Error compilacion TXBrowse con hbmk2 y vc2022

Error compilacion TXBrowse con hbmk2 y vc2022

Postby Compuin » Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:09 am


Estoy tratando de compilar con hbmk2 y msvc2022 la clase txbrowse modificada en otro .prg pero me arroja el siguiente error:

hbmk2: Procesando opciones de entorno: -comp=msvc
hbmk2: Harbour: Compilando módulos...
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2303091450)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021,
hbmk2: Compilando...
Generating Code...
hbmk2: Enlazando... Adp.exe
FiveH32.lib(XBROWSE.obj) : warning LNK4006: _HB_FUN_TXBROWSE already defined in Dpxbrowse.obj; second definition ignored
FiveH32.lib(XBROWSE.obj) : warning LNK4006: _HB_FUN_TXBRWCOLUMN already defined in Dpxbrwcol.obj; second definition ignored

Alguna sugerencia ?
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Re: Error compilacion TXBrowse con hbmk2 y vc2022

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:02 am

No son errores, son avisos de que esas clases estan duplicadas, pero como te explica en los avisos, se descartan las segundas difiniciones y se toman las tuyas:

FiveH32.lib(XBROWSE.obj) : warning LNK4006: _HB_FUN_TXBROWSE already defined in Dpxbrowse.obj; second definition ignored
FiveH32.lib(XBROWSE.obj) : warning LNK4006: _HB_FUN_TXBRWCOLUMN already defined in Dpxbrwcol.obj; second definition ignored

TXBROWSE ya se ha tomado de Dpxbrowse.obj y TXBRWCOLUMN también
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Error compilacion TXBrowse con hbmk2 y vc2022

Postby Compuin » Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:11 am

Gracias maestro,

El problema es que se crea el ejecutable, pero no se ejecuta. Antes de agregar esas clases si se ejecutaba.

Terminated at: 2023-03-21 06:10:46
Error irrecuperable 9003: Demasiadas llamadas recursivas al controlador de errores
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:_AGRADCOLORS(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TDIALOG:NEW(202) in .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG
Called from ERRORDIALOG(395) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(24) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TICON:ERROR(148) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(77) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TICON:MSGNOTFOUND(0) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TICON:_LUNICODE(142) in ../../../tobject.prg
Called from TICON:NEW(56) in .\source\classes\ICON.PRG
Called from DPWININI(838) in source\Dpwin.prg
FWH 20.12
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Re: Error compilacion TXBrowse con hbmk2 y vc2022

Postby Jimmy » Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:13 pm

Compuin wrote:Alguna sugerencia ?

under HMG and MinGW i can use
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in my *.HBP File to get rid of "Warning" and use "my" CODE

it should also work with MSVC when use *.HBP File
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