Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:47 am


Esta funcion de enviar mail, funciona con xHarbour pero con Harbout NO funciona

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FUNCTION SendMail( cServer, nPort, cFrom, aTo, aCC, aBCC, cBody, cSubject, aFiles, cUser, cPass, cPopServer, nPriority, lRead, lTrace, lPopAuth, lNoAuth, nTimeOut, cReplyTo )
   cServer    -> Necessário. Nome IP ou o domínio do servidor de email
   nPort      -> Opcional.   A porta usada pelo o meu servidor de email
   cFro       -> Necessário. Endereço de email do remetente
   aTo        -> Necessário. Seqüência de caracteres ou matriz de endereços de email para enviar o email para
   aCC        -> Opcional.   Seqüência de caracteres ou matriz de email adresses para CC (Copia do email)
   aBCC       -> Opcional.   Seqüência de caracteres ou matriz de email adresses de Cco (copia oculta do email)
   cBody      -> Opcional.   A mensagem do corpo do email como texto, ou o nome do arquivo da mensagem em HTML para enviar.
   cSubject   -> Opcional.   Assunto do email
   aFiles     -> Opcional.   Matriz/arquivos de anexos para enviar com o email
   cUser      -> Necessário. Nome de usuário para o servidor POP3
   cPass      -> Necessário. Senha para cUser
   cPopServer -> Necessário. Nome IP ou o domínio do servidor de email POP3
   nPriority  -> Opcional.   Email de prioridade: 1 = alta, 3 = Normal (padrão), 5 = baixa
   lRead      -> Opcional.   Se definido como. T., uma solicitação de confirmação é enviada. A configuração padrão é. f.
   lTrace     -> Opcional.   Se definido como. T., um arquivo de log é criado (sendmail <nNr>.log). A configuração padrão é. f.
   lPopAuth   -> Opcional.   Sinalizador para indicar que Autentication POP3 é usado. A configuração padrão é. T.
   lnoauth    -> Opcional.   Servidores de email que nao precisam de autenticacao smtp
   nTimeOut   -> Opcional.   Numero de milesimos de segundos a Aguarda o envio - Padrão é 2000(2 segundos)
   cReplyTo   -> Opcional.

   LOCAL oInMail, cBodyTemp, oUrl, oMail, oAttach, aThisFile, cFile, cFname, cFext, cData, oUrl1

   LOCAL cTmp          :=""
   LOCAL cMimeText     := ""
   LOCAL cTo           := ""
   LOCAL cCC           := ""
   LOCAL cBCC          := ""

   LOCAL lConnectPlain := .F.
   LOCAL lReturn       := .T.
   LOCAL lAuthLogin    := .F.
   LOCAL lAuthPlain    := .F.
   LOCAL lConnect      := .T.
   LOCAL oPop
   LOCAL adata:={},nCount,nSize,nSent

   DEFAULT cUser       := ""
   DEFAULT cPass       := ""
   DEFAULT nPort       := 25
   DEFAULT aFiles      := {}
   DEFAULT nPriority   := 3
   DEFAULT lRead       := .F.
   DEFAULT lTrace      := .F.
   DEFAULT lPopAuth    := .T.
   DEFAULT lNoAuth     := .F.
   DEFAULT nTimeOut    := 10000  // 20000
   DEFAULT cReplyTo    := ""

   cUser := StrTran( cUser, "@", "&at;" )

   IF !( (".htm" IN Lower( cBody ) .OR. ".html" IN Lower( cBody ) ) .AND. File(cBody) )

      IF !( Right( cBody, 2 ) == HB_OSNewLine() )
         cBody += HB_OsNewLine()


   // cTo
   IF Valtype( aTo ) == "A"
      IF Len( aTo ) > 1
         FOR EACH cTo IN aTo
            IF HB_EnumIndex() != 1
               cTmp += cTo + ","
         cTmp := Substr( cTmp, 1, Len( cTmp ) - 1 )
      cTo := aTo[ 1 ]
      IF Len( cTmp ) > 0
         cTo += "," + cTmp
      cTo := Alltrim( aTo )

   // CC (Carbon Copy)
   IF Valtype(aCC) =="A"
      IF Len(aCC) >0
         FOR EACH cTmp IN aCC
            cCC += cTmp + ","
         cCC := Substr( cCC, 1, Len( cCC ) - 1 )
   ELSEIF Valtype(aCC) =="C"
      cCC := Alltrim( aCC )

   // BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)
   IF Valtype(aBCC) =="A"
      IF Len(aBCC)>0
         FOR EACH cTmp IN aBCC
            cBCC += cTmp + ","
         cBCC := Substr( cBCC, 1, Len( cBCC ) - 1 )
   ELSEIF Valtype(aBCC) =="C"
      cBCC := Alltrim( aBCC )

   IF cPopServer != NIL .AND. lPopAuth
         oUrl1 := tUrl():New( "pop://" + cUser + ":" + cPass + "@" + cPopServer + "/" )
         oUrl1:cUserid := Strtran( cUser, "&at;", "@" )
         opop:= tIPClientPOP():New( oUrl1, lTrace )
         IF oPop:Open()
         lReturn := .F.


   IF !lReturn
      RETURN .F.

      oUrl := tUrl():New( "smtp://" + cUser + "@" + cServer + '/' + cTo )
      lReturn := .F.

   IF !lReturn
      RETURN .F.

   oUrl:nPort   := nPort
   oUrl:cUserid := Strtran( cUser, "&at;", "@" )

   oMail   := tipMail():new()
   oAttach := tipMail():new()
   oAttach:SetEncoder( "7-bit" )

   IF (".htm" IN Lower( cBody ) .OR. ".html" IN Lower( cBody ) ) .AND. File(cBody)
      cMimeText := "text/html ; charset=ISO-8859-1"
      oAttach:hHeaders[ "Content-Type" ] := cMimeText
      cBodyTemp := cBody
      cBody     := MemoRead( cBodyTemp ) + chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 )

      oMail:hHeaders[ "Content-Type" ] := "text/plain; charset=iso8851"

   oAttach:SetBody( cBody )
   oMail:Attach( oAttach )
   oUrl:cFile := cTo + If( Empty(cCC), "", "," + cCC ) + If( Empty(cBCC), "", "," + cBCC)

   oMail:hHeaders[ "Date" ] := tip_Timestamp()
   oMail:hHeaders[ "From" ] := cFrom

   IF !Empty(cCC)
      oMail:hHeaders[ "Cc" ] := cCC
   IF !Empty(cBCC)
      oMail:hHeaders[ "Bcc" ] := cBCC
   IF !Empty(cReplyTo)
      oMail:hHeaders[ "Reply-To" ] := cReplyTo

      oInmail := tIPClientSMTP():New( oUrl, lTrace)
      lReturn := .F.

   IF !lReturn
      RETURN .F.

   oInmail:nConnTimeout:= nTimeOut

   IF !lNoAuth

      IF oInMail:Opensecure()

         WHILE .T.
            IF oInMail:cReply == NIL
            ELSEIF "LOGIN" IN oInMail:cReply
               lAuthLogin := .T.
            ELSEIF "PLAIN" IN oInMail:cReply
               lAuthPlain := .T.

         IF lAuthLogin
            IF !oInMail:Auth( cUser, cPass )
               lConnect := .F.
               lConnectPlain  := .T.

         IF lAuthPlain .AND. !lConnect
            IF !oInMail:AuthPlain( cUser, cPass )
               lConnect := .F.
            IF !lConnectPlain
               lConnect := .F.
         lConnect := .F.
      lConnect := .F.

   IF !lConnect

      if !lNoAuth

         oInmail := tIPClientsmtp():New( oUrl, lTrace)
         lReturn := .F.


      IF !oInMail:Open()
         lConnect := .F.
         RETURN .F.

      WHILE .T.
         IF oInMail:cReply == NIL


   oInMail:oUrl:cUserid := cFrom
   oMail:hHeaders[ "To" ]      := cTo
   oMail:hHeaders[ "Subject" ] := cSubject

   FOR EACH aThisFile IN AFiles

      IF Valtype( aThisFile ) == "C"
         cFile := aThisFile
         cData := Memoread( cFile ) + chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 )
      ELSEIF Valtype( aThisFile ) == "A" .AND. Len( aThisFile ) >= 2
         cFile := aThisFile[ 1 ]
         cData := aThisFile[ 2 ] + chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 )
         lReturn := .F.

      oAttach := TipMail():New()

      HB_FNameSplit( cFile,, @cFname, @cFext )

      IF Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(vbd|asn|asz|asd|pqi|tsp|exe|sml|ofml)"    .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(pfr|frl|spl|gz||stk|ips|ptlk|hqx|mbd)"    .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(mfp|pot|pps|ppt|ppz|doc|n2p|bin|class)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(lha|lzh|lzx|dbf|cdx|dbt|fpt|ntx|oda)"     .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(axs|zpa|pdf|ai|eps|ps|shw|qrt|rtc|rtf)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(smp|dst|talk|tbk|vmd|vmf|wri|wid|rrf)"    .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(wis|ins|tmv|arj|asp|aabaam|aas|bcpio)"    .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(vcd|chat|cnc|coda|page|z|con|cpio|pqf)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(csh|cu|csm|dcr|dir|dxr|swa|dvi|evy|ebk)"  .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(gtar|hdf|map|phtml|php3|ica|ipx|ips|js)"  .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(latex|bin|mif|mpl|mpire|adr|wlt|nc|cdf)"  .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(npx|nsc|pgp|css|sh||shar|swf|spr|sprite)" .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(sit|sca|sv4cpio|sv4crc|tar|tcl|tex)"      .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(texinfo|texi|tlk|t|tr|roff|man|mems)"     .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(alt|che|ustar|src|xls|xlt|zip|au|snd)"    .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(es|gsm|gsd|rmf|tsi|vox|wtx|aif|aiff)"     .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(aifc|cht|dus|mid|midi|mp3|mp2|m3u|ram)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(ra|rpm|stream|rmf|vqf|vql|vqe|wav|wtx)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(mol|pdb|dwf|ivr|cod|cpi|fif|gif|ief)"     .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(jpeg|jpg|jpe|rip|svh|tiff|tif|mcf|svf)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(dwg|dxf|wi|ras|etf|fpx|fh5|fh4|fhc|dsf)"  .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(pnm|pbm|pgm|ppm|rgb|xbm|xpm|xwd|dig)"     .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(push|wan|waf||afl|mpeg|mpg|mpe|qt|mov)"   .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(viv|vivo|asf|asx|avi|movie|vgm|vgx)"      .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(xdr|vgp|vts|vtts|3dmf|3dm|qd3d|qd3)"      .OR. ;
         Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(svr|wrl|wrz|vrt)"                       .OR. Empty(cFExt)
         oAttach:SetEncoder( "base64" )
         oAttach:SetEncoder( "7-bit" )

      cMimeText := HB_SetMimeType( cFile, cFname, cFext )
      // Some EMAIL readers use Content-Type to check for filename

      IF ".html" in lower( cFext) .OR. ".htm" in lower( cFext )
         cMimeText += "; charset=ISO-8859-1"

      oAttach:hHeaders[ "Content-Type" ] := cMimeText
      // But usually, original filename is set here
      oAttach:hHeaders[ "Content-Disposition" ] := "attachment; filename=" + cFname + cFext
      oAttach:SetBody( cData )
      oMail:Attach( oAttach )


   IF lRead
      oMail:hHeaders[ "Disposition-Notification-To" ] := cUser

   IF nPriority != 3
      oMail:hHeaders[ "X-Priority" ] := Str( nPriority, 1 )

   oInmail:Write( oMail:ToString() )
/*   cData := oMail:ToString()
   nSize := Len(cData)
   for nCount := 1 to len(cData) step 1024
       aadd(aData, substr( cData,nCount,1024))
   nSent :=0
   for nCount :=1 to len(aData)
      nSent += oInmail:Write( aData[nCount],len(aData[nCount]))


RETURN lReturn


FUNCTION HB_SetMimeType( cFile, cFname, cFext )

   cFile := Lower( cFile )

   IF     cFile LIKE ".+\.vbd"                         ; RETURN "application/activexdocument="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(asn|asz|asd)"               ; RETURN "application/astound="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pqi"                         ; RETURN "application/cprplayer=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tsp"                         ; RETURN "application/dsptype="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.exe"                         ; RETURN "application/exe="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(sml|ofml)"                  ; RETURN "application/fml="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pfr"                         ; RETURN "application/font-tdpfr=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.frl"                         ; RETURN "application/freeloader=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.spl"                         ; RETURN "application/futuresplash =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.gz"                          ; RETURN "application/gzip =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.stk"                         ; RETURN "application/hstu =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ips"                         ; RETURN "application/ips="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ptlk"                        ; RETURN "application/listenup =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.hqx"                         ; RETURN "application/mac-binhex40 =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mbd"                         ; RETURN "application/mbedlet="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mfp"                         ; RETURN "application/mirage=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(pot|pps|ppt|ppz)"           ; RETURN "application/mspowerpoint =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.doc"                         ; RETURN "application/msword=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.n2p"                         ; RETURN "application/n2p="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(bin|class|lha|lzh|lzx|dbf)" ; RETURN "application/octet-stream =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.oda"                         ; RETURN "application/oda="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.axs"                         ; RETURN "application/olescript=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.zpa"                         ; RETURN "application/pcphoto="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pdf"                         ; RETURN "application/pdf="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(ai|eps|ps)"                 ; RETURN "application/postscript=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.shw"                         ; RETURN "application/presentations=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.qrt"                         ; RETURN "application/quest=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rtc"                         ; RETURN "application/rtc="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rtf"                         ; RETURN "application/rtf="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.smp"                         ; RETURN "application/studiom="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.dst"                         ; RETURN "application/tajima=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.talk"                        ; RETURN "application/talker=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tbk"                         ; RETURN "application/toolbook =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vmd"                         ; RETURN "application/vocaltec-media-desc="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vmf"                         ; RETURN "application/vocaltec-media-file="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wri"                         ; RETURN "application/write=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wid"                         ; RETURN "application/x-DemoShield =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rrf"                         ; RETURN "application/x-InstallFromTheWeb="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wis"                         ; RETURN "application/x-InstallShield="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ins"                         ; RETURN "application/x-NET-Install=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tmv"                         ; RETURN "application/x-Parable-Thing="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.arj"                         ; RETURN "application/x-arj=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.asp"                         ; RETURN "application/x-asap=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.aab"                         ; RETURN "application/x-authorware-bin =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(aam|aas)"                   ; RETURN "application/x-authorware-map =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.bcpio"                       ; RETURN "application/x-bcpio="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vcd"                         ; RETURN "application/x-cdlink =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.chat"                        ; RETURN "application/x-chat=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.cnc"                         ; RETURN "application/x-cnc=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(coda|page)"                 ; RETURN "application/x-coda=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.z"                           ; RETURN "application/x-compress=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.con"                         ; RETURN "application/x-connector="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.cpio"                        ; RETURN "application/x-cpio=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pqf"                         ; RETURN "application/x-cprplayer="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.csh"                         ; RETURN "application/x-csh=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(cu|csm)"                    ; RETURN "application/x-cu-seeme=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(dcr|dir|dxr|swa)"           ; RETURN "application/x-director=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.dvi"                         ; RETURN "application/x-dvi=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.evy"                         ; RETURN "application/x-envoy="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ebk"                         ; RETURN "application/x-expandedbook=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.gtar"                        ; RETURN "application/x-gtar=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.hdf"                         ; RETURN "application/x-hdf=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.map"                         ; RETURN "application/x-httpd-imap =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.phtml"                       ; RETURN "application/x-httpd-php="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.php3"                        ; RETURN "application/x-httpd-php3 =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ica"                         ; RETURN "application/x-ica=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ipx"                         ; RETURN "application/x-ipix=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ips"                         ; RETURN "application/x-ipscript=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.js"                          ; RETURN "application/x-javascript =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.latex"                       ; RETURN "application/x-latex="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.bin"                         ; RETURN "application/x-macbinary="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mif"                         ; RETURN "application/x-mif=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(mpl|mpire)"                 ; RETURN "application/x-mpire="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.adr"                         ; RETURN "application/x-msaddr =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wlt"                         ; RETURN "application/x-mswallet=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(nc|cdf)"                    ; RETURN "application/x-netcdf =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.npx"                         ; RETURN "application/x-netfpx =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.nsc"                         ; RETURN "application/x-nschat =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pgp"                         ; RETURN "application/x-pgp-plugin =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.css"                         ; RETURN "application/x-pointplus="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sh"                          ; RETURN "application/x-sh =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.shar"                        ; RETURN "application/x-shar=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.swf"                         ; RETURN "application/x-shockwave-flash=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.spr"                         ; RETURN "application/x-sprite =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sprite"                      ; RETURN "application/x-sprite =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sit"                         ; RETURN "application/x-stuffit=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sca"                         ; RETURN "application/x-supercard="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sv4cpio"                     ; RETURN "application/x-sv4cpio=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.sv4crc"                      ; RETURN "application/x-sv4crc =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tar"                         ; RETURN "application/x-tar=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tcl"                         ; RETURN "application/x-tcl=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tex"                         ; RETURN "application/x-tex=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(texinfo|texi)"              ; RETURN "application/x-texinfo=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tlk"                         ; RETURN "application/x-tlk=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(t|tr|roff)"                 ; RETURN "application/x-troff="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.man"                         ; RETURN "application/x-troff-man="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.me"                          ; RETURN "application/x-troff-me=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ms"                          ; RETURN "application/x-troff-ms=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.alt"                         ; RETURN "application/x-up-alert=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.che"                         ; RETURN "application/x-up-cacheop =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ustar"                       ; RETURN "application/x-ustar="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.src"                         ; RETURN "application/x-wais-source=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.xls"                         ; RETURN "application/xls="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.xlt"                         ; RETURN "application/xlt="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.zip"                         ; RETURN "application/zip="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(au|snd)"                    ; RETURN "audio/basic="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.es"                          ; RETURN "audio/echospeech =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(gsm|gsd)"                   ; RETURN "audio/gsm=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rmf"                         ; RETURN "audio/rmf=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tsi"                         ; RETURN "audio/tsplayer=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vox"                         ; RETURN "audio/voxware=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wtx"                         ; RETURN "audio/wtx=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(aif|aiff|aifc)"             ; RETURN "audio/x-aiff =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(cht|dus)"                   ; RETURN "audio/x-dspeech="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(mid|midi)"                  ; RETURN "audio/x-midi =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mp3"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-mpeg =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mp2"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-mpeg =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.m3u"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-mpegurl="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(ram|ra)"                    ; RETURN "audio/x-pn-realaudio =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rpm"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.stream"                      ; RETURN "audio/x-qt-stream=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rmf"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-rmf="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(vqf|vql)"                   ; RETURN "audio/x-twinvq=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vqe"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-twinvq-plugin=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wav"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-wav="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wtx"                         ; RETURN "audio/x-wtx="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mol"                         ; RETURN "chemical/x-mdl-molfile=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pdb"                         ; RETURN "chemical/x-pdb=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.dwf"                         ; RETURN "drawing/x-dwf=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ivr"                         ; RETURN "i-world/i-vrml=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.cod"                         ; RETURN "image/cis-cod=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.cpi"                         ; RETURN "image/cpi=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.fif"                         ; RETURN "image/fif=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.gif"                         ; RETURN "image/gif=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ief"                         ; RETURN "image/ief=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(jpeg|jpg|jpe)"              ; RETURN "image/jpeg=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rip"                         ; RETURN "image/rip=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.svh"                         ; RETURN "image/svh=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(tiff|tif)"                  ; RETURN "image/tiff=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.mcf"                         ; RETURN "image/vasa=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(svf|dwg|dxf)"               ; RETURN "image/vnd=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.wi"                          ; RETURN "image/wavelet=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ras"                         ; RETURN "image/x-cmu-raster=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.etf"                         ; RETURN "image/x-etf="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.fpx"                         ; RETURN "image/x-fpx="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(fh5|fh4|fhc)"               ; RETURN "image/x-freehand =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.dsf"                         ; RETURN "image/x-mgx-dsf="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pnm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-portable-anymap="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pbm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-portable-bitmap="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pgm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-portable-graymap =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ppm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-portable-pixmap="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rgb"                         ; RETURN "image/x-rgb="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.xbm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-xbitmap="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.xpm"                         ; RETURN "image/x-xpixmap="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.xwd"                         ; RETURN "image/x-xwindowdump="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.dig"                         ; RETURN "multipart/mixed="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.push"                        ; RETURN "multipart/x-mixed-replace=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(wan|waf)"                   ; RETURN "plugin/wanimate="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.ccs"                         ; RETURN "text/ccs =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(htm|html)"                  ; RETURN "text/html=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.pgr"                         ; RETURN "text/parsnegar-document="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.txt"                         ; RETURN "text/plain=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.rtx"                         ; RETURN "text/richtext=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.tsv"                         ; RETURN "text/tab-separated-values=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.hdml"                        ; RETURN "text/x-hdml="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.etx"                         ; RETURN "text/x-setext=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(talk|spc)"                  ; RETURN "text/x-speech=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.afl"                         ; RETURN "video/animaflex="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(mpeg|mpg|mpe)"              ; RETURN "video/mpeg=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(qt|mov)"                    ; RETURN "video/quicktime="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(viv|vivo)"                  ; RETURN "video/" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(asf|asx)"                   ; RETURN "video/x-ms-asf=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.avi"                         ; RETURN "video/x-msvideo="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.movie"                       ; RETURN "video/x-sgi-movie=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(vgm|vgx|xdr)"               ; RETURN "video/x-videogram=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vgp"                         ; RETURN "video/x-videogram-plugin =" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vts"                         ; RETURN "workbook/formulaone="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vtts"                        ; RETURN "workbook/formulaone="+cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(3dmf|3dm|qd3d|qd3)"         ; RETURN "x-world/x-3dmf=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.svr"                         ; RETURN "x-world/x-svr=" + cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.(wrl|wrz)"                   ; RETURN "x-world/x-vrml=" +cFname + cFext
   ELSEIF cFile LIKE ".+\.vrt"                         ; RETURN "x-world/x-vrt=" + cFname + cFext
RETURN "text/plain;filename=" + cFname + cFext

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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby karinha » Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:14 am

¿Te refieres a este modelo? Si es así, intente contactar al autor a través de Skype.

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:08 pm

No le gusta esto:

el "IN"

Code: Select all  Expand view
IF !( (".htm" IN Lower( cBody ) .OR. ".html" IN Lower( cBody ) ) .AND. File(cBody) )

ELSEIF "LOGIN" IN oInMail:cReply

el "LIKE"

Code: Select all  Expand view
Lower( cFile ) LIKE ".+\.(svr|wrl|wrz|vrt)"
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:41 pm

Cambia IN por $


LIKE por ==
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:18 pm


muchas gracias.... pasó....

me este error...

Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TURL' referenced from C:\DOB\DOB\CDX\COMPRASV\DEBUG\ENV-MAIL.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIPCLIENTPOP' referenced from C:\DOB\DOB\CDX\COMPRASV\DEBUG\ENV-MAIL.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIPMAIL' referenced from C:\DOB\DOB\CDX\COMPRASV\DEBUG\ENV-MAIL.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIP_TIMESTAMP' referenced from C:\DOB\DOB\CDX\COMPRASV\DEBUG\ENV-MAIL.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIPCLIENTSMTP' referenced from C:\DOB\DOB\CDX\COMPRASV\DEBUG\ENV-MAIL.OBJ

muchas gracias
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby cnavarro » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:04 pm

Añade la lib hbTip.lib
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:31 pm



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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:57 pm

muchas gracias x la ayuda...


cuando ejecuto el envio queda dando el programa y se traba, cual puede ser el problema ??


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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:33 pm


Se frena en esto:


me devuelve .F. y queda dando vuelta en esto..

Code: Select all  Expand view

         WHILE .T.
            oInMail:GetOk()                                  // ACA
            IF oInMail:cReply == NIL
            ELSEIF "LOGIN" $ oInMail:cReply
               lAuthLogin := .T.
            ELSEIF "PLAIN" $ oInMail:cReply
               lAuthPlain := .T.
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby Ariel » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:10 am


deberias ver que te devuelve :cReply

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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby jnavas » Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:17 pm

Puedes enviarme codigo fuente funciona a mi cuenta de correo
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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:03 pm

Gracias por contactarme..

Ariel... en el Alert.... no me muestra nada.... es como si vinieran en blanco... ni tampoco muestra .T. , .F. o NIL

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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:07 pm

Buenos dias

Porque esta variable :cReply devuelve en blanco o sin datos ??... este es motivo que no Responde la rutina.

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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby jvtecheto » Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:47 am

Hola amigos:

Esta funcion que adjunto, no es mia, la saque del foro, envia email correcamente solo que tienes que desactivar la opcion de google de activar el acceso a tu cuenta de aplicaciones poco seguras, entonces google te manda automaticamente correo de alerta de seguridad critica, tanto afecta a la seguridad mandar correos desde nuestra aplicacion?, hay alguna manera de modificar la funcion, para que se salte esa alerta de seguridad?

Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

la funcion.
Code: Select all  Expand view

Function SendMail()

LOCAL loCfg, loMsg, oError, isError := .F., oRep, oPrn
local cSMTP := ""
Local cPuerto := 465
Local cLogin := ""
Local cPassword := "contraseña google"
local cRemitente:= "Crispin handler"
Local cDestino := ""
Local cAsunto := "Prueba de correo"
Local cMensaje := "Probando correo desde Fivewin" + chr(10)
local cSSL := .T., cAuth := .T.
local cFichero := nil

// Control autentificación via SSL
cSSL := .T.
// Internet
loCfg := CREATEOBJECT( "CDO.Configuration" )
WITH OBJECT loCfg:Fields
   :Item( "" ):Value := cSMTP // ""
   :Item( "" ):Value := cPuerto //465
   :Item( "" ):Value := 2
   :Item( "" ):Value := cAuth //.T.
   :Item( "" ):Value := cSSL // .T.
   :Item( "" ):Value := cLogin //tu cuenta de correo de salida
   :Item( "" ):Value := cPassword //"" //con tu clave gmail. en este caso
   :Item( ""):Value := 30


loMsg := CREATEOBJECT ( "CDO.Message" )
   :Configuration := loCfg
   :From := cLogin
   :To := cDestino
   :Subject := cAsunto
   :MDNRequested := .T.
   :TextBody := cMensaje

IF isError == .F.
    MsgInfo( "Mensaje enviado correctamente", " A V I S O " )
    MsgStop("ERROR: Se ha producido un error al enviar un mensaje al buzon "+ cDestino + CRLF + CRLF + "Descripción del Error: "+oError:Description, " E R R O R ")

return nil


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Re: Funcion Enviar mail de xHabour a Habour no funciona

Postby davidbarrio » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:49 am

Muchas gracias por la sugerencia...

Quería ver si podía hacer funcionar esta rutina que estaba funcionando normalmente.

veo de seguir intentando buscar solución, sino intentaré migrar a otra función... gracias nuevamente.

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Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:56 am

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