Numeric Comparison
- TimStone
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Numeric Comparison
I am working with a Replace command ( data object ).
Using MsgGet( ) I enter a number ( ie. 4051.25 ). Because it is a string in the GET field ( which must accomodate any type of data type ), I convert it to a Numeric using VAL( ). The problem is that it adds many zeros using VAL ( Harbour ). When I go to seek the value in the database ( 4051.21 ), it can't match because the two numbers are not the same.
I want to limit the number of decimals to 2 for the purpose of matching. I tried using SET DECIMAL TO 2 at the beginning of the function, and then resetting it back to no filter, but that doesn't work out. Also, sometimes the number could need 4 decimal places, or 6.
Any suggestions on how to get the input in the MsgGet( ) to match the contents of the database field for comparison ?
Using MsgGet( ) I enter a number ( ie. 4051.25 ). Because it is a string in the GET field ( which must accomodate any type of data type ), I convert it to a Numeric using VAL( ). The problem is that it adds many zeros using VAL ( Harbour ). When I go to seek the value in the database ( 4051.21 ), it can't match because the two numbers are not the same.
I want to limit the number of decimals to 2 for the purpose of matching. I tried using SET DECIMAL TO 2 at the beginning of the function, and then resetting it back to no filter, but that doesn't work out. Also, sometimes the number could need 4 decimal places, or 6.
Any suggestions on how to get the input in the MsgGet( ) to match the contents of the database field for comparison ?
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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- TimStone
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RE: Replace in File Editor
Here is my problem. I have a modified version of Five DBU ( set for just DBF files ) that works well except for the Replace capability.
I build a dialog for creating the replace command using:
Toward the bottom you will see ::oDbfr:ReplaceFor( ) as a called method. Here is it's code:
This works fine for everything except numerics. When the field in the database is numeric, then I do not get a match, and thus no replacement. FOR ALL OTHER DATA TYPES this process works fine.
I did not write the original function ( an extension of tDatabase ). I need to find a way to be able to do a replace for the numeric fields. I've spent a long time trying different things. Every other option generates an error. This does not generate the error but it does not change the value in the field as desired.
Your observations would be appreciated.
I build a dialog for creating the replace command using:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD ReplaceData( ) CLASS MLSEditor
LOCAL aOpsType := { "=", "<", "<=", "<>", ">=", ">" }
LOCAL cOldValue := SPACE(50 ), cNewValue := SPACE(50)
LOCAL uOldValue := SPACE(10), uNewValue := SPACE(10)
LOCAL cSearchField := SPACE(10), cReplaceField := SPACE(10), cOpsType := "="
LOCAL lAllRecords := .f., lDoProcess := .f.
LOCAL nReplaceField := 1 // , aType, aNames, nFlds := 1
LOCAL cOldType, nField2, cNewType, oRRec, oCbx1, oCbx2, oCbx3, oEdit2, oEdit1
MEMVAR oBrush, oMFont
// Create the DIALOG
// Do we replace all records
REDEFINE CHECKBOX lAllRecords ID 601 OF oRRec MESSAGE "Check if you want the value changed in all records"
// Select the field
REDEFINE COMBOBOX oCbx1 VAR cSearchField ITEMS ::aNames ID 602 OF oRRec ;
STYLE CBS_DROPDOWN MESSAGE "Select the field for selecting records"
// Next select the operator
STYLE CBS_DROPDOWN MESSAGE "Select the comparison operator"
// Then get the old value
REDEFINE GET oEdit1 VAR cOldValue ID 604 OF oRRec MESSAGE "Enter the current value to match"
// The replace field
REDEFINE COMBOBOX oCbx3 VAR cReplaceField ITEMS ::aNames ID 605 OF oRRec ;
STYLE CBS_DROPDOWN MESSAGE "Select the field to update"
// And the new value
REDEFINE GET oEdit2 VAR cNewValue ID 606 OF oRRec MESSAGE "Enter the new field value"
ACTION ( lDoProcess := .t., oRRec:end() )
ACTION oRRec:end()
ACTIVATE DIALOG oRRec ON INIT ( oRRec:center(wndmain()) )
IF lDoProcess
// We want the field number of the replacement field
cReplaceField := TRIM( cReplaceField)
nReplaceField := Ascan( ::aNames, cReplaceField )
// We want the type of data of the selected field
cNewType := ::aTypes[ nReplaceField ]
// Make sure the new value matches the type of the field and is defined as vNewValue
IF cNewType = "C"
uNewValue := cNewValue
ELSEIF cNewType = "N"
uNewValue := VAL( cNewValue )
ELSEIF cNewType = "L"
uNewValue := IIF( cNewValue = "T", .t., .f. )
ELSEIF cNewType = "D"
uNewValue := CTOD( cNewValue )
uNewValue := cNewValue
IF ! lAllRecords
// vOldValue must be of the right type to do the search
cSearchField := TRIM( cSearchField )
nField2 := Ascan( ::aNames, cSearchField )
// We want the type of data of the selected field
cOldType := ::aTypes[ nField2 ]
// Be sure the data type is converted to the field type
// Make sure the new value matches the type of the field and is defined as vNewValue
IF cOldType = "C"
uOldValue := cOldValue
ELSEIF cOldType = "N"
uOldValue := VAL( cOldValue )
ELSEIF cOldType = "L"
uOldValue := IIF( cOldValue = "T", .t., .f. )
ELSEIF cOldType = "D"
uOldValue := CTOD( cOldValue )
uOldValue := cOldValue
// If desired, execute the replace
IF MsgNoYes( "Do you wish to do this replacement ?" )
::oDbf:ReplaceFor( nReplaceField, uNewValue, cSearchField, uOldValue, cOpsType, lAllRecords )
MsgInfo( "Replace complete" )
::oDbf:gotop( )
ENDIF // Do process
Code: Select all | Expand
Purpose: Do a REPLACE FOR for certain records or all records.
nReplaceField - Number of field that you want to replace with uNewValue
uNewValue - Value to replace with
cSearchField - Name of search field. Could be the same as nReplaceField or not
nOldValue - Value to look for to trigger replacement operation
cOpsType - Mathmatical value to use ("=", "<", "<=", etc.)
lAllRecords - Set to .T. to replace all records. Only need nReplaceField and uNewValue when using lAllRecords = .T.
I.E. You can't specify a condition.
Method ReplaceFor( nReplaceField, uNewValue, cSearchField, uOldValue, cOpsType, lAllRecords ) CLASS TData
Local bFor, cOldType, lSuccess:=.F., nOldRecNo
Default lAllRecords:=.F.
cSearchField:= upper(cSearchField)
nOldRecNo:= ::recno()
::GoTop( )
::Lock( )
IF lAllRecords
(::cAlias)->(dbeval( { || FieldPut( nReplaceField, uNewValue ) },,,,, .T. ) )
cOldType:=valtype( uOldValue)
do case
case ( cOldType = "C" .or. cOldType = "M" ) // Character or Memo type
bFor := compile( "_Field->" + upper(cSearchField) + cOpsType + '"' + TRIM(uOldValue) + '"' )
case cOldType = "D" // Date type
bFor := compile( "DTOS(_Field->" + cSearchField +") " + cOpsType + '"' + DTOS(uOldValue)+'"' )
case cOldType = "L" // Logical
bFor:= compile( "_Field->"+ upper(cSearchField) + cOpsType + cValToChar(uOldValue ) )
case cOldType = "N" // Numeric
bFor:= compile( "_Field->"+ upper(cSearchField) + cOpsType + cValToChar(uOldValue ) )
bFor := ""
MsgAlert( cOldType + " Value Not Supported" )
(::cAlias)->(dbeval( { || FieldPut( nReplaceField, uNewValue ) }, bFor,,,, .T. ) )
lSuccess:= .T.
::Unlock( )
Return lSuccess
STATIC FUNCTION Compile( cExp1 )
// MsgInfo( cExp1, "Inside Compile() Function" ) // For debugging only
Return &( "{||" + cExp1 + "}" )
I did not write the original function ( an extension of tDatabase ). I need to find a way to be able to do a replace for the numeric fields. I've spent a long time trying different things. Every other option generates an error. This does not generate the error but it does not change the value in the field as desired.
Your observations would be appreciated.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: Numeric Comparison
Code: Select all | Expand
ELSEIF cNewType = "N"
uNewValue := VAL( cNewValue )
Code: Select all | Expand
ELSEIF cNewType = "N"
uNewValue := ROUND( VAL( cNewValue ), nDec )
In this statement
Code: Select all | Expand
case cOldType = "N" // Numeric
bFor:= compile( "_Field->"+ upper(cSearchField) + cOpsType + cValToChar(uOldValue ) )
Code: Select all | Expand
Str( nOldValue, nFieldLen, nFieldDec )
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- TimStone
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Re: Numeric Comparison
First nDec is undefined, but even if I give it a value ( ie. 2 ), it still does not do the replace.
I think the issue is with the second method in my post which converts the number to a string, and I don't see how that can get a match with a numeric field.
All other data types work fine, but not the numeric replace. I have looked at other options ( like what is used in the newer versions of fivedbu.prg in samples ) but this layout works nicely and my clients are used to it. Also, Fivedbu.prg is not using database objects.
I think the issue is with the second method in my post which converts the number to a string, and I don't see how that can get a match with a numeric field.
All other data types work fine, but not the numeric replace. I have looked at other options ( like what is used in the newer versions of fivedbu.prg in samples ) but this layout works nicely and my clients are used to it. Also, Fivedbu.prg is not using database objects.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: Numeric Comparison
Actually, the number of trailing zeros after decimal place should not and does not make any difference at all. SET DECIMALS TO has not effect at all.
Here is a sample for testing.
customer.dbf has two records with Salary = 16300.00
Both for conditions viz.
work EXACTLY the same way and identify the same two records.
This is the test program:
So your problem is not due to any extra zeros.
Here is a sample for testing.
customer.dbf has two records with Salary = 16300.00
Both for conditions viz.
Code: Select all | Expand
"SALARY = 16300"
Code: Select all | Expand
"SALARY = 16300.000000"
This is the test program:
Code: Select all | Expand
function TestFor()
local cFor, aList, cVal
cVal := " 16300 "
aList := {}
cFor := "SALARY = " + ALLTRIM( cVal )
? cFor // --> "SALARY = 16300"
DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aList, { FIELD->ID,FIELD->SALARY } ) }, ;
&( "{||" + cFor + "}" ) )
? aList // --> "{{257,16300.00},{289,16300.00}}"
cVal := " 16300.000000 "
aList := {}
cFor := "SALARY = " + ALLTRIM( cVal )
? cFor // --> "SALARY = 16300.000000"
DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aList, { FIELD->ID,FIELD->SALARY } ) }, ;
&( "{||" + cFor + "}" ) )
? aList // --> "{{257,16300.00},{289,16300.00}}"
return nil
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- TimStone
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Re: Numeric Comparison
My last comment focused on a different issue / question:
The code is:
The code is:
Code: Select all | Expand
bFor:= compile( "_Field->"+ upper(cSearchField) + cOpsType + cValToChar(uOldValue ) )
bFor becomes a code block.
The field I am searching is CLSBAL
The type is Numeric
However uOldValue is translated to a character.
Using dbEval(), will it compare a character value to a numeric field and get a match ?
The code in my original entry works fine except for the Numeric values. You will see it in the 2nd code segment in that original post, which is the ReplaceFor( ) method / function.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit