You may need to take a look at the topics below before you can understand me.
In summary, in order to see the Turkish character set in my application, the nCharSet variable in font.prg must be 1.
In every fwh version, I compile font.prg as below and add it to my own application.
- Code: Select all Expand view
- $(OBJDIR)\font.c : $(FWDIR)\source\classes\font.prg
$(HBDIR)\bin\harbour $(FWDIR)\source\classes\font.prg /n \
/i$(FWDIR)\include;$(HBDIR)\include /d_DEFAULT_CHARSET_=1 /o$(OBJDIR)\font.c
There is line new method in font.prg from fwh\source\classes.
- Code: Select all Expand view
- #ifdef __XPP__
#undef New
DEFAULT cFaceName := "SYSTEM_FONT", nEscapement := 0, nOrientation := 0, nWeight := 0,;
nHeight := 14, lItalic := .f., lFromUser := .f., lUnderLine := .f.,;
lStrikeOut := .f., nCharSet := 0, nOutPrecision := 0,;
nClipPrecision := 0, nQuality := 0, lBold := .f., nWidth := 0,;
nPitchFamily := 0, ::nCount := 0, ::lDestroy := .t., aFonts := {}
so, I have added to font.obj to your code and compiled. Result is.