Rpreview issues - PDF

Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 08, 2019 11:53 am

image2pdf embeds images only. How does it do in such a small size?
How is MSWord doing it?
Let us not rule out.
It is just that we do not know how they are doing it.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby AntoninoP » Wed May 08, 2019 12:37 pm

I think image2pdf do the same think of my code but: without libharu and removing the redundant and unused commands, may be should be interesting compare the PDF result, almost the not binary part...
And I think that MSWord convert the EMF in word (lines, text-box) and then the word is converted in PDF (It would explain the bigger size)
obviously they are IMHO

For images, there is a support, I tried some files from http://frazmitic.free.fr/emfexplorer/downloads.htm#_Resources some works others no :) for example the tiger works :lol:

I'd be curious about the "LISTADO DE ARTICULOS" of Mastintin, can you send a emf to antonino.perricone_AT_yahoo_DOT_it ?
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby mastintin » Wed May 08, 2019 2:19 pm

mail send. :-)
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 08, 2019 2:21 pm

Mr. Antonio

Thanks for the explanation.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby hmpaquito » Wed May 08, 2019 5:10 pm

Very interesting conversation
Very interesting previous conversation http://fivetechsupport.com/forums/viewt ... 15#p212073
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby TimStone » Wed May 08, 2019 5:59 pm

I've been away from this for awhile ( traveling ) but saw the recent update to comments. As the originator of the thread I wanted to share my ultimate resolution.

I have used Img2Pdf for many years and it has been very good. However, I was not using color in any of my printouts. They are all directly coded with the tPrinter class and have worked quite well. The PDF's created with Img2Pdf were small and created quickly.

When I decided to add color, I had some problems. So I used SayText( ) instead of Say( ) method and this created problems with my older version of Img2Pdf. Those issues were improved with the newer release of that library, but some still existed. For example, the Box( ) method required enlargement or text within the box, though fine on the preview, would cut off lines in the PDF. In addition, the length of the SayText( ) would have to be defined to fit inside of any other boxes/shading or they would cut off the graphic in the PDF. Finally, I used a watermark on the document ( invoice ), using SayImage( ) and it would not display at all.

If I used the native FWH output, I did not need to make any changes to my coding, and the PDF's were perfect copies of the preview and the printed document. Although the documents were larger, they were still acceptable for emailing.

As a result of this, for invoices, which were the only documents I was using color / graphics, I have the system set to use the native FWH PDF generation, and for all of the report documents that remain simply text without graphics I continue to use the Img2Pdf.

This topic has created interest in providing the best PDF's within FWH and I will be happy to test any options that people may provide. I know people always like samples, but my invoice printout is quite detailed, and involves about 1500 lines of code, so it would be a bit difficult to "condense" into a testable size.

I look forward to the further discussions on this topic.
Tim Stone
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby AntoninoP » Thu May 09, 2019 7:22 am

If you want, I can test your emf with my code, I wrote my email some post ago
During the preview, you can find the EMF inside %temp%, you can write it in explorer address bar:
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 09, 2019 10:54 am

Now that all the experts are here, this appears to be the best place for me to learn from them.

I downloaded Mr. Antonio's emf2pdf.prg from this link:

In case this is not the final version, I would be grateful if I am directed to the final version.

This is my test program
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#include "fivewin.ch"



function Main()


   TPreview():bSaveAsPDF := { |oPreview| TestPDF( oPreview ) }


return nil

function TestPDF( oPreview )

   CreatePDF( "newtest.pdf", oPreview:oDevice:aMeta ) // emf2pdf.prg
   ShellExecute( 0, "open", "newtest.pdf" )

return nil

I added emf2pdf.prg to the link list, after making these minor modifications:
1) Commented out the function Main()
2) Added call to function GetFonts() at the beginning of the function CreatePDF(...)
3) The function CreatePDF() expects directory of emf files whereas I am passing an array of emf files. Therefore I modified this line
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    for each f in aMetas
//        hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile(f[1])
        hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile(f)

4) Got two undeclared symbols and so I added these two local variable declarations
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static proc pdf_Header(pdf,pRecord,pTable)
   local page // GNR

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static proc pdf_TextOut(page,pRecord)

These are the only changes I made.

Used "harupdf.ch" from \harbour\contrib\hbhpdf\ folder

Linked \harbour\lib\hbhpdf.lib

Linked libhpdf.lib provided to by Mr. Cristobal saying this to be the libharu.lib.

Built and executed. The pdf file generation was instantaneous.

This is my preview:
This is the pdf generated:

Looks like I am doing something wrong. I sincerely request the experts to guide me the correct way.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby AntoninoP » Thu May 09, 2019 12:54 pm

You did it wrong, emf2pdf.prg is a very old version where I tried to do the conversion in harbour, after I am passed to C++.

You must add Emf2Pdf.cpp to your project, adding the define __HARBOUR__ to c compiler (with command line -D__HARBOUR__) in this way this piece of code at end of emf2pdf.cpp will be compiled:
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#ifdef __HARBOUR__

#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbhpdf.h>

HB_FUNC(HPDF_ADDEMF) // pdf (Pointer), cEMFFIle (stringa)
    HPDF_Doc pdf = hb_HPDF_Doc_par(1);
    if (pdf == 0)
    Emf2Pdf conv(pdf);


so the code to use are (fromhttps://github.com/APerricone/emf2pdf/blob/master/FWH_Test/main.prg)
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TPreview():bSaveAsPDF := {|o| TPrinter2PDF(o:oDevice)}

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PROC TPrinter2PDF(oPrn, cFile)
   LOCAL i, oPdf := HPDF_New()
   DEFAULT cFile := cGetFile( "(*.pdf)|*.pdf|", "Select PDF File to Save",, CurDir(), .T. )
   //if !empty(oPrn:aMeta)
   //   ? oPrn:aMeta[1]
   for i:=1 to len(oPrn:aMeta)
      HPDF_ADDEMF(oPdf, oPrn:aMeta[i])
   HPDF_SaveToFile( oPdf, cFile)

edit: removed debug code from sample
Last edited by AntoninoP on Thu May 09, 2019 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 09, 2019 2:05 pm

Mr. Antonio

Thank you. I will try.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby mastintin » Thu May 09, 2019 4:55 pm

I have tried with "Microsoft Print to PDF" and it gives a great result.
This code to test ( you have to have win10 and the printer installed. )
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  TPreview():bSaveAsPDF := { |o| SaveMSPdf( o ) }

Function SaveMSPdf( oPreview )
   local cPrnName := "Microsoft Print to PDF"

      If AScan( aGetPrinters(), cPrnName ) > 0
         oPreview:SelPrinter( cPrnName )
         Msginfo( "impresora "+ cPrnName + " no encontrada" )

Return nil
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby hmpaquito » Thu May 09, 2019 5:34 pm

mastintin wrote:I have tried with "Microsoft Print to PDF" and it gives a great result.
This code to test ( you have to have win10 and the printer installed. )
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  TPreview():bSaveAsPDF := { |o| SaveMSPdf( o ) }

Function SaveMSPdf( oPreview )
   local cPrnName := "Microsoft Print to PDF"

      If AScan( aGetPrinters(), cPrnName ) > 0
         oPreview:SelPrinter( cPrnName )
         Msginfo( "impresora "+ cPrnName + " no encontrada" )

Return nil

Microsoft Print to PDF use is limited.

Only Windows 10.
How to silent mode ?
How to configure ?
How to assignt pdf full file path name ?

Limited, I think.

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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby mastintin » Thu May 09, 2019 6:11 pm

hmpaquito wrote:Microsoft Print to PDF use is limited.

Only Windows 10.
How to silent mode ?
How to configure ?
How to assignt pdf full file path name ?

Limited, I think.


Yes Correct. :-)
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Re: Rpreview issues - PDF

Postby mastintin » Sat May 11, 2019 9:03 am

AntoninoP , more code for TPrinter2PDF. RoundRect support :-)

It would be necessary to clean the code and do more intensive tests.

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void Emf2Pdf::ParseFile()
  case EMR_ROUNDRECT:          nRead += RoundRectangle(); break;


#include <math.h>

#ifndef min
   #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))

size_t Emf2Pdf::RoundRectangle()
   size_t ret = 0;
   RECTL bound;
   fread(&bound, 4, 4, f);  ret += 16;

   PRINT_DBG("  (%ix%i)-(%ix%i) \r\n", bound.right, bound.bottom, bound.left, bound.top);

   float x = bound.left * xScale;
   float r = bound.right * xScale;
   float b = currHeight - bound.bottom * yScale;
   float t = currHeight - bound.top * yScale;

   float w = (bound.right - bound.left) * xScale;
   float h = (bound.bottom - bound.top) * yScale;

   unsigned long cx;
   unsigned long cy;

   fread(&cx, 4, 1, f); ret += 4;
   fread(&cy, 4, 1, f); ret += 4;

   PRINT_DBG("  %i points\r\n", cx);
   PRINT_DBG("  %i points\r\n", cy);

   float fcx = cx *xScale;
   float fcy = cy *yScale;

    float nRound =  min( fcx, fcy ) ;

    double  nRay  ;

    float  currWidth = HPDF_Page_GetWidth( page ) ;

    if ( currWidth  > currHeight ) {
       nRay = round(min( nRound, int(h)/2 )) ;
      nRay =  round(min( nRound, int(w)/2) ) ;

      HPDF_Page_MoveTo ( page, x + nRay,  t )  ;
      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( page, r - nRay, t )  ;

      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( page, r, t, r,  t, r,  t - nRay )  ;

      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( page, r, b + nRay );

      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( page, r, b, r, b, r - nRay,  b  )  ;
      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( page, x + nRay, b )       ;
      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( page, x, b,  x, b, x, b + nRay )   ;

      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( page, x, t - nRay )    ;
      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( page, x, t,  x, t, x + nRay, t ) ;

   //  HPDF_Page_GSave(page) ;

   if (currentPen.width > 0 && currentBrush.solid)
   else if (currentPen.width > 0)
   else if (currentBrush.solid)

   return ret;

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