After I updates MacOs to 11.1 some functions works different. I have a GET where users can type some characters in and after typing one character (bKeyDown) I launch a functio to search in the database and the focus must be back to the GET, behind the last typed character. In MacOs I used next code that worked perfect, but with MacOs 11.1 the cursor is placed on the first position.
Code: Select all | Expand
@ nScreenHeight-55, nRowPaint GET oGetZoek VAR cZoek OF oWndMain SIZE 100, 25
oGetZoek:bKeyDown := { |nkey| IF (nKey < 127 .AND. nKey <> 13, (RK_Search(oGetZoek:GetText, nSortOrder), oGetZoek:SetFocus(), oGetZoek:SetSel(100,1)), ), IF (nKey == 13, oBrwMain:SetFocus(), ) }
It seems the SetSel() does not work anymore. Is there another solution for this.
Also, is there a way to compile the program for older OS versions. Now, when I compile the program, users can only use it if they have the same OS version. So users with MacOs 10.15 can't use my newest software anymore. I thought it had to do with the XCode version, but I use version 9.4.1 which is an older version.
Normally the programmer can set the version in XCode, but as we use the command prompt there has to be another way.