass" )
The return value is 0 even if the compose dialog is displayed, so the classname is not the correct one.
? FINDWINDOW( "MozillaCompositorWindowClass" )
Otto wrote:Hello Enrico,
The FindWindow function in the Windows API is used to find the top-level window that matches the specified class name and window title. It does not work for finding child windows.
To find child windows, you need to use the FindWindowEx function, which can search for a window that is a child of a specified parent window.
However, it seems that FindWindowEx is not included in the FW functions, so you will have to implement it yourself.
Best regards,
#include <Windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
HB_FUNC( GETCLASSNAMEA ) // ( hWnd, cClassName, nSize ) --> nLength
HWND hwnd = (HWND) hb_parnl( 1 );
char *cClassName = hb_parc( 2 );
int nSize = hb_parni( 3 );
int nLen = GetClassNameA( hwnd, cClassName, nSize );
hb_retnl( nLen );
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