Is it possible to search in the text by format ?
For example, there is a date in the text in the form of dd/mm/yyyy.
I need to find this fragment and determine that it is exactly the date (a la Excel - mask search "??/??/????")
cRegExDate := "[0-3][0-9][-|/|.][0-1][0-9][-|/|.][1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
? HB_ATX( cRegExDate, "His date of birth is 20/10/1986, What is his age?" )
// result "20/10/1986"
local cRegEx := "[«][0-3][0-9][»]"
? hb_atx( cRegEx , "test this «23». working" )
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