I have tried Easy Report to create sample Designer File. I have created 2 Area's in the sample file but the AREA's details are saved in the same file it does NOT create Area wise multiple files that is why when I ran the Report file it throws the ERROR Area01 Description not found. The Report Designer file extension is .ERD it is NOT .VRD. It seems that The Designer and the run time environment is NOT in sync. Please guide me for the same.
Also during startup many errors are popping up and also for each ERDesigner startup I have to delete *.ini files. ERD is NOT in the English. which I have already reported
Hello Shridhar, If you have the "Inv.vrd" in an other directory than you have to change key AreaFilesDir=.\XVRD\ too. These VRD files are normal INI files with an other file extension. You can change the AreaFilesDir before calling EASYREPORT oVRD NAME oApp:G_REPORT_DIR+"Inv.vrd" with WritePProString Best regards Otto
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Hello shridhar, which version of EasyReport Designer do you use. Where is it from.
We can then check if it is different from mine.
Mr Rao changed reasently from vrd.ch to #include "easyrep.ch". Maybe also file extentions change. Let us wait for Mr. Rao. But anyway this should always be an INI file. Please see vrd.prg and vrditem.prg. These are the classes for printing and they didn't change. Best regards Otto
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Hello Shridhar, can you please post your files and source for printing. Then I can compile it here and search the differences. Thank you in advance Otto
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Dear Shridhar, what you sent is a printarea file. You must have a inv.vrd file too. In this file are all the global report parameters stored. At the end you see [Areas] and here the printareas are referenced. [Areas] 1=inv.erd 2=inv.xxx
Here I always use vrd for the general file and vr1, vr2,vr3 but you can use any name.
Please check if the AreaFilesDir=.\xVrd\ is pointing to your printarea files.
Hope this helps. Please keep up - EasyReport is a very good solution for us Fivewinners. Best regards Otto
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For me ERD is creating one file for per report. I have created 4 Areas in the file and it is created one file with .ERD extension. As given below content.
Dear Shridhar, can you please tell me where you got "ERD" from. It seems to me as this is not working properly. Can I download this version some where.
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Dear Shridhar, I see the problem and make a video for you how to start with designer. we have lunch time now and I am back after lunch. Best regards Otto
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