RichType Print

RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue May 09, 2017 6:24 pm

To All

I am trying to print a RichType letter saved as a variable cRtf ... I know I can use the Print and Preview methods, however, I am adding a stored custom masthead to my RichText. I am struggling to be able to insert richtext after the image .. I can print the image, but trying to adapt The RichText Print method is not working ..

What I am trying to do is print the Custom MastHead then print the RichText after the image .. here is my code ..
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Static Func _LetterPrint( cRtf, oRsLetter )

Local oPrint,nRowStep,nColStep,nMargin,Line,nPage
Local cPicFileName,cDefa,lPicFileName,oImg
Local nTopR,nTopL,nBotR,nBotL
Local nLinCnt,x,cText
Local oFontB,aMargins,nPrint

aMargins := PageGetMargins()
cDefa := set(7)

lPicFileName := .t.
If empty( oRsLetter:Fields("PicFileName"):Value) .or.;
   oRsLetter:Fields("PicFileName"):Value = " "
   lPicFileName := .f.
   cPicFileName := oRsLetter:Fields("PicFileName"):Value

PRINTER oPRINT FROM USER                ;
PREVIEW MODAL                           ;
NAME "Print Routine for TEST LETTER"

   MsgInfo ( "Report Cancelled" )

nRowStep := oPrint:nVertRes() / 55      // pixel per line = 57.65 @ 55
nColStep := oPrint:nHorzRes() /130      // columns


nMargin := Int(oPrint:nLogPixelX()*0.2)
LINE    := nMargin
nPage   := 1

oFontB  := TFont():New("Ms Sans Serif",,-6,.F.,.T. ,,,,.F. ) // just used for spacing

If lPicFileName = .t.

   cPicFileName := cDefa+"\MastHead\"+alltrim(cPicFileName)

   nTopR  := 0
   nTopL  := 100
   nBotR  := oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9375 // 4500
   nBotL  := oPrint:nVertRes()*.1563 // 1000

   oPrint:SayImage( nTopR, nTopL, oImg, nBotR,nBotL )

   // calc for cRtf text to start
   Line := (oPrint:nVertRes()*.1570)  // 5331
   msginfo( Line )


/* ... this is rem'd out and does not work properly
 // Print letter text            123 - 100
*nLinCnt := MlCount( cRtf, 110 )

*msginfo( "
nLinCnt" )
*msginfo( nLinCnt )

*IF nLinCnt > 0
*   FOR x := 1 to nLinCnt
*      cText := MemoLine( cRtf, 110, x )
*       oPrint:Say( LINE,(oPrint:nHorzRes()*.07), cText ) //, oFont10b )  // 200
*      Line += oFontb:nHeight
*       Line += oFontb:nHeight
*      Line += oFontb:nHeight
*       Line += oFontb:nHeight
*       Line += oFontb:nHeight
*   NEXT

aMargins := PageGetMargins()

nPrint := 0
*nLen   := ::Len()

*msginfo( nLen )

nLen := 1

AEval( aMargins, { | x, y | aMargins[ y ] := x * 1440 / 2540 } )

*      do while nPrint < nLen
*         PAGE
            nPrint := REPreview5( ::hWnd, oPrint:hDC, oPrint:hDCOut, aMargins, nPrint )  // obvious self error
*         ENDPAGE
*      enddo




Any Ideas ... I get the Image to print ( a masthead logo ) but I cannot figure out how to print cRtf out and preserve the formatting and text. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Tue May 09, 2017 8:09 pm

Insert image before into cRtf and try
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed May 10, 2017 4:09 pm


Your idea is sound .. I have manually cut and pasted a .png image into my richtext with no problem ..


Unfortunitly when I save the file back to the Access Memo field .. the image does not save .. just the text .. here is my code:
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REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn1 ID 111 of oUSERS   ;     // ok
         RESOURCE "OK", "DOK", "DOK" ;
         PROMPT "&Ok" LEFT 2007;
         ACTION ( lOk := .t.,;
                  If( lOk = .t., (cLetter := oRtf:GetText(),;
                                  oRsLetter:Fields("Body"):Value := cLetter,;
                                  oRsLetter:Update()),  ),;
                  If( lOk = .t., oUSERS:END(),)  )

Is there another method to save Image and text to an Access Memo type Field ?

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Wed May 10, 2017 4:16 pm

Rick, please use METHOD INsertPictureFile or any METHOD Insert..... of Class
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed May 10, 2017 4:20 pm


I am going to tackle the insert picture in code later .. as a test I cut and pasted manually the test .. I just want to save the entire cRtf ( with image ) to the Access Memo type .. ..

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Wed May 10, 2017 8:27 pm

Rick, try with

after paste image

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cLetter := oRtf:SaveAsRTF()
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed May 10, 2017 9:03 pm


I got a very unexpected result to this code ..
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#include ""

 REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn1 ID 111 of oUSERS   ;     // ok
         RESOURCE "OK", "DOK", "DOK" ;
         PROMPT "&Ok" LEFT 2007;
         ACTION ( lOk := .t.,;
                  If( lOk = .t., (cLetter := oRtf:SaveAsRTF(),oRsLetter:Fields("Body"):Value := cLetter,;
                                  oRsLetter:Update(),msginfo( cLetter )),  ),;
                  If( lOk = .t., oUSERS:END(),)  )


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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Thu May 11, 2017 1:59 am


I do not understand well your message
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu May 11, 2017 2:00 pm


Using cLetter := oRtf:SaveAsRTF() ... then interrogating cLetter you get the output above with all the rtf encoding visible in the output.

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Thu May 11, 2017 5:16 pm

Rick Lipkin wrote:Cristobal

Using cLetter := oRtf:SaveAsRTF() ... then interrogating cLetter you get the output above with all the rtf encoding visible in the output.

Rick Lipkin

Then, I do not understand well your goal

If you save this code, you save text, format and any object included, no?
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu May 11, 2017 5:25 pm


When you save the variable .. it looks like what you see above .. when you retrieve the value of the memo field as a variable .. it looks exactly the same with all the formatting ( garbage ) .. add an image .. and all you see is trash for the image and formatting garbage for the text ..

I am at a loss .. it seems like RichText is meant to be saved to a file to work properly .. not saved to any type of Memo field .. be it Access or Sql Server.

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Thu May 11, 2017 5:28 pm

Then, you only Do you want to save the text, nothing else?
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu May 11, 2017 5:34 pm


As Created :

As retrieved :

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Re: RichType Print

Postby cnavarro » Thu May 11, 2017 5:41 pm


oRTF:SaveAsRTF(), return all code RichEdit
oRTF:GetText(), return text

Sorry, I do not understand what you need
What do you want to save to the database?
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: RichType Print

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu May 11, 2017 5:54 pm


I want to create a RTF letter with an Image .. cLetter .. then save the letter to the database .. then re-call the Letter again from the database .. here is the code:
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       TITLE cTITLE              ;

       REDEFINE SAY oSay1 ID 125 OF oUsers UPDATE     // double click
       oSay1:SetFont( oFontB )

       REDEFINE SAY oSay2 ID 126 OF oUsers UPDATE     // double click
       oSay2:SetFont( oFontB )
       oSay2:SetColor( nRgb(7,7,224)) // blue

       IF cMODE = "E" .or. cMode = "A"

          REDEFINE RICHEDIT5 oRtf VAR cRtf ID 130 of oUSERS //UPDATE

       ELSE     // view

          oRtf:SetReadOnly( .T. )


       oRtf:SetText( cRtf )
       oRtf:bGotFocus = { || oRtf:SetSel( 0, 0 ) }

       REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn1 ID 111 of oUSERS   ;     // save to table
         RESOURCE "OK", "DOK", "DOK" ;
         PROMPT "&Ok" LEFT 2007;
         ACTION ( lOk := .t.,;
                  If( lOk = .t., (cLetter := oRtf:SaveAsRTF(),oRsLetter:Fields("Body"):Value := cLetter,;  // <---  save to access memo field
                                  oRsLetter:Update()),  ),;
                  If( lOk = .t., oUSERS:END(),)  )

       REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn2 ID 112 of oUSERS   ;    // cancel
         PROMPT "&Cancel" LEFT 2007;
         ACTION (lOk := .f., oUSERS:END())

       REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn3 ID 113 of oUSERS   ;    // test print
         RESOURCE "PRINT25" ;
         PROMPT "Test"+CRLF+"Print" LEFT 2007;
         ACTION ( oRtf:Preview( cRtf ) )

         oUsers:bResized = { | nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight | ResizeControls( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight, oUsers )}

     ON INIT ( oUsers:Move(100,250) );
     ON PAINT ( GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, oUsers:nHeight, oUsers:nWidth, xGrad, .T. ));     // note GradientFill
     VALID (!GETKEYSTATE( 27 )) ;  // do not allow esc key here

If cMode = "V"
   cLetter := cOldMemo

If lOk = .t.
   nLen  := Len( cLetter )

   Do Case
   Case nLen = 0
        cRtPrompt := "Create Letter"
   Case nLen > 0
        cRtPrompt := "View Letter"
   End Case

   oButt3:cCAPTION := cRtPrompt
   * oBtn3:SetColor( "R+/W*" )



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Rick Lipkin
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