I try to create QRcode with function FW_BarCodeBmp() and save it to JPG or PNG file but saved picture has black border around QRcode. Is there any way to disable border?
I modified "\fwh\samples\QRcode.prg" to "QRcode1.prg" to make simple example of my problem. In example I also use "oWnd:SayBarCode()" which works well.
Example #1
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#include "fivewin.ch"REQUEST FWZEBRA // Importantfunction Main() local hBmp,cText cText:="https://ancdefg.hij.hr/rn?ilz=7fc0d4da335dedcf569a4e365fc8cf62&datv=20201107_1036&izn=18,90" hBmp := FW_BarCodeBmp( cText, "QRCODE", 200, 200 ) FW_SaveImage( hBmp, "name.png" )return nil
Example #2
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#include "fivewin.ch"REQUEST FWZEBRA//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oWnd, cText, cPrg := cFileSetExt( ExeName(), "prg" ) //cText := MEMOREAD( cPrg ) cText := "https://ancdefg.hij.hr/rn?ilz=7fc0d4da335dedcf569a4e365fc8cf62&datv=20201107_1036&izn=18,90" DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE cPrg FROM 0,0 to 500,200 pixel ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd CENTERED ; ON INIT DrawCode(oWnd,cText) return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function DrawCode(oWnd,cText) local oImage, hBmp, hNew * * Create QRcode with function FW_BarCodeBmp() * hBmp := FW_BarCodeBmp( cText, "QRCODE", 500, 500 ) FW_SaveImage( hBmp, "test1.png" ) // save @ 37,37 XIMAGE oImage SIZE 110,110 OF oWnd SOURCE "test1.png" // draw QRcode at top of window * * * oWnd:SayBarCode( cText, { 20,20,-20,-20 }, "QR-CODE" ) // draw QRcode at center of window * * Cut part of image ... * hNew := FW_TransformBitmap( hBmp, { nil, nil, 0.5, 0.5 }, 1, 0 ) // cut part of image FW_SaveImage( hNew, "test2.png" ) // save @ 317,37 XIMAGE oImage SIZE 110,110 OF oWnd SOURCE "test2.png" // draw QRcode at bottom of windowreturn nil