Thanks for answering, your page is incredible, congratulations!Thank you, I am glad that you like our site.
Is it made with mod_harbour?Yes, the page is made with HTML, JS and mod harbour.
The data are in DBF files, including the megamenu.
What is harbourino? ... rbour.htmlIs it similar to TWeb and Beacon?HARBORINO is a program for patching files with a built-in preprocessor.
You build your framework yourself.
One advantage is that the HTML and JS line numbers are retained. If you examine the website with F12, you will see the real line numbers.
I would like if you give me more information about Harborino, I would appreciate it.If you have a website or a program that you would like to do, I can show you how HARBORINO can be used for it.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web********************************************************************