That's right Otto,
It is a case-sensitive language and it has several "funny" more things :
- Arrays, months, strings, etc starts with index 0 (zero) and drives you crazy at begining
- Semicolon ( ; ) is to finish an statement in FW is to continue next line with curent command
- Because index zero length() is equal to : array's / string's length + 1
- and others...
However it has some stuff I just love it : Methods !!!
FW :
local cUsrName := "juan perez"
JS :
var cUsrName = 'juan perez';
To change it
cNwName := Upper( cUsrName )
cNwName = cUsrName.toUpperCase();
To know how many chars
nChars := len( cUsrName )
nChars = cUsrName.length;
And off course you can concatenate several methods in one single line : aNames = cUsrName.toUpperCase().split(' ');
I'm not saying JS is better language than FW, it has several downside too, but I really enjoy programming with both, in my app's new release I got my beloved FW and JS working together as one !
PD : It is NOT a very difficult language to learn and use for web programs, I'm sure you already know this because I saw some posts of you talking about JS, Html, Css, Php right ?
( It's been a looong time I don't post any message in the forum so I say Hello to all old friends and new ones !! )
Saludos / Best regards