June 2018
- Now it is possible to toggle between lSeekBar and lGetBar
at runtime.
- Popup position now takes in consideration columns indent value.
- New Data lRowBox init .f.: If set to .t., box is drawn around the
selected row with :nColorBox or black color.
- Fix: When an image is pasted into xbrowse, the bitmap handle
is not released. Fixed.
- Fix: When :lColChangeNotify is set to .t. in fastedit mode, when the
focus moves right to next visible cell, :bChange is not triggered. Fixed.
- AutoReconnect: Important improvement: After losing connection due
to time-out or loss of physical connection with the server, use of
connection object automatically reconnects with the server, if the
physical connection is restored by that time. After such an auto-
reconnection, some settings like multi-statement, message languge,
time language, etc were being reset resulting in unexpected behavior.
Now all such settings are properly restored.
- It is now possible to create FWMaria connection from dolphin connection
object, without providing server information again
Eg: oCn := maria_Connect( oServer )
- XBrowse method SetTree( nCols, [aBmps] ) now works with RowSets also.
- Fix: Rare bug in method CreateTable() when some collations are used for
individual columns.
- method CopyTable() updates the destination table if exists and creates
new table otherwise. Some minor fixes.
- New method in FWMariaRowSet:
NetChanged( [nRec], [@lDeleted] ) --> lChanged
Checks if the record nRec (default current record) is changed by
another user on the network after read and also refreshes the record
with current changes. If the record was deleted by other user,
lDeleted also set to .t. and the record pointer moves to next record.
Note: This method works only if the rowset contains a primary key and
if not does nothing.
- Enhancement to method EditBaseRecord(...)
Added optional new 5th param, lLock (default .f.)
Revised syntax:
EditBaseRecord( [cFieldList], [lNew], [bEdit], [oBrw], [lLock] )
If lLock is set to true, the row is locked for edit and lock is released
after edit.
- The issue raised in the forum
- oRs:SetFilter(): When the expression uses like 'abc def%' containing a
space, it is not working. Now it works.
* EDITVARS translate was showing error when used with non-English
languages. Fixed.
* Enhancement: function Execute() no longer generates a comp.log file and it
generates runtime errors now that thw FWH error system catch.
* MULTIGET: It was not possible to directly use a variable with length
exceeding 32K while creating the Get on a Window. It was necessary to
use a variable with shorter length and later set the variable with full
length in the ON INIT clause of the window. Now this workaround is not
necessary. Variable with any length can be directly used while creating
the Get.
- Fix: Symbol images are not painted in gray when disabled. Fixed.
* TDataRow: When used with Hash, changes made are not saved to hash.
* New readonly data lChanged in all controls:
Get, MultiGet, Edit, combobox, combometro, listbox, radmenu, dtpicker,
tmpicker, dbcombo, richedit, richedit5, tswitch
The data indicates if the user modified the original data.
* TDatabase: When the database object variable is set to nil or loses
focus, the alias is closed. Now this behaviour is restricted to cases
where the alias is opened while creating the object and does not apply
to alias opened before creating the object. eg: