in FWH version 17.09 after calling the print procedure, windows dialog1 is borderless.
in version 20.07 the return to windows dialog1 leaves a frame.
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#include ""static oWndstatic lWnd1, oWnd1// ... static lWnd2, oWnd2Function Main() local oBar, oBar1, oBar2 lWnd1 := .F. // lWnd2 := .F. DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "test MDI" MDI DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd 3D SIZE 110, 30 2007 oBar:bClrGrad := { |lMouseOver| If( lMouseOver, CLR_BROWN, nARGB( 64, 0, 192, 0 ) ) } oBar:SetColor( CLR_BLUE ) DEFINE BUTTON oBar1 OF oBar ACTION test1() PROMPT " Dialog 1 " left DEFINE BUTTON oBar2 OF oBar ACTION test2() PROMPT " Dialog 2 " left DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar ACTION oWnd:end() PROMPT "Exit" left GROUP ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd maximized VALID MsgYesNo( "Exit ?" ) return nil//--------------------------------------------------Function ChangeParent( oDlg, oChild ) local n for n = 1 to Len( oDlg:aControls ) SetParent( oDlg:aControls[ n ]:hWnd, oChild:hWnd ) AAdd( oChild:aControls, oDlg:aControls[ n ] ) oDlg:aControls[ n ]:oWnd = oChild nextreturn nil//---------------------------------------------------static function test1() local oBrush if ! lWnd1 DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, RGB( 216, 230, 238 ), RGB( 103, 154, 194 ) } } DEFINE WINDOW oWnd1 from 0,0 to oWnd:nHeight, oWnd:nWidth pixel ; MDICHILD OF WndMain() BRUSH oBrush nosysmenu ; title "This frame exists after returning to the dialog1 test window" lWnd1 := .T. dialog1( oWnd1 ) ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd1 MAXIMIZED ON INIT oWnd1:paint() ; VALID ( oWnd1:Hide(), lWnd1 := .F., .t. ) RELEASE BRUSH oBrush else oWnd1:Maximize() oWnd1:SetFocus() endifreturn nil//------------------- Dialog1// actual this function on other fileFunction dialog1( oWnd ) local oDlg, oBrush, oFld local btnprint DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, 9815189, CLR_WHITE } } DEFINE DIALOG oDlg of oWnd size oWnd:nRight-20, oWnd:nBottom-80 TRUEPIXEL brush oBrush @ 2, 1 FOLDEREX oFld OF oDlg PIXEL ; PROMPTS "Folder 11", "Folder 12", "Folder 13", "Folder 14", "Close" ; on change ( if( nOption == 5, oWnd:end(), ) ) ; TAB HEIGHT 24 ; SIZE oDlg:nWidth, oDlg:nHeight TRANSPARENT @ 10, 5 say "This folder 11" of oFld:aDialogs[1] size 100,14 pixel transparent @ 10, 5 say "This folder 12" of oFld:aDialogs[2] size 100,14 pixel transparent @ 10, 5 say "This folder 13" of oFld:aDialogs[3] size 100,14 pixel transparent @ 10, 5 say "This folder 14" of oFld:aDialogs[4] size 100,14 pixel transparent @ 10,100 btnbmp btnprint prompt "test print" of oFld:aDialogs[1] size 100,14 pixel center adjust 2007 ; action test_print1() ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg NOWAIT CENTERED ; ON INIT ( ChangeParent( oDlg, oWnd ) ) oDlg:end()return nil//------------------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------------static function test2() msginfo( "as of Dialog1")return nil//------------------------------------------- // static function test_print1 local oPrn local oBrushRed, oBrushGrn local oFont DEFINE BRUSH oBrushRed COLOR CLR_RED DEFINE BRUSH oBrushGrn COLOR CLR_HGREEN PRINT oPrn PREVIEW DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "TAHOMA" SIZE 0,-20 OF oPrn PAGE oPrn:SayText( 300, 400, "Yellow, RedBrush", 2000, 200, oFont, nil, CLR_YELLOW, oBrushRed, "PIXEL" ) oPrn:SayText( 620, 400, "Default: nil,nil", 2000, 200, oFont, nil, nil, nil, "PIXEL" ) ENDPAGE ENDPRINT RELEASE FONT oFont RELEASE BRUSH oBrushRed, oBrushGrn return nil
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