Hi friends.
I'm trying to use only fivewin code. So I'm try to print this:
cTitulo33:="Gancedo & Asociados S.R.L."
oPrn:RoundBox( 1, 7.8, 2 , 13.8, 0.1,0.1, oPen1,CLR_WHITE, {cTitulo33, oFont, CLR_BLACK} ,"CM" )
Don't print the character &, I tryed with other font but, don't.
There are more...
When I clicked on button "acrobat", the PDF file I created show me the roundbox whith the 4 corners round and rect.
(I usually use tUtilprn, thanks to Rafa TheFull) This was working
FWH 22.12
Ruben Fernandez