Dear Brian,
I have read that you were the developer for mod_lua. Congratulations for your great work and for sharing it.
We have developed a new mod_harbour for Apache and we wonder how could make it part of the default Apache package ?
many thanks for your guidance,
Happy new year
Jean-François Lefebvre
Otto Atzwanger yes it is, and I even added my own librairy. it work on iis on win server 2019
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:I'm not talking about dedicated servers but web spaces. Aruba doesn't allow to run CGI EXEs from their web spaces. Most of my customers have web spaces from various providers or company web servers that doesn't allow CGI EXE to run for company policy.
print( shell_exec( "./modharbour info.prg" ) );
print( shell_exec( "lsb_release -a" ) );
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