I have to use a particular bsetup for my printouts
when I compile it does not accept the line that I put in bold how can I fix it?
bSetUp := < |oRep, Brw, n |
bImage := {|oRep| oRep:SayBitmap(0.5, 7, cLogo)}
bStart := {|oRep| oRep:bStartPage := bImage}
bInit := {|| oBrw:oDbf:GoTop()}
bSkip := {|| (IF(!oBrw:oDbf:Eof(),oBrw:oDbf:Skip(),nil),IF(oRep:nCounter % 2 =1 , oRep:lShadow :=.f.,oRep:lShadow :=.t.))}
if n == 2
oRep:oShdBrush := TBrush():New(,nRgb(219,229,241))
oRep:bInit := bInit
oRep:bSkip := bSkip
oRep:bStartPage := bImage
return nil
return 2