Mr Rao,nageswaragunupudi wrote:Which version of FWH did you test with please?Run time error:
Fivewin 23.10 xHarbour 123, BCC 77.
Mr Rao,nageswaragunupudi wrote:Which version of FWH did you test with please?Run time error:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD New( aData, aStruct ) CLASS TArrayData
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD New( aData, aStruct, p3 ) CLASS TArrayData
Code: Select all | Expand
oRec := oCn:Record( cTable )
Code: Select all | Expand
oRec := oCn:Record( cTable, cWhere )
Mr Rao, works fine, thank you.nageswaragunupudi wrote:Thank you very much for pointing out this error.
This example works perfectly fine with Harbour but fails with xHarbour with this run-time error.
This bug is due to my ignoring the difference in the behavior between Harbour and xHarbour of a function PValue().
We regret the inconvenience.
You can fix this problem by making a small correction in TArrayData class in \fwh\source\classes\tarrdata.prg
Please locate the line:Please change it as:Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD New( aData, aStruct ) CLASS TArrayData
With this fix, the above examples works perfectly with xHarbour also.Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD New( aData, aStruct, p3 ) CLASS TArrayData