by Otto » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:57 am
Dear Antonio
I use TRBtn as I never got TImage working.
In my copy of TRBtn I inserted DrawEllipse method and changed Paint method.
This is working for me. But now I want to switch to the newest FIVEWIN version and original FW classes evolved much.
It is difficult for me to keep up my changes.
Best regards
method paint
if ::lMOver .and. nTypeButton != 3
do case
case nTypeButton == TYPE_NORMAL
if ::lSelected
GradientFill( ::hDC, 1, 1, ::nHeight, ::nWidth - If(::lRound,2,0), eval( ::bClrGradSelectPress, ::lPressed ) )
if ::lRound = .t.
GradientFill( ::hDC, 1, 1, ::nHeight, ::nWidth - If(::lRound,2,0), eval( ::bClrGradNormal, ::lPressed ) )
::DrawEllipse( ::hDC, CLR_BLUE, 1 )
case nTypeButton == TYPE_POPUP
GradientFill( ::hDC, 1,1, ::nHeight, ::nWidth - 2, ::aClrGradBack )
METHOD DrawEllipse( hDC, nRGBColor, n ) CLASS TRBtn
local hOldBrush := SelectObject( hDC, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ) )
local hPen := CreatePen( hDC, 1, nRGBColor )
DEFAULT n := -1
Ellipse( hDC, n, n, ::nWidth - 1 , ::nHeight - 1 , hPen )
SelectObject( ::hDC, hOldBrush )
DeleteObject( hPen )
return nil
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