WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

Postby Jimmy » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:27 am


i use WMI to ask for some Hardware Information like RAM

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  FOR EACH oMemory IN oWmi:ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory" )
       nSumRAM += VAL( oMemory:Capacity )
       cFormFactor := GetFormFaktorText( oMemory:FormFactor )
       cMemoryType := GetRAMtype( oMemory:SMBIOSMemoryType )

       // ask for "SPEED"
       IF __ObjHasData( oMemory, "SPEED" )
       IF __ObjHasMethod( oMemory, "SPEED" )

both IF __Obj* give me .F. :?

but this work
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      cSpeed := oMemory:Speed
       cSpeed := oMemory:GETPROPERTY("SPEED")

Problem : it does not work on every PC
if i use TRY / CATCH / END than line after Error will not execute

so how to "ask" in FOR EACH if a "Property" Exist :?:
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Re: WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:13 pm

__ObjHasData and __ObjHasMethod work only with Harbour classes.

if i use TRY / CATCH / END than line after Error will not execute

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  speed := o:Speed
  speed := 0
? speed

so how to "ask" in FOR EACH if a "Property" Exist

FOR EACH works with Harbour Arrays and objects only.

Can you please share with us how are you now doing this with HMG, to help me to learn more about this subject?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

Postby Jimmy » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:51 pm


thx for Answer

under Xbase++ "Property" aof COM/ActiveX are same as Member VAR (DATA)
Eigenschaft (engl.: Property)
Instanzvariable einer COM/ActiveX-Komponente, entspricht einer Membervariablen (IVar) eines Xbase++-Objektes.

thats why i try __ObjHasData but fail


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      a := 1
      b := 1/0
      c := "not execute"
      FWLOG a,b,c

as "b" gave a Error Line with "c" will not be execute
i have to use it for every "Property" to CATCH Error
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Re: WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:58 pm

i have to use it for every "Property" to CATCH Error

Better we make a function with TRY/CATCH
under Xbase++ "Property" aof COM/ActiveX are same as Member VAR (DATA)

That's nice. Good to know.
What about HMG?
ps: I am asking because I never used them

G. N. Rao.
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Re: WMI / FOR EACH / does "Property" Exist ?

Postby Jimmy » Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:15 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:What about HMG?
ps: I am asking because I never used them

i did not know __Obj* Function until Antonio told me so i have not use it under HMG
i will ask in HMG Forum if they have a Solution
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