Menus style office 2003 y xp
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Not only Excellent Contribution but also Excellent Support too!.
I have downloaded the latest version and my points mentioned above in
the first page this thread are fully takencare and I am very happy for that.
Once again thank you very much for your quick support and hope to
get more contributions to our FWH community like VTASKBAR etc...
Regards to you,
- Ramesh Babu P
Not only Excellent Contribution but also Excellent Support too!.
a) When I tried to change to prompt of the menu item using
oMenu:SetPrompt(..) or oMenu:cCaption(..) the gradiation effect is
lost and the system's default gray color with blue highlite is appearing.
b) When the menu are displayed in WIN98 the Hilite bar is painted from
the place where the Icon is ended at the right side and the bar is not
painted on the icon also. But is same functionality is working OK in
I have downloaded the latest version and my points mentioned above in
the first page this thread are fully takencare and I am very happy for that.
Once again thank you very much for your quick support and hope to
get more contributions to our FWH community like VTASKBAR etc...
Regards to you,
- Ramesh Babu P
- James Bott
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When I try to compile the testmenu.prg I get the errors shown below. I see the lightColor() function in gradient.c, but I do not see colorMenu() or colorSubMenu(). I am using the buildh.bat file that came with the same (modified for my paths), and FWH 2.7, Aug 2006 build with BCC and xHarbour.
The gradient.obj file is getting linked but the linker doesn't see lightColor() for some reason. I can't find the other two functions anywhere.
Any ideas?
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.61 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'TESTMENU.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'TESTMENU.ppo'...
Lines 266, Functions/Procedures 4
Generating C source output to 'TESTMENU.c'...
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Borland Resource Compiler Version 5.40
Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error TESTMENU.RC 5 15: Cannot open file: d:/fw25/bitmaps/16x16/new.bmp
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LIGHTCOLOR' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN__COLORMENU' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN__COLORSUBMENU' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
* There are errors
The gradient.obj file is getting linked but the linker doesn't see lightColor() for some reason. I can't find the other two functions anywhere.
Any ideas?
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.61 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'TESTMENU.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'TESTMENU.ppo'...
Lines 266, Functions/Procedures 4
Generating C source output to 'TESTMENU.c'...
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Borland Resource Compiler Version 5.40
Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error TESTMENU.RC 5 15: Cannot open file: d:/fw25/bitmaps/16x16/new.bmp
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LIGHTCOLOR' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN__COLORMENU' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN__COLORSUBMENU' referenced from C:\FW\MISC\MENUSAT\TESTMENU.OBJ
* There are errors
- Posts: 630
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- Location: Secunderabad (T.S), India
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These two functions are present in menus.c. You have to compile
menus.c and add menus.obj to the link script.
There is no such file gradient.obj supplied in the zip. It is GRADFILL.C
in which LightColor() function is present.
These are the files which are to be used to test the TESTMENU.PRG
Regards to you
- Ramesh Babu P
but I do not see colorMenu() or colorSubMenu()
These two functions are present in menus.c. You have to compile
menus.c and add menus.obj to the link script.
The gradient.obj file is getting linked but the linker doesn't see lightColor() for some reason.
There is no such file gradient.obj supplied in the zip. It is GRADFILL.C
in which LightColor() function is present.
These are the files which are to be used to test the TESTMENU.PRG
Regards to you
- Ramesh Babu P
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
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>These two functions are present in menus.c. You have to compile
menus.c and add menus.obj to the link script.
Ah, yes, I see them now. I thought I had looked in all the files, but I guess I missed that one.
>There is no such file gradient.obj supplied in the zip. It is GRADFILL.C
in which LightColor() function is present.
Sorry, I meant gradfill.obj. Both gradfill.obj and menus.obj are getting linked but I am getting the errors. See section of buildh.bat below.
echo menu.obj + >> b32.bc
echo Mru.obj + >> b32.bc
echo gradfill.obj + >> b32.bc
echo menus.obj + >> b32.bc
echo menuitem.obj + >> b32.bc
echo pdmenu.obj, + >> b32.bc
>These two functions are present in menus.c. You have to compile
menus.c and add menus.obj to the link script.
Ah, yes, I see them now. I thought I had looked in all the files, but I guess I missed that one.
>There is no such file gradient.obj supplied in the zip. It is GRADFILL.C
in which LightColor() function is present.
Sorry, I meant gradfill.obj. Both gradfill.obj and menus.obj are getting linked but I am getting the errors. See section of buildh.bat below.
echo menu.obj + >> b32.bc
echo Mru.obj + >> b32.bc
echo gradfill.obj + >> b32.bc
echo menus.obj + >> b32.bc
echo menuitem.obj + >> b32.bc
echo pdmenu.obj, + >> b32.bc
- Posts: 630
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The section of your buildh.bat seems to be ok. I hope you have added
the testmenu.obj also on this section of .objs. The following is the copy
of buildh.bat which is used to create testmenu.exe. If you are using
latest version of this application, you have to add the mru.prg, .c and .obj
also in buildh.bat
Regards to you
- Ramesh Babu P
The section of your buildh.bat seems to be ok. I hope you have added
the testmenu.obj also on this section of .objs. The following is the copy
of buildh.bat which is used to create testmenu.exe. If you are using
latest version of this application, you have to add the mru.prg, .c and .obj
also in buildh.bat
Code: Select all | Expand
@ECHO OFFCLSECHO ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ECHO ³ FiveWin for xHarbour 2.8 - September 2006 xHarbour development power ³ÜECHO ³ (c) FiveTech, 1993-2006 for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME and XP ³ÛECHO ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÛECHO ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßif A%1 == A GOTO :SINTAXif NOT EXIST %1.prg GOTO :NOEXISTECHO Compiling...set hdir=c:\xharbourset bcdir=c:\bcc55%hdir%\bin\harbour %1 /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /w /p %2 %3 > clip.log%hdir%\bin\harbour menu /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /w /p %2 %3 >> clip.log%hdir%\bin\harbour menuitem /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /w /p %2 %3 >> clip.log%hdir%\bin\harbour pdmenu /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /w /p %2 %3 >> clip.log%hdir%\bin\harbour mru /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /w /p %2 %3 >> clip.log@type clip.logIF ERRORLEVEL 1 PAUSEIF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO EXITecho -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include %1.c > b32.bcecho -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include menu.c >> b32.bcecho -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include menuitem.c >> b32.bcecho -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include pdmenu.c >> b32.bcecho -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include mru.c >> b32.bcrem echo -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include gradfill.c >> b32.bc%bcdir%\bin\bcc32 -M -c -v @b32.bc:ENDCOMPILEIF EXIST %1.rc %bcdir%\bin\brc32 -r %1echo c0w32.obj + > b32.bcecho %1.obj + >> b32.bcecho menu.obj + >> b32.bcecho gradfill.obj + >> b32.bcecho menu.obj + >> b32.bcecho menus.obj + >> b32.bcecho menuitem.obj + >> b32.bcecho pdmenu.obj + >> b32.bcecho mru.obj, + >> b32.bcecho %1.exe, + >> b32.bcecho, + >> b32.bcecho c:\fwh\lib\Fivehx.lib c:\fwh\lib\FiveHC.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\rtl.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\vm.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\gtgui.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\lang.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\macro.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\rdd.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\dbfntx.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\dbfcdx.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\dbffpt.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\hbsix.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\debug.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\common.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\pp.lib + >> b32.bcrem Uncomment these two lines to use Advantage RDDecho %hdir%\lib\rddads.lib + >> b32.bcecho %hdir%\lib\Ace32.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\cw32.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\import32.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\psdk\odbc32.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\psdk\rasapi32.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\psdk\nddeapi.lib + >> b32.bcecho %bcdir%\lib\psdk\iphlpapi.lib, >> b32.bcIF EXIST %1.res echo %1.res >> b32.bcrem uncomment this line to use the debugger and comment the following onerem %bcdir%\bin\ilink32 -Gn -Tpe -s -v @b32.bc%bcdir%\bin\ilink32 -Gn -aa -Tpe -s -v @b32.bcIF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO LINKERRORECHO * Application successfully builtrem %1GOTO EXITECHOrem delete temporary files@del %1.c:LINKERRORECHO * There are errorsGOTO EXIT:SINTAXECHO SYNTAX: Build [Program] {-- No especifiques la extensi¢n PRGECHO {-- Don't specify .PRG extensionGOTO EXIT:NOEXISTECHO The specified PRG %1 does not exist:EXIT
Regards to you
- Ramesh Babu P
- James Bott
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We should not for get our origins. We have come from Clipper times.
And most our users still they are comfortably using menu driven
clipper applications. Even this new menu style which is not available
so far in FWH, is also an amizing thing for our users.
As far as the RibbonBar and Office Style 2007 is concerned, it is good. But I don't think that it is suitable for all applications.
Having a good number of year of development experience, you will
appreciate what your juniors who are trying to do some thing which may not be upto date out side of FWH. But the things are still good and new in FWH environment.
I like your opinion and advise on the missing features of FWH viz. an IDE.
Regards to you,
- Ramesh Babu P
This style is 4 years old and old fashioned.
Let’s start with RibbonBar. That is Office style 2007!
We should not for get our origins. We have come from Clipper times.
And most our users still they are comfortably using menu driven
clipper applications. Even this new menu style which is not available
so far in FWH, is also an amizing thing for our users.
As far as the RibbonBar and Office Style 2007 is concerned, it is good. But I don't think that it is suitable for all applications.
Having a good number of year of development experience, you will
appreciate what your juniors who are trying to do some thing which may not be upto date out side of FWH. But the things are still good and new in FWH environment.
I like your opinion and advise on the missing features of FWH viz. an IDE.
Regards to you,
- Ramesh Babu P
- Maurilio Viana
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- Otto
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Hello Maurilio,
>you let "us down" . That's not my intention.
I only asked: Why Office style 2003?
Isn't it the truth that this style is 4 years old and with the upcoming of Office 2007 old fashioned?
Please keep in mind that Fivewin is my main development tool and my whole company depends on this product. I get nervous seeing that the combined efforts go in a wrong direction.
What I need immediately is RibbonBar supported by Fivetech, a better browser supported by Fivetech and an IDE and an outlook how and when Fivewin will support DOT.NET framework.
>you let "us down" . That's not my intention.
I only asked: Why Office style 2003?
Isn't it the truth that this style is 4 years old and with the upcoming of Office 2007 old fashioned?
Please keep in mind that Fivewin is my main development tool and my whole company depends on this product. I get nervous seeing that the combined efforts go in a wrong direction.
What I need immediately is RibbonBar supported by Fivetech, a better browser supported by Fivetech and an IDE and an outlook how and when Fivewin will support DOT.NET framework.
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
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>>you let "us down" . That's not my intention.
>I only asked: Why Office style 2003?
>Isn't it the truth that this style is 4 years old and with the upcoming of Office 2007 old fashioned?
I think there is a need for both. One can add this new menu with minimal effort and have a new interface right away.
The ribbonbar is so new that I think we need some time to figure out how best to apply it to database applications--or if it is a good solution. As I think I have pointed out before, the ribbonbar is aimed mostly at formatting documents. I'm not sure how well it will apply to database applications. I do think we need to look into this, because I do think the ribbon is a good marketing feature.
>Please keep in mind that Fivewin is my main development tool and my whole company depends on this product. I get nervous seeing that the combined efforts go in a wrong direction.
I understand your point, but the Office 2003 menu seems to be pretty much developed so I don't think this is going to impact any other developments.
>What I need immediately is RibbonBar supported by Fivetech, a better browser supported by Fivetech and an IDE and an outlook how and when Fivewin will support DOT.NET framework.
CanalFive's ribbonbar is already available.
What browser features do you need that we don't have? The documentation for the browses is not all that good, so perhaps one of them can already do what you want.
Have you looked at the UltraEdit IDE--a number of people are already using it including Antonio. Developing a new IDE would take thousands of man-hours.
Going to .NET is going to require a large effort develop the language end and also there is a very large learning curve for developers (at least for those not already using Visual Studio). I have spent several hundred hours on it and it would take hundreds more before I could develop the most simple application.
There already is an xBase .NET language if you are interested. It is called CULE and has been under development for a number of years.
>>you let "us down" . That's not my intention.
>I only asked: Why Office style 2003?
>Isn't it the truth that this style is 4 years old and with the upcoming of Office 2007 old fashioned?
I think there is a need for both. One can add this new menu with minimal effort and have a new interface right away.
The ribbonbar is so new that I think we need some time to figure out how best to apply it to database applications--or if it is a good solution. As I think I have pointed out before, the ribbonbar is aimed mostly at formatting documents. I'm not sure how well it will apply to database applications. I do think we need to look into this, because I do think the ribbon is a good marketing feature.
>Please keep in mind that Fivewin is my main development tool and my whole company depends on this product. I get nervous seeing that the combined efforts go in a wrong direction.
I understand your point, but the Office 2003 menu seems to be pretty much developed so I don't think this is going to impact any other developments.
>What I need immediately is RibbonBar supported by Fivetech, a better browser supported by Fivetech and an IDE and an outlook how and when Fivewin will support DOT.NET framework.
CanalFive's ribbonbar is already available.
What browser features do you need that we don't have? The documentation for the browses is not all that good, so perhaps one of them can already do what you want.
Have you looked at the UltraEdit IDE--a number of people are already using it including Antonio. Developing a new IDE would take thousands of man-hours.
Going to .NET is going to require a large effort develop the language end and also there is a very large learning curve for developers (at least for those not already using Visual Studio). I have spent several hundred hours on it and it would take hundreds more before I could develop the most simple application.
There already is an xBase .NET language if you are interested. It is called CULE and has been under development for a number of years.
- Otto
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Hello James,
Thanks for anwer.
What I don't understand is how - was able to develop an IDE and a language from zero in such a short time meanwhile Fivewin had up from version 2.2 a IDE prototype and now hasn't even plans for an IDE
>CanalFive's ribbonbar is already available.
I am in contact with Paco.
Please see your private post.
Thanks for anwer.
What I don't understand is how - was able to develop an IDE and a language from zero in such a short time meanwhile Fivewin had up from version 2.2 a IDE prototype and now hasn't even plans for an IDE
>CanalFive's ribbonbar is already available.
I am in contact with Paco.
Please see your private post.
- Antonio Linares
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How do you imagine a FW IDE ? What should it change from what you have now ?
You are already using a source code editor (the one of your choice) and a resources editor. How a FW IDE will improve that ? How will it help you to improve your development work ?
As James has said, I personally use UEStudio as it is very usefull
How do you imagine a FW IDE ? What should it change from what you have now ?
You are already using a source code editor (the one of your choice) and a resources editor. How a FW IDE will improve that ? How will it help you to improve your development work ?
As James has said, I personally use UEStudio as it is very usefull