I added 3 quick preview-buttons to Your sample. is it possible to change a treelevel on button-action ?. I mean close, show level 1 or 2 ( I used oBrw:oTree:OpenAll() for level 2 )
regards Uwe
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:33 am, edited 8 times in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
ocol:=obrow2:aCols[ 1 ] ocol:cheader:="科目代码" ocol:AddBitmap( { "tree1", "tree2", "treevh" } ) // ocol:cFooter := "GRAND TOTAL" ocol:nEditType := {||if(::ledit,1,0)} ocol:bEditValue := {||odb2:cquery:="select * from ac where acid='"+obrow2:oTreeItem:cPrompt+"'",odb2:refresh(),obrow2:oTreeItem:cPrompt} // on chang ,to refresh other columns datas
oCol:bOnPostEdit := {|o, v, n|if( n != VK_ESCAPE ,obrow2:oTreeItem:cPrompt := padr(v,nacidlen," ") ,)} ocol:bpopup:={||acc0501(,,obrow2)} // right click call popu menu // insert sub grade tree item, insert new tree item, delete tree item
ocol:bLDClickData:={||acc0502(obrow2:otreeitem),obrow2:otreeitem:Toggle(),obrow2:refresh()} //ldbl click tree // dynamic expand sub trees
TREE oTree for each aRow in aData if aRow[1] == cGrp if oItem:nLevel == 1 TREE endif TREEITEM oItem PROMPT aRow[1] + "-" + STRZERO( aRow[2], 2) ; CARGO aRow else if oItem != nil .and. oItem:nLevel > 1 ENDTREE endif cGrp := aRow[1] TREEITEM oItem PROMPT cGrp CARGO aRow endif next ENDTREE
return oTree
Hi I have a tree of two levels (MariaDb's objetc) I need to evaluate if the 2nd Level is open. If open, Then I take an action. Only when double click on 2nd Level How I do it? Thanks
Resistencia - "Ciudad de las Esculturas"
Chaco - Argentina
Hello Mr Rao I'm using a Tree and it's good I'm using the same oTree:MakeTree() that your sample but when i send oTree:CollapseAll() it collapse the app
Error occurred at: 20/11/2019, 19:37:33 Error description: Error BASE/1004 Message not found: TLINKLIST:COLLAPSEALL Args: [ 1] = O TLINKLIST
Stack Calls =========== Called from: => __ERRRT_SBASE( 0 ) Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => TLINKLIST:ERROR( 0 ) Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => (b)HBOBJECT( 0 ) Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => TLINKLIST:MSGNOTFOUND( 0 ) Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => TLINKLIST:COLLAPSEALL( 0 ) Called from: D:\Fuen32\FeHot\Source\FeH_TGes.prg => (b)TGESTION_RESERVAS( 115 )
what is wrong?
Resistencia - "Ciudad de las Esculturas"
Chaco - Argentina