Hi EMG ,
Given below same code which having the error
"Allocate failed". Please let me know where it is wrong.
When I remove ICON and put BITMAP it works fine but ICON does get displayed on Windows' Task Bar.
app.rc file
Code: Select all | Expand
ico ICON ".\.\..\ICONS\fivewin.ico"
#ifndef __64__
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest"
#ifdef __64__
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest64"
background BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\backgrnd\iosbg.bmp
AppIcon ICON app.ico
save1 10 .\icon\save1.png
save2 10 save2.png
exit1 10 exit.png
search1 10 search1.png
invoice 10 invoice.png
bottom BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\bottom.bmp
help BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\help.bmp
help3 BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\help3.bmp
new BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\new.bmp
open BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\open.bmp
copy BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\copy.bmp
prev BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\previous.bmp
next BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\next.bmp
filter BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\filter.bmp
add BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\plus.bmp
edit BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp
del BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\minus.bmp
search BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\search.bmp
impexp BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\imp_exp.bmp
index BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\index2.bmp
paste BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\paste.bmp
process BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\process.bmp
run BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\run.bmp
struct BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\setup.bmp
top BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\top.bmp
relation BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\relation.bmp
report BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\print.bmp
code BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\source.bmp
view BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\32x32\view.bmp
deleted BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\16x16\delete0.bmp
nondeleted BITMAP .\..\bitmaps\16x16\yes.bmp
command to build .RES file
Code: Select all | Expand
for %%f in (%PRJHOMEDIR%\RES\*.rc) do %BCCDIR%\bin\brc32.exe -r -I%BCCDIR%\include -I%BCCDIR%\include\windows\sdk -I%BCCDIR%\include\windows\crtl -I%BCCDIR%\include\windows\rtl %%~f