You may use FWPPC built-in MoveTo() function instead of DLL FUNCTION MoveToEx(), this way you eliminate the call to an external DLL and your code will be faster:
Richard, very nice! Thanks for cleaning up my code. Antonio, thanks for the info on the built-in FW functions. I'm still learning the FW syntax and functions.
Also, Antonio thank you for the incredible tool that FWPPC is. It has enabled us to deploy a Mobile app in very short time!
Merry Christmas to all!
Bill Simmeth
Merchant Software Corp
Marshall, Virginia USA
Hi All, specally Maurizio,
i must send the signature over Cell phone to a Webserver, so the data must be as small as possible (max. 1k packages). So i like the idea of Maurizio, only to send the array data. I already have implemented this and get filesizes of 1200 to 1500 Byte, which i can split into 2 files.
Questions: Is there a better solution for packing the data ?
If not, can someone point me to how to rebuild the signature from the array data or have a sample code for this ?
Static Function PrintBmp(cFileBmp)
Local aDati := {}
Local oPrn,oPen,oFont
Local cTxt := ""
Local n1 := 0
Local n2 := 0
local nRow := 0, nCol := 0
Local nMaxRow := 0
Local nZoom := 2
IF file(cFileBmp)
cTxt := memoread(cFileBmp)
aDati := aRead(cTxt)
Return FALSE
PRINT oPrn NAME "Test" TO cStampante // "Comanda_1" // PREVIEW // TO "PDFCreator" //PREVIEW
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Ms Sans Serif" SIZE 0, -12 OF oPrn