For many years I have used the following call:
Local oHttp:=TIpClientHttp():new("", .F. )
Now that I am using the newest Harbour libraries, and the latest FWH ( 19.09 ), I get the following messages when making this call:
. Error description: Error BASE/1081 Operation not supported: TIPCLIENTHTTP:new()
[ 2] = C https
Stack Calls
Called from: client.prg => TIPCLIENT:NEW( 225 )
Called from: httpcli.prg => TIPCLIENTHTTP:NEW( 96 )
Opening the object is followed by creating an XML document, and then:
oHttp:Post( cXml)
cRet := oHttp:readAll( )
Looking this up on the Forum yielded a post showing that the harbour library has been "problematic" and unfixed for a long time. Is there a suggested "better way" to make this call ? I use the procedure to obtain data from a web server.
Samples of how to implement the better way would be appreciated.